Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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PB59 Statistics

T100 Island 5

Players on this island were Lazteuq S1, GKC S2, Ramkhamhaeng S3, Mjmd S4, Charriu S5

First of all the city count:
  1. GKC S2 (IMP) = 11
  2. Lazteuq S1 = 10
  3. Charriu S5 = 8
  4. Mjmd S4 = 8
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 (IMP) = 7
Next up the pop count as of T100.
  1. Lazteuq S1 = 49
  2. GKC S2 = 44
  3. Charriu S5 = 32
  4. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 30
  5. Mjmd S4 = 23
Keep in mind that Mjmd and Ramkhamhaeng were engaged in bitter conflict that in the end dragged down both of them.
As you know I'm also tracking Gold and Science output in addition to Total Commerce. Gold and Total Commerce statistics are still close, so I won't bother to post about each individually. You will see all the numbers later in my result screenshot. I opted to post the science current turn numbers here with the total commerce numbers in parenthesis for comparison.
  1. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 159 (129)
  2. GKC S2 (ORG) = 148 (130)
  3. Charriu S5 = 93 (92)
  4. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 91 (75)
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 90 (83)
Once again we can see with Lazteuq that modifiers and specialist can provide a good chunk of science. We can also see that Mjmd and Ramkhamhaeng are held back due to conflict. For a complete picture we need to look at the current maintenance costs too:
  1. Charriu S5 = 53
  2. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 64
  3. GKC S2 (ORG) = 67
  4. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 66
  5. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 82
I was surprised to see Charriu lower then Mjmd, who both were on 8 cities. The answer to that lies in the huge unit maintenance Mjmd was paying (32).
To get a better grasp of the actual economic potential we now take the delta of our gold and maintenance
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 63
  2. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 47
  3. Charriu S5 = 40
  4. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 17
  5. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 11
GKC is building up a sizeable lead. But these are only the current turn numbers. We should also look at the accumulated numbers. Like the current turn numbers the gold and total commerce numbers are still close together, which is why I opt to show only the science with total commerce in parenthesis again.
  1. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 4299 (3907)
  2. GKC S2 (ORG) = 4106 (3909)
  3. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 3843 (3436)
  4. Charriu S5 = 3318 (3217)
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 2919 (2812)
Mjmd was actually running a very good economy, but as we have seen by the current turn numbers, the conflict destroyed all of that. But once again we need to set these numbers into perspective with the maintenance cost:
  1. Charriu S5 = 1145
  2. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 1148
  3. GKC S2 (ORG) = 1427
  4. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 1905
  5. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 2001
We rarely see an ORG player that low in this category. The main reason as with the current turn numbers was unit maintenance of Mjmd (510) but also city maintenance (1114) as he was briefly up to 12 cities. Once again we take the delta of gold and maintenance for a full picture:
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 2482
  2. Charriu S5 = 2078
  3. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 1906
  4. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 1531
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 1664
GKC is staying in the lead. Lazteuq is bound to gain up on the others according to his current turn numbers.

Financial Bonus

As a disclaimer just as last time, here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a river cottage tile you normally gain 2 commerce and 3 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. Keep in mind that this is the first time we played with the new lighthouse nerf towards FIN. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implemenation for comparison.

Looking at the current turn numbers first:
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 22
  2. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 21
  3. Charriu S5 = 17
  4. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 9
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 9
Once again we see the results of a war of attrition. Let's see if the same holds true in the cumulative numbers.

Here the accumulated numbers:
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 278
  2. Charriu S5 = 250
  3. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 203
  4. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 197
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 134
I think this was the only continent without a FIN player. Regular readers know that I also compare these numbers to the BtS implementation. Again the current turn numbers. I've also put the delta between CtH and BtS in parenthesis:
  1. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 49 (28)
  2. GKC S2 (ORG) = 29 (7)
  3. Charriu S5 = 21 (4)
  4. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 19 (10)
  5. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 14 (5)
I'm sure you are wondering what is up with Lazteuq there. Well he ran serfdom in T100 and these numbers represent that turn. Under BtS all farms on a river have 2 commerce therefore gaining an extra commerce, which explains his increase there. Sneaky way to increase your rating here, Lazteuq. wink
Let's turn to the accumulated numbers now. Again these are the BtS numbers with the difference towards CtH in parenthesis and the effectiveness of my nerf in percent.
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 690 (412) -59.71%
  2. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 684 (487) -71.20%
  3. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 672 (469) -69.79%
  4. Charriu S5 = 602 (352) -58.47%
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 411 (277) -67.40%
We see a similar pattern as with the following PBs after PB59. The lightnouse nerf has a huge impact right around this T100 mark. I expect that the reduction in percentage goes down by T150.

Now you might wonder, how this turned out without the lighthouse nerf. Thankfully I still tracked the non-lighthouse nerf variant, which looked like this (accumulated) with the reduction in percentage.
  1. GKC S2 (ORG) = 475 -31.16%
  2. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 465 -30.80%
  3. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 398 -41.81%
  4. Charriu S5 = 387 -35.71%
  5. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 256 -37.71%
Keep in mind nobody on here was FIN and therefore incentivized to build the lighthouse sooner

Protective Bonus

Here are the current turn numbers:
  1. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 2
  2. GKC S2 (ORG) = 0
  3. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 0
  4. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 0
  5. Charriu S5 = 0
We see that PRO already shrinked to almost nothing. PRO was always destined to be economically inferior on this large map with so many foreign trade routes available. I'm a bit surprised about the higher number for Ichabod. Let's go the accumulated numbers for a complete picture:
  1. Lazteuq S1 (AGG) = 221
  2. Ramkhamhaeng S3 = 178
  3. Mjmd S4 (ORG) = 178
  4. GKC S2 (ORG) = 175
  5. Charriu S5 = 165
I expect these numbers more or less stay that way even for the late game. That doesn't mean that we need to buff PRO. We don't regularly play on these large maps. A lot of things are different when you play with so many players like for example the usefulness of Mercantilism on this map.


