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[SPOILERS] Woden and ljubljana like boats

I am not sure what is going on here with the resources, might be a bug. Here is how I always understood it:

That's what my understanding was too. Maybe CivWiki is missing something here... Wouldn't be the first time.

(January 8th, 2022, 00:59)ljubljana Wrote: That's what my understanding was too. Maybe CivWiki is missing something here... Wouldn't be the first time.

Or they changed it in one of the last patches.

Think I might sacrificially move this guy onto the other campus to try to buy us another turn before it gets pillaged. Then I can move the promoted corps there next turn. But stop me if you think that's wasteful and I'll hold back.

Thoughts on dropping something for Logistics? 34 gold is pricey, as is losing Press Gangs. It could let me set up a triangle on the campus/horse/lumbermill a bit faster though (which is my medium-term goal) and might enable a Cossack snipe on future turns depending on what he does. But idk if that's as impactful as 34 gpt, probably not.

What is going to be more useful, gold or good defense? I would go with better defense as long as you have positive income. Nine turns is only ~300 gold. Probably worth it if we can stop him and mabe prevent him from getting more gold.

Edit: I am signing off for the evening, good luck!

Right, and all we need to do is stop one pillage and we will have come out roughly even in terms of net gold relative to their team. Switching to these policies...

...oh yeah and Turn 196 - Phoenicia, as though I haven't all-but abandoned the pretense of doing my reports in just one post...

edit: Good night! All I have left to do is cautiously advance towards TCD.

Here we go again:

Too late to matter most likely, thank goodness.

Here is what I did in Australia, in an attempt to minimize the number of fogged tiles I was exposed to:

I belatedly realized I could have been one tile further back thanks to Logistics and still been in range of TCD (note 2/9 movement on the Dreadnought). That would have left one frigate out of formation in the NE but it would have been the right call, I just didn't notice in time and had moved too many units to adjust on the fly. Let's see if that incredibly tiny mistake totally derails our game... There would need to be, I think, 6 privateers in the two closest rings of fog tiles in addition to the one visible for that to happen, but if they break into this deploy and pop the GA we're pretty screwed.

Next turn we can scout west with your destroyers to finally be safe from privateer sneak attacks here. Then I can pillage TCD harbor and start on the walls. Maybe if you can kill the Cossack you can start moving that zerk in the general direction of the campus too, replacing it with the Illmatic cannon since Rodeo has a worse loyalty situation. Idk, worth thinking about if Illmatic wouldn't go negative at least.

Looks like no fast turn today, which normally would make me nervous that our proverbial goose is about to get baked and turned into delicious pie. But he also hasn't posted and I haven't seen him online, so more likely it doesn't mean anything...

Williams482 rarely plays in the evenings (US time). I think he is on the east coast (EST) and his preferred play window seems to be mornings and early afternoons (US time) (might work nights, IDK). When I saw Kaiser past the turn later than usual, I didn't expect a turn today.

Turn 196-Vikigs start
Open the save and we still have a navy...

He went for upgrades and (W)Odin.  He has Victor at Asahi and is making his destroyers 124 vs 110 (me) with +4 support. I think our play here will be to sail defensively along China's coast to drawn him out of range of Asahi...or take Izumrud and plug the gap and slowly work on each others navy. 

Over by Australia...

Not much new here. I am thinking of sending the destroyer west to check out the narrows and pillage some with the ironclads in the south. The northern ironclad will join the destroyers and make his way south. You should be good to attack College Dropout. I also don't know what happened to the 2 caravels in the city. I guess my 1-promoted IFC does look damaged (did he suicide them?) but no notification that it was attacked.

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