I'm tracking a lot more but there is not enough information there to justify an own paragraph. Therefore a little summary here:
  • AGG is still in a firm 4th place, but I expect it to overtake PRO on this map
  • Everybody loves running slavery. (The terrible things civ makes you write  lol )
  • Everybody? No, not everybody. Lazteuq ran 1 turn of serfdom in T100 smile
  • Charriu built Temple of Artemis in T95
  • Forgot to mention this last time but Ramkhamhaeng built the Oracle in T50.
  • You might also remember that Ramkhamhaeng was late to slavery. He switched into it T56
  • Mjmd generated a scientist and Ramkhamhaeng a prophet

Comparing traits

The main goal of all this tracking of course is to compare the economic traits related around commerce income or maintenance reduction. So let's do this:

Not that much can be said about the traits that we didn't already know from future PBs

  1. ORG is taking a firm grip on 1st place as with other PBs around T100, but FIN is close by
  2. The rest is mostly as expected with FIN->PRO->AGG
  3. Also take note of the unusual high AGG number for civac and still AGG is in 4th.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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T100 FIN report

Because I split up the reports into 5 I wanted to give a brief look at the impact of the lighthouse-nerf. As I have stated in the reports the FIN numbers for the non-FIN players are less useful as only the FIN players have the incentive to build the lighthouse sooner (as do ORG players). Therefore and because we have a lot of players on the same map, it is worthwhile to look at the numbers again but this time from all players. I'm specifically interested in the reduction in percentage of the accumulated values. So here are all the FIN leaders at first. I've also put the reduction from the non-lighthouse-nerf version in parenthesis.
  1. Miguelito (FIN) = -46.62% (-35.34%)
  2. Frozen (FIN) = -46.34% (-31.25%)
  3. Tarkeel (FIN) = -58.29% (-39.10%)
  4. Mr. Cairo (FIN) = -73.16% (-50.70%)
  5. Piccadilly (FIN) = -73.28% (-52.56%)
Now remember that Tarkeel and Mr. Cairo have slightly misplayed FIN and Piccadilly was conquering another player during those turns, which can mess with the numbers. Next up I wanted to look at all the ORG players with the same data:
  1. Amicalola (ORG) = -50.28% (-27.89%)
  2. Ichabod (ORG) = -55.34% (-29.29%)
  3. GKC (ORG) = -59.71% (-31.16%)
  4. Commandore (ORG) = -59.95% (-35.49%)
  5. joshybravo (ORG) = -64.00% (-41.03%)
  6. Mjmd (ORG) = -69.79% (-30.80%)
It looks like the ORG players overall built lighthouses later then the better FIN players if not by much. Now let's turn to all the rest.
  1. naufrager = -47.69% (-34.92%)
  2. The Black Sword = -56.04% (-24.31%)
  3. civac = -57.41% (-41.65%)
  4. Charriu = -58.47% (-35.71%)
  5. Jowy = -61.67% (-60.00%)
  6. Automated Teller = -66.26% (-38.59%)
  7. mackoti = -66.21% (-40.18%)
  8. Ramkhamhaeng = -67.40% (-37.71%)
  9. Elkad = -68.15% (-29.72%)
  10. Cornflakes = -70.45% (-51.80%)
  11. Lazteuq = -71.20% (-41.81%)
  12. pindicator = -71.61% (-39.47%)
  13. Superdeath = -78.34% (-59.67%)
  14. Donovan Zoi = -81.72% (-32.66%)
It's interesting to see those numbers so close to the ORG players which implies that players still value the lighthouse higher even without ORG. The important thing for FIN though is that with the exception of 1 player (naufrager) everybody else was later to lighthouses then the better FIN players. I've also looked at the following PBs and feel safe to say that for a good FIN player the reduction is expected to be around 45%-50% everything above 60% seems to be a bad play at FIN.
That means the impact of the lighthouse-nerf is visible but less severe then those non-FIN players make it look mainly because of the higher incentive for FIN players.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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T150 report

This report will no longer include data from Jowy I3S2, Mr. Cairo I2S3, Automated Teller I4S4, pindicator I2S5, Donovan Zoi I4S5, joshybravo I1S5, mainly to make the report readable.

General state of the game

The following wonders were built in the last 50 turns:
  • Charriu = Hinduist Shrine T111
  • Superdeath = Buddhist Shrine T112
  • Amicalola = The Great Library T116
  • Cornflakes = Parthenon T119
  • Cornflakes = Apostolic Palace T126
  • Cornflakes = Statue of Zeus T127
  • Cornflakes = Sistine Chapel T132
  • Charriu = Hagia Sophia T136
  • Elkad = Chichen Itza T141
  • Charriu = Spiral Minaret T142
  • Miguelito = Taj Mahal T146

First of all the city count:
  1. civac I4S3 = 35
  2. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 33
  3. Amicalola I2S4 = 32
  4. Miguelito I4S1 = 31
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 = 30
  6. The Black Sword I1S4 (IMP) = 26
  7. Ichabod I3S5 = 19
  8. naufragar I2S1 (IMP) = 18
  9. Commodore I1S3 = 17
  10. Tarkeel I1S2 = 16
  11. Cornflakes I3S1 = 16
  12. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 16
  13. Mjmd I5S4= 15
  14. GKC I5S2 (IMP) = 15
  15. Superdeath I1S1 (IMP) = 15
  16. Charriu I5S5 = 13
  17. Lazteuq I5S1 = 12
  18. Elkad I4S2 = 9
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 (IMP) = 6
We can see that there are 3 more or less distinct groups. 6 players with a larger empire, followed by a bunch of middle-sized empires and then 4 rather small empires. Next up the pop count as of T150.
  1. civac I4S3 = 225
  2. Miguelito I4S1 = 214
  3. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 194
  4. Piccadilly I3S3 = 180
  5. Amicalola I2S4 = 169
  6. Ichabod I3S5 = 160
  7. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 160
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 (IMP) = 159
  9. naufragar I2S1 (IMP) = 134
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 = 133
  11. Tarkeel I1S2 = 130
  12. Cornflakes I3S1 = 123
  13. Charriu I5S5 = 103
  14. GKC I5S2 (IMP) = 101
  15. Commodore I1S3 = 80
  16. Elkad I4S2 = 80
  17. Mjmd I5S4= 65
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (IMP) = 42
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 (IMP) = 28
Quiet a lot of the middle empires are actually closer to the large empires at least in pop count. Commodore and Superdeath, who both fought The Black Sword to the end, have combined pop even lower then The Black Sword. We also see how devastating the war between Mjmd and Ramkhamhaeng was with both of them low on the list. I think Elkad was also already be eaten alive by his bigger neighbors Miguelito and civac.
As you know I'm also tracking Gold and Science output in addition to Total Commerce. Gold and Science statistics are still close, so I won't bother to post about each individually. You will see all the numbers later in my result screenshot. I opted to post the science current turn numbers first with the total commerce numbers in parenthesis for comparison.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1411 (1156)
  2. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 1071 (776)
  3. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1064 (746)
  4. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 1047 (816)
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 1007 (865)
  6. The Black Sword I1S4 = 997 (791)
  7. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 890 (808)
  8. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 814 (722)
  9. naufragar I2S1 = 657 (532)
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 614 (491)
  11. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 590 (457)
  12. Cornflakes I3S1 = 523 (393)
  13. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 445 (372)
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 442 (383)
  15. Charriu I5S5 = 421 (331)
  16. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 347 (297)
  17. Elkad I4S2 = 273 (194)
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 266 (225)
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 97 (81)
There's quiet a lot in here. Note how Frozen and Ichabod secured themseves a TOP3 place thanks to modifiers, specialists and similar stuff and we also know that those two did not have a large empire. We can also see that Miguelito has a very sizable lead in science with 400 beakers more then the next one, also thanks to modifiers and co.
Next up I want to look at the similar numbers but instead of science we look at gold with total commerce in parenthesis
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1274 (1156)
  2. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 934 (865)
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 920 (776)
  4. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 869 (808)
  5. The Black Sword I1S4 = 866 (791)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 857 (816)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 846 (746)
  8. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 741 (722)
  9. naufragar I2S1 = 567 (532)
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 526 (331)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 524 (491)
  12. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 484 (457)
  13. Cornflakes I3S1 = 418 (393)
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 390 (383)
  15. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 361 (372)
  16. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 308 (225)
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 297 (297)
  18. Elkad I4S2 = 245 (194)
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 86 (81)
Overall the gold numbers are lower as the science numbers with two notable exceptions. Both Superdeath and Charriu made more gold then science thanks to their shrines. But other then that the modifiers and specialist brought in a lot less compared to science or better phrased were used less then science ones. Now keep those gold numbers in mind as they will be more useful in a short while. First though we take a look at look at the current maintenance costs:
  1. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 74
  2. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 116
  3. Elkad I4S2 = 122
  4. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 163
  5. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 166
  6. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 173
  7. Charriu I5S5 = 192
  8. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 196
  9. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 202
  10. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 227
  11. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 241
  12. naufragar I2S1 = 243
  13. Cornflakes I3S1 = 256
  14. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 334
  15. The Black Sword I1S4 = 445
  16. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 446
  17. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 519
  18. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 544
  19. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 554
Wanna know how strong ORG is? Look at Amicalola, who is not that far away from Cornflakes, but has double the amount of cities then Cornflakes. Amicalola is paying 100 gold less in maintenance compared to the other 6 large empires. Digging more into the numbers I could also determine from espionage that Ichabod, Frozen, mackoti, GKC, civac, Amicalola, Tarkeel all invested more and more into courthouses. This shouldn't wonder anybody as most of them are ORG or Sumerians. To get a better grasp of the actual economic potential we now take the delta of our gold and maintenance
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 730
  2. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 679
  3. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 619
  4. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 488
  5. The Black Sword I1S4 = 421
  6. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 407
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 338
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 358
  9. Charriu I5S5 = 334
  10. naufragar I2S1 = 324
  11. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 315
  12. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 245
  13. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 288
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 188
  15. Cornflakes I3S1 = 162
  16. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 135
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 134
  18. Elkad I4S2 = 123
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 12
We see the return of Frozen and Ichabod to the TOP3. We also see that civac has fallen a lot behind his fellow larger empire owners.
But these are only the current turn numbers. We should also look at the accumulated numbers. First we look at the science with total commerce in parenthesis again.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 40725 (34893)
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 37716 (34254)
  3. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 36158 (26946)
  4. The Black Sword I1S4 = 35361 (29366)
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 34887 (30097)
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 29732 (23708)
  7. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 28909 (26900)
  8. naufragar I2S1 = 28835 (24339)
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 27453 (25324)
  10. Cornflakes I3S1 = 26477 (20519)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 22117 (18481)
  12. Elkad I4S2 = 21682 (16409)
  13. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 20469 (17161)
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 20167 (17595)
  15. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 17244 (15243)
  16. Charriu I5S5 = 16918 (13977)
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 15406 (13330)
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 14882 (12661)
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 9798 (8765)
It's interesting to see Piccadilly and Amicalola so far behind their fellow large empires in science. Especially when the former made an attempt at space race. Just shows that you should never give up early. Just like before we return to similar numbers but this time gold and total commerce:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 37101 (34893)
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 35265 (34254)
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 33766 (30097)
  4. The Black Sword I1S4 = 30907 (29366)
  5. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 27920 (26946)
  6. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 27711 (26900)
  7. naufragar I2S1 = 25390 (24339)
  8. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 25297 (23708)
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 24329 (25324)
  10. Cornflakes I3S1 = 21730 (20519)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 20227 (18481)
  12. Elkad I4S2 = 19940 (16409)
  13. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 18011 (17161)
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 17313 (17595)
  15. Charriu I5S5 = 17091 (13977)
  16. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 16061 (15243)
  17. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 15325 (12661)
  18. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 13598 (13330)
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 8928 (8765)
Just like with the current turn numbers Charriu and Superdeath made more gold then science thanks to shrines. One curious thing I found is that mackoti had fewer gold modifier and specialist in place then science.
But once again we need to set these numbers into perspective with the maintenance cost:
  1. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 5703
  2. Charriu I5S5 = 7133
  3. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 7462
  4. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 7656
  5. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 7760
  6. Elkad I4S2 = 8520
  7. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 8945
  8. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 9101
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 9429
  10. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 10039
  11. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 11354
  12. Cornflakes I3S1 = 11607
  13. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 13148
  14. naufragar I2S1 = 15330
  15. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 16417
  16. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 16937
  17. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 17341
  18. The Black Sword I1S4 = 20623
  19. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 24460
Look how comfortable Amicalola sits in the middle with his large empire thanks to ORG. No wonder that the ORG leaders are doing well here. Once again we take the delta of gold and maintenance for a full picture:
  1. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 20618
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 19760
  3. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 16196
  4. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 12975
  5. Elkad I4S2 = 11420
  6. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 11294
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 10983
  8. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 10805
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 10798
  10. The Black Sword I1S4 = 10284
  11. Cornflakes I3S1 = 10123
  12. naufragar I2S1 = 10060
  13. Charriu I5S5 = 9958
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 9851
  15. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 9066
  16. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 8301
  17. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 5286
  18. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 5942
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 3225
And Frozen earned himself the top position with a smaller empire. I told his game was very interesting. I can't wait to read his thread at civforum.

Financial Bonus

As a disclaimer just as last time, here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a coast tile you normally gain 2 commerce and 3 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implemenation for comparison.

For now let's turn to back to the report and the current turn numbers of FIN:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 193
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 181
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 171
  4. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 153
  5. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 126
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 124
  7. The Black Sword I1S4 = 123
  8. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 112
  9. naufragar I2S1 = 105
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 96
  11. Cornflakes I3S1 = 75
  12. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 74
  13. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 73
  14. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 68
  15. Elkad I4S2 = 55
  16. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 47
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 43
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 17
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 10
We do expect the larger empires to be higher on the list since they simply have more tiles to work with. Still Amicalola and The Black Sword are in the midfield. Now we know that The Black Sword is in an everlasting war with Commodore and Superdeath, but what's up with Amicalola here? Also and I hate to say this Tarkeel is way to low for somebody actually playing FIN.

Here the accumulated numbers:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 6704
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 6162
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 6110
  4. The Black Sword I1S4 = 5893
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 4867
  6. naufragar I2S1 = 4573
  7. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 4280
  8. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 3617
  9. Cornflakes I3S1 = 3417
  10. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 3236
  11. Elkad I4S2 = 3131
  12. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 3006
  13. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 2652
  14. Charriu I5S5 = 2619
  15. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 1921
  16. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 1686
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 1321
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 1266
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 586
We know from the T100 reports that Piccadilly was a bit low for a FIN player and we still see that here. Regular readers know that I also compare these numbers to the BtS implementation. Again the current turn numbers. I've also put the delta between CtH and BtS in parenthesis:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 218 (25)
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 214 (33)
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 203 (32)
  4. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 209 (56)
  5. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 159 (33)
  6. The Black Sword I1S4 = 141 (18)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 140 (16)
  8. naufragar I2S1 = 133 (28)
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 132 (20)
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 125 (29)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 107 (33)
  12. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 96 (28)
  13. Cornflakes I3S1 = 86 (11)
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 85 (12)
  15. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 67 (20)
  16. Elkad I4S2 = 61 (6)
  17. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 52 (9)
  18. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 34 (17)
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 16 (6)
Overall still a lot of growth possible. Most noteworthy is Piccadilly, who has a larger delta.
Let's turn to the accumulated numbers now. Again these are the BtS numbers with the difference towards CtH in parenthesis and the effectivness of my nerf in percent.
  1. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 9152 (2990) -32.67%
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 8268 (1564) -18.92%
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 7856 (1746) -22.23%
  4. The Black Sword I1S4 = 7501 (1608) -21.44%
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 6632 (2352) -35.46%
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 6449 (1582) -24.53%
  7. naufragar I2S1 = 6352 (1779) -28.01%
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 5263 (2257) -42.88%
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 5239 (1622) -30.96%
  10. Cornflakes I3S1 = 4982 (1565) -31.41%
  11. Charriu I5S5 = 4205 (1586) -37.72%
  12. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 4048 (812) -20.06%
  13. Elkad I4S2 = 3937 (806) -20.47%
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 3663 (1011) -27.60%
  15. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 3038 (1352) -44.50%
  16. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 3033 (1112) -36.66%
  17. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 2742 (1476) -53.83%
  18. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 2289 (968) -42.29%
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 1386 (800) -57.72%
Now if we exclude the struggling empires of Ramkhamhaeng and Elkad. We see that reduction for the FIN players is around 18%-22% but even up to 35% for FIN players doing not so well. For the majority of the reset we look at something between 20%-50% with some extreme outliers. For the majority of players we see that the extreme numbers from T100 have gone down.
Now you might wonder how this turned out without the lighthouse nerf. Thankfully I still tracked the non-lighthouse nerf variant, which looked like this (accumulated) with the reduction in percentage.
  1. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 6909 -24.51%
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 6924 -16.26%
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 6433 -18.11%
  4. The Black Sword I1S4 = 6403 -14.64%
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 4728 -28.71%
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 5324 -17.44%
  7. naufragar I2S1 = 4894 -22.95%
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 3442 -34.60%
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 4132 -21.13%
  10. Cornflakes I3S1 = 3783 -24.07%
  11. Charriu I5S5 = 2971 -29.35%
  12. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 3409 -15.79%
  13. Elkad I4S2 = 3386 -14.00%
  14. GKC I5S2 (ORG) = 3014 -17.72%
  15. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 2100 -30.88%
  16. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 2129 -29.81%
  17. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 1609 -41.32%
  18. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 1800 -21.36%
  19. Ramkhamhaeng I5S3 = 982 -29.15%
For the most part these numbers are pretty close to the numbers from the current implementation, which is good because this nerf aims at the early turns.

Labor civics

For the most part players stayed in slavery. There are some players who briefly switched into the following civics during their golden ages I assume:
  • Miguelito (12 turns Caste System)
  • civac (7 turns Caste System)
  • The Black Sword (5 turns Serfdom)
  • mackoti (5 turns Caste System)
  • Cornflakes (4 turns Caste System)
  • Ichabod (3 turns Caste System)

Now there are two exceptions to this namely Lazteuq and Charriu, who are both SPI. Lazteuq already switched into Serfdom in T100 and ran it for the full 45 turns only interrupted for 5 turns of Caste System during his golden age. Charriu on the other hand switched between Slavery and Serfdom 6 times. He ran Serfdom for 27 turns and Slavery for 23 turns.


I'm tracking a lot more but there is not enough information there to justify an own paragraph. Therefore a little summary here:
  • You may have noticed that I did not include a chapter about PRO this time. That's because like I expected the PRO numbers barely improved for most players. With so many foreign trade routes this trait can't compete.
  • Because of that as predicted AGG has overtaken PRO for the most part, but is still in 3rd place.
  • Too many people generated great persons. The most with 5 by Miguelito and Cornflakes (PHI) and 4 by Amicalola, The Black Sword, Lazteuq and mackoti. The rest was at 2 or 1. Unfortunately Cornflakes was the only PHI player.

Comparing traits

The main goal of all this tracking of course is to compare the economic traits related around commerce income or maintenance reduction. Now I have to come clean here. I made a bigger mistake with the FIN, ORG, PRO and AGG trackings. I always compared them equally when in fact their are not. FIN and PRO are handling with commerce and ORG and AGG with gold or better phrased maintenance so negative gold in a sense. But that wasn't the only mistake that I made I also never considered any modifier buildings because in my mind I thought I can't use those as there are no modifier buildings for ORG and AGG. Don't forget courthouses and vassallage civic deal with city maintenance or subtract themself before the bonus. The big mistake I made here was that there is a modifier for ORG and AGG and that is inflation. When I save 4 gold from these at a later turn I not only save 4 gold but 4 gold + the inflation from that 4 gold.
Now the mistake isn't that severe. The general direction is still what we know that for example FIN is better then AGG. But the relationship between FIN and ORG is actually a lot closer as is for AGG and PRO. So how did I get those new values. First of all the inflation is rather easy as the percentage is based on the turn number and therefore rather easily and accurately calculated. The gold modifier on the other hand is a lot harder to get and even recalculate from the old spreadsheets. In the end I opted to make a quotient between the Total Commerce and the Virtual Gold at 100% that I already tracked. Now this isn't perfect as there are also specialists, shrines and other stuff included in the Virtual Gold number. But I figured the extra gold from specialist is less then the one modified from Total Commerce and as for the shrine; not everybody owns one. Of course that means that the gold modifier I calculated can be way better then it actually is. But and that is the important thing, my calculated modifier can never be worse then the actual modifier. Therefore it is the upper limit of gold generation. With those in place I can now compare those 4 traits on equal footing. From now on all numbers will be done in that way. In fact I already used those for the T100 report, but there the gold modifier and inflation is very low and therefore does not factor in that much. And before you ask I did that for all versions of FIN and PRO.
Because of that I've gone through my past PB spreadsheets and recalculated those improved number. I will present those numbers in my modding thread after I'm done with PB59. So let's do this:

I already mentioned that AGG beat PRO already. My new modifier calculation certainly helped in that, but even without that AGG would have beaten PRO because of the map. More interesting is the comparison between FIN and ORG. As you can see with the modifiers in play we have a lot of variety. Across the 19 remaining players we see:

8 players with better FIN results
1 player with better ORG results
10 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-500 points

It looks like after the FIN nerfs FIN and ORG are a lot closer together with FIN slightly ahead. But importantly ORG gets a lot more bonuses aside from the civic maintenance. I'm curious how these numbers turn out in the following 2 reports.

Lastly if we look at the BtS implementation we see the followin results for our 19 players:

18 players with better FIN results
0 player with better ORG results
1 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-500 points

Clearly the FIN BtS bonus is a lot better then the ORG civic maintenance bonus.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

T200 report

This report will no longer include data from Elkad I4S2, Ramkhamhaeng I5S3, GKC I5S2, Cornflakes I3S1, naufragar I2S1 mainly to make the report readable. With that we are down to 14 players.

General state of the game

The following wonders were built in the last 50 turns:
  • Miguelito = Shwedagon Paya T151
  • Piccadilly = Angkor Wat T151
  • Amicalola = Notre Dame T171
  • Frozen = Sankore T155
  • Piccadilly = Jewish Shrine T158
  • Frozen = Statue of Liberty T191
  • Miguelito = Mining Co. HQ T194
  • Amicalola = Kremlin T195
First of all the city count:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 = 52
  2. civac I4S3 = 49
  3. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 45
  4. Amicalola I2S4 = 45
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 = 41
  6. Lazteuq I5S1 = 37
  7. The Black Sword I1S4 (IMP) = 35
  8. Ichabod I3S5 = 22
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 = 21
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 21
  11. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 17
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (IMP) = 16
  13. Mjmd I5S4= 4
  14. Commodore I1S3 = 4
We can see that there are 3 more or less distinct groups. Now 7 players with a larger empire, followed by a bunch of middle-sized empires and then 2 empires in decline. Next up the pop count as of T200.
  1. civac I4S3 = 460
  2. Miguelito I4S1 = 440
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 = 437
  4. Amicalola I2S4 = 376
  5. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 367
  6. Lazteuq I5S1 = 270
  7. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 237
  8. Ichabod I3S5 = 228
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 = 214
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 197
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 (IMP) = 180
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (IMP) = 82
  13. Mjmd I5S4= 17
  14. Commodore I1S3 = 7
In terms of pop we have the old large empires, but now minus The Black Sword. Superdeath is also not looking that great in terms of pop. Commodore was eaten by The Black Sword (finally) and Tarkeel as is Mjmd by Miguelito and Charriu.
As you know I'm also tracking Gold and Science output in addition to Total Commerce. Gold and Science statistics are still close, so I won't bother to post about each individually. You will see all the numbers later in my result screenshot. I opted to post the science current turn numbers first with the total commerce numbers in parenthesis for comparison.
  1. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 3730 (2400)
  2. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 3403 (2343)
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 2845 (2247)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 2669 (1392)
  5. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 2277 (1893)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 2105 (1664)
  7. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 1593 (988)
  8. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1560 (1035)
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 1167 (1035)
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 1106 (753)
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 = 1039 (794)
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 527 (440)
  13. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 89 (76)
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 85 (84)
At lot has changed here Amicalola and Piccadilly gained a lot of beakers. I'm still in awe of what Frozen does here. Look those Total Commerce numbers and this only with 17 cities. For comparison Miguelito who is close by has 52 cities. eek Of course we see that this is only possible with modifiers and specialist etc. as is also the case with Tarkeel.
Next up I want to look at the similar numbers but instead of science we look at gold with total commerce in parenthesis
  1. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 3346 (2343)
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 3166 (2400)
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 2952 (2247)
  4. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 2502 (1893)
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 2105 (1392)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 2039 (1664)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1351 (1035)
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 1309 (753)
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 1191 (988)
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 1087 (1035)
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 = 875 (794)
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 612 (440)
  13. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 90 (76)
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 53 (84)
Unlike last time more players now have better gold numbers then science, which might be due to running wealth builds. Those players are Miguelito, civac, Superdeath, Charriu. At least for Superdeath and Charriu I'm sure it's because of their shrine. But other then that the modifiers and specialist brought in a lot less compared to science or better phrased were used less then science ones. Noteable exceptions are Frozen and Charriu, who are both carried a lot by modifiers and shrine money. Now keep those gold numbers in mind as they will be more useful in a short while. First though we take a look at look at the current maintenance costs:
  1. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 64
  2. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 98
  3. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 271
  4. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 303
  5. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 306
  6. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 324
  7. Charriu I5S5 = 340
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 = 617
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 627
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 640
  11. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 776
  12. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 803
  13. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 952
  14. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1112
Wanna know how strong ORG is? Look at Amicalola. I mean he is down to The Black Swords and Lazteuq's levels with roughly 10 cities more. To get a better grasp of the actual economic potential we now take the delta of our gold and maintenance
  1. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 2570
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 2539
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1840
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 1781
  5. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 1550
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 1236
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1048
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 969
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 885
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 447
  11. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 341
  12. The Black Sword I1S4 = 258
  13. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = -11
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = -8
Frozen still playing with the big fellows. We also see that Lazteuq's economy is hurt a lot by his fairly recent conquest of GKC.
But these are only the current turn numbers. We should also look at the accumulated numbers. First we look at the science with total commerce in parenthesis again.
  1. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 141679 (85433)
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 138142 (113230)
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 125131 (98062)
  4. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 118098 (103412)
  5. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 117013 (95563)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 111020 (84546)
  7. The Black Sword I1S4 = 79835 (65332)
  8. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 98307 (71323)
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 77198 (56246)
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 58000 (45004)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 54807 (46054)
  12. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 35384 (31032)
  13. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 33211 (27897)
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 30498 (26500)
What are you doing up there Frozen? They are making less Total Commerce then the following 5 players. The race is fairly open between the TOP6 according to these numbers. Just like before we return to similar numbers but this time gold and total commerce:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 133752 (113230)
  2. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 124842 (98062)
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 123130 (103412)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 108634 (85433)
  5. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 108494 (95563)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 93204 (84546)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 85661 (71323)
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 = 70205 (65332)
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 65044 (56246)
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 61655 (45004)
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 50715 (46054)
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 35826 (27897)
  13. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 31403 (31032)
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 27384 (26500)
Just like with the current turn numbers some players earn more gold then science namely civac, Superdeath and Charriu. We already know why for the latter two, but what about civac. I remember that he got a lot of gold from Miguelito. I'm honestly not sure if those deals are included in the numbers, I would guess yes.
But once again we need to set these numbers into perspective with the maintenance cost:
  1. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 14687
  2. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 15862
  3. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 19800
  4. Charriu I5S5 = 20362
  5. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 20845
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 24641
  7. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 27113
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 28266
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 35747
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 45388
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 = 46110
  12. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 49815
  13. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 58371
  14. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 60800
Look how comfortable Amicalola sits in the middle with his large empire thanks to ORG. No wonder that the ORG leaders are doing well here. Now allow me to be a bit selfish. I was wondering why Charriu was so low in those numbers even lower then for example Frozen with a smaller empire. I think it is a combination of being late to a higher city count number, a lower pop number and the ability to switch to Low Cost civics at times. Once again we take the delta of gold and maintenance for a full picture:
  1. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 81521
  2. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 79454
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 75381
  4. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 72747
  5. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 62330
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 61020
  7. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 44199
  8. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 43389
  9. Charriu I5S5 = 41293
  10. The Black Sword I1S4 = 24095
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 22449
  12. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 16716
  13. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 16026
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 11522
Even though The Black Sword managed to claim victory against Superdeath and Commodore it looks like the cost for that was to high.

Financial Bonus

As a disclaimer just as last time, here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a coast tile you normally gain 2 commerce and 3 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implemenation for comparison.

For now let's turn to back to the report and the current turn numbers of FIN:
  1. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 576
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 469
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 447
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 352
  5. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 299
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 280
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 223
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 222
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 190
  10. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 182
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 = 134
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 55
  13. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 9
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 1
Piccadilly earning a TOP spot here is most like an important factor for his upcoming space race.
Here the accumulated numbers:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 21469
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 22917
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 20948
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 19178
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 14883
  6. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 13884
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 12567
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 = 11286
  9. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 9131
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 9012
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 7760
  12. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 3245
  13. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 2935
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 2854
Regular readers know that I also compare these numbers to the BtS implementation. Again the current turn numbers. I've also put the delta between CtH and BtS in parenthesis:
  1. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 635 (59)
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 537 (68)
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 509 (62)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 373 (21)
  5. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 395 (96)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 350 (70)
  7. Charriu I5S5 = 285 (63)
  8. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 264 (41)
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 237 (55)
  10. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 225 (35)
  11. The Black Sword I1S4 = 144 (10)
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 77 (22)
  13. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 15 (6)
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 1 (0)
Overall still a lot of growth possible.
Let's turn to the accumulated numbers now. Again these are the BtS numbers with the difference towards CtH in parenthesis and the effectivness of my nerf in percent.
  1. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 28034 (5117) -18.25%
  2. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 26247 (5299) -20.19%
  3. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 25073 (3604) -14.37%
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 21839 (2661) -12.18%
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 18403 (3520) -19.13%
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 15876 (3309) -20.84%
  7. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 16386 (2502) -15.27%
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 = 13518 (2232) -16.51%
  9. Charriu I5S5 = 13060 (4048) -31.00%
  10. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 11870 (2739) -23.07%
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 11422 (3662) -32.06%
  12. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 5204 (2269) -43.60%
  13. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 5169 (1924) -37.22%
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 4079 (1225) -30.03%
Now if we exclude the struggling empires of Superdeath, Commodore and Mjmd, we see that reduction for the FIN players is around 12%-23%. For the majority of the rest we look at something between 15%-30% with some extreme outliers. For the majority of players we see that the extreme numbers from T100 have gone down.
Now you might wonder how this turned out without the lighthouse nerf. Thankfully I still tracked the non-lighthouse nerf variant, which looked like this (accumulated) with the reduction in percentage.
  1. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 23943 -14.59%
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 21982 -12.33%
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 21612 -17.66%
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 19641 -10.06%
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 15566 -15.42%
  6. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 14342 -12.47%
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 13335 -16.01%
  8. The Black Sword I1S4 = 11992 -11.29%
  9. Charriu I5S5 = 9472 -27.47%
  10. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 9360 -21.15%
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 8354 -26.86%
  12. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 3824 -26.02%
  13. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 3466 -33.40%
  14. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 3440 -15.67%
For the most part these numbers are pretty close to the numbers from the current implementation, which is good because this nerf aims at the early turns.


PRO saw a revival during these turns even on this map. Main reason is most likely fewer players and more wars between the bigger players. Let's look at the current turn numbers:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 99
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 89
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 82
  4. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 55
  5. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 48
  6. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 7
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 2
  8. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 0
  9. The Black Sword I1S4 = 0
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 0
  11. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 0
  12. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 0
  13. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 0
  14. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 0
And for the accumulated numbers:
  1. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 2322
  2. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 1951
  3. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 1789
  4. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1765
  5. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 1568
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1181
  7. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 356
  8. Commodore I1S3 (PRO,ORG) = 324
  9. The Black Sword I1S4 = 297
  10. Superdeath I1S1 (PRO) = 278
  11. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 249
  12. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 233
  13. Charriu I5S5 = 165
  14. Tarkeel I1S2 (FIN) = 127
This phenomenon of PRO returning looks to be isolated to some players (with larger empires). Interesting.

Labor civics

For the most part players stayed in slavery. There are some players who briefly switched into the following civics during their golden ages I assume:
  • Miguelito (9 turns Caste System)
  • civac (7 turns Caste System)
  • The Black Sword (5 turns Serfdom)
  • mackoti (6 turns Caste System)
  • Piccadilly (7 turns Caste System)
  • Ichabod (5 turns Caste System)
  • Amicalola (9 turns of Serfdom)

In addition to that some players never returned to Slavery and opted to run different civics at least until T200. Those are
  • Miguelito (4 turns Emancipation)
  • Tarkeel (38 turns Serfdom)
  • Frozen (28 turns Emancipation)
  • Piccadilly (3 turns Emancipation)
  • Ichabod (46 turns Serfdom)

Now there are two exceptions to this again namely Lazteuq and Charriu, who are both SPI. Lazteuq learned (?) from Charriu that you can switch more often. He switched 8 times between Slavery (16 turns) Serfdom (27 turns) and Caste System (7 turns). Charriu on the other hand learned from Lazteuq that you can also stay in a civic for longer. He only switched 3 times between Slavery (12 turns) and Serfdom (38 turns)


I'm tracking a lot more but there is not enough information there to justify an own paragraph. Therefore a little summary here:
  • Too many people generated great persons. The most with 9 by Miguelito and 7 by Amicalola, Lazteuq and mackoti. The rest was at 6 or 5. Unfortunately Cornflakes the last remaining PHI player has left the building.

Comparing traits

(If you have read this in T150 report ignore it. The whole paragraph is a copy)
The main goal of all this tracking of course is to compare the economic traits related around commerce income or maintenance reduction. Now I have to come clean here. I made a bigger mistake with the FIN, ORG, PRO and AGG trackings. I always compared them equally when in fact their are not. FIN and PRO are handling with commerce and ORG and AGG with gold or better phrased maintenance so negative gold in a sense. But that wasn't the only mistake that I made I also never considered any modifier buildings because in my mind I thought I can't use those as there are no modifier buildings for ORG and AGG. Don't forget courthouses and vassallage civic deal with city maintenance or subtract themself before the bonus. The big mistake I made here was that there is a modifier for ORG and AGG and that is inflation. When I save 4 gold from these at a later turn I not only save 4 gold but 4 gold + the inflation from that 4 gold.
Now the mistake isn't that severe. The general direction is still what we know that for example FIN is better then AGG. But the relationship between FIN and ORG is actually a lot closer as is for AGG and PRO. So how did I get those new values. First of all the inflation is rather easy as the percentage is based on the turn number and therefore rather easily and accurately calculated. The gold modifier on the other hand is a lot harder to get and even recalculate from the old spreadsheets. In the end I opted to make a quotient between the Total Commerce and the Virtual Gold at 100% that I already tracked. Now this isn't perfect as there are also specialists, shrines and other stuff included in the Virtual Gold number. But I figured the extra gold from specialist is less then the one modified from Total Commerce and as for the shrine; not everybody owns one. Of course that means that the gold modifier I calculated can be way better then it actually is. But and that is the important thing, my calculated modifier can never be worse then the actual modifier. Therefore it is the upper limit of gold generation. With those in place I can now compare those 4 traits on equal footing. From now on all numbers will be done in that way. In fact I already used those for the T100 report, but there the gold modifier and inflation is very low and therefore does not factor in that much. And before you ask I did that for all versions of FIN and PRO.
Because of that I've gone through my past PB spreadsheets and recalculated those improved number. I will present those numbers in my modding thread after I'm done with PB59. So let's do this:

Even though PRO returned for some players it returned to late to beat AGG for 3rd place. My new modifier calculation certainly helped in that, but even without that AGG would have beaten PRO because of the map. More interesting is the comparison between FIN and ORG. As you can see it looks like FIN has mostly beaten ORG. But a closer inspection of the last 12 players reveals (I ignored the almost dead Mjmd and Commodore)

7 players with better FIN results
2 players with better ORG results
3 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-500 points

FIN beats ORG in terms of economic bonus. Still ORG gets a lot more in addition to that bonus.

Lastly if we look at the BtS implementation we see the following results for our 12 players:

12 players with better FIN results
0 player with better ORG results
0 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-500 points

Clearly the FIN BtS bonus is a lot better then the ORG civic maintenance bonus.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

T250 report

This report will no longer include data from Commodore I1S3, Superdeath I1S1, Tarkeel I1S2, The Black Sword I1S4 mainly to make the report readable. This may be controversial but I opted to keep the data provided by mackoti and Piccadilly as the both died so short before the end of the game at T250 and in the case of Piccadilly he was running for a close victory. With that we are down to 10 players. Also we see the introcution of corporations. Prepare for some crazy numbers.

General state of the game

The following wonders were built in the last 50 turns:
  • Frozen = Pentagon T203
  • Frozen = Broadway T207
  • Frozen = Christo Redentor T210
  • Amicalola = Cereal Mills HQ T214
  • Piccadilly = Rock'n'Roll T214
  • Frozen = Eiffel Tower T215
  • Piccadilly = Standard Ethanol T216
  • Charriu = Creative Construction T221
First of all the city count:
  1. Amicalola I2S4 = 185
  2. Miguelito I4S1 = 95
  3. civac I4S3 = 49
  4. Ichabod I3S5 = 28
  5. Lazteuq I5S1 = 22
  6. Charriu I5S5 = 21
  7. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 17
  8. Mjmd I5S4= 1
  9. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 = 0
We already know that the game was decided between 3 players, Piccadilly, Miguelito and Amicalola. Next up the pop count as of T250.
  1. Amicalola I2S4 = 1424
  2. Miguelito I4S1 = 1059
  3. civac I4S3 = 587
  4. Ichabod I3S5 = 312
  5. Frozen I3S4 (IMP) = 264
  6. Charriu I5S5 = 240
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 = 117
  8. Mjmd I5S4= 5
  9. mackoti I2S2 (IMP) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 = 0
I honestly expected Amicalola to be way higher, but I think those pop were sacrificed for a higher cause. We also see the decline of Lazteuq under pressure from Amicalola.
As you know I'm also tracking Gold and Science output in addition to Total Commerce. Gold and Science statistics are still close, so I won't bother to post about each individually. You will see all the numbers later in my result screenshot. I opted to post the science current turn numbers first with the total commerce numbers in parenthesis for comparison.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 9030 (4952)
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 7462 (5255)
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 3705 (2757)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 3118 (1583)
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 2781 (1510)
  6. Charriu I5S5 = 1996 (1179)
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 892 (784)
  8. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 57 (45)
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
Next up I want to look at the similar numbers but instead of science we look at gold with total commerce in parenthesis
  1. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 9593 (5255)
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 8922 (4952)
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 4318 (2757)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 3508 (1583)
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 2148 (1510)
  6. Charriu I5S5 = 2291 (1179)
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 883 (784)
  8. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 97 (45)
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
Now keep those gold numbers in mind as they will be more useful in a short while. First though we take a look at look at the current maintenance costs:
  1. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 102
  2. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 420
  3. Charriu I5S5 = 529
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 537
  5. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 572
  6. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 2050
  7. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 3521
  8. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 4132
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
To get a better grasp of the actual economic potential we now take the delta of our gold and maintenance
  1. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 5461
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 5401
  3. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 2971
  4. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 2268
  5. Charriu I5S5 = 1762
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1576
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 463
  8. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = -5
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
It's interesting to see Amicalola and Miguelito to be even in this category. This is mainly due to higher city maintenance from Amicalola. Speaking of that. I know I was asked this in the past: Were is the corporation maintenance in my tracking tool. I checked that a while ago and it is included in the city maintenance just like in the game.
These are only the current turn numbers. We should also look at the accumulated numbers. First we look at the science with total commerce in parenthesis again.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 434746 (292759)
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 353716 (255120)
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 336616 (207383)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 288885 (162890)
  5. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 276165 (225288)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 257818 (185292)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 212369 (135804)
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 154326 (101103)
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 122046 (104274)
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 34935 (30138)
Just like before we return to similar numbers but this time gold and total commerce:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 445415 (113230)
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 381380 (95563)
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 300511 (98062)
  4. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 295262 (103412)
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 255835 (85433)
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 217089 (84546)
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 177847 (71323)
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 161813 (45004)
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 119456 (46054)
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 32384 (26500)
Now I know what you are burning to know. Is the 1500 payment from Piccadilly to Amicalola including in these numbers and my tracking? Yes, they are and this also means that Piccadilly's numbers are reduced by the same amount. This also answers my own question from the last report about civac. Once again we need to set these numbers into perspective with the maintenance cost:
  1. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 21022
  2. Charriu I5S5 = 42675
  3. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 45092
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 49242
  5. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 55441
  6. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 85217
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 89942
  8. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 129648
  9. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 133658
  10. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 176036
Once again we take the delta of gold and maintenance for a full picture:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 269379
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 247722
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 215294
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 206593
  5. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 165614
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 132755
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 127147
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 119138
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 64015
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 11362

Financial Bonus

As a disclaimer just as last time, here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a coast tile you normally gain 2 commerce and 3 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implemenation for comparison.

For now let's turn to back to the report and the current turn numbers of FIN:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1499
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 1027
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 734
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 551
  5. Charriu I5S5 = 340
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 327
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 65
  8. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 8
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
Here the accumulated numbers:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 72129
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 51839
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 50262
  4. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 44038
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 41885
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 29284
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 29283
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 23199
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 16552
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 3494
Regular readers know that I also compare these numbers to the BtS implementation. Again the current turn numbers. I've also put the delta between CtH and BtS in parenthesis:
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1619 (120)
  2. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 1241 (214)
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 811 (77)
  4. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 580 (29)
  5. Charriu I5S5 = 454 (114)
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 391 (64)
  7. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 87 (22)
  8. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 8 (6)
  9. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
  10. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
Let's turn to the accumulated numbers now. Again these are the BtS numbers with the difference towards CtH in parenthesis and the effectivness of my nerf in percent.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 80696 (8567) -10.62%
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 60266 (8427) -13.98%
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 57473 (7211) -12.55%
  4. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 53439 (9401) -17.59%
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 45786 (3901) -8.52%
  6. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 35878 (6594) -18.38%
  7. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 35304 (6021) -17.05%
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 31244 (8045) -25.75%
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 22783 (6231) -27.35%
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 4818 (1324) -27.48%
Now if we exclude the struggling empires of Lazteuq and Mjmd, we see that reduction for the FIN players is around 8%-12%. For the majority of the rest we look at something between 13%-18% with some extreme outliers. For the majority of players we see that the extreme numbers from T100 have gone down.
Now you might wonder how this turned out without the lighthouse nerf. Thankfully I still tracked the non-lighthouse nerf variant, which looked like this (accumulated) with the reduction in percentage.
  1. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 73433 -9.00%
  2. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 53015 -12.03%
  3. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 51009 -11.25%
  4. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 45557 -14.75%
  5. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 42395 -7.41%
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 30208 -14.43%
  7. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 30140 -15.99%
  8. Charriu I5S5 = 23728 -24.06%
  9. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 17503 -23.18%
  10. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 4121 -14.47%
For the most part these numbers are pretty close to the numbers from the current implementation, which is good because this nerf aims at the early turns.


PRO saw a revival during these turns even on this map. Main reason is most likely fewer players and more wars between the bigger players. Let's look at the current turn numbers:
  1. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 2285
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 1142
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 213
  4. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 17
  5. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 0
  6. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 0
  7. Charriu I5S5 = 0
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 0
  9. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 0
  10. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 0
And for the accumulated numbers:
  1. Amicalola I2S4 (ORG) = 47788
  2. Miguelito I4S1 (FIN) = 27229
  3. civac I4S3 (AGG) = 9834
  4. Piccadilly I3S3 (FIN) = 6679
  5. mackoti I2S2 (AGG) = 4868
  6. Ichabod I3S5 (AGG,ORG) = 1311
  7. Frozen I3S4 (FIN) = 356
  8. Lazteuq I5S1 (AGG) = 361
  9. Mjmd I5S4 (ORG) = 407
  10. Charriu I5S5 = 169
PRO made a meteoric rise in the last 50 turns for Miguelito and Amicalola.

Labor civics

For the most part players stayed in slavery. There are some players who briefly switched into the following civics during their golden ages I assume:
  • civac (7 turns Caste System)
  • mackoti (7 turns Caste System)
  • Amicalola (5 turns of Serfdom)

In addition to that some players never returned to Slavery and opted to run different civics at least until T200. Those are
  • Miguelito (50 turns Emancipation)
  • Frozen (50 turns Emancipation)
  • Ichabod (50 turns Serfdom)

Now there are two exceptions to this again namely Lazteuq and Charriu, who are both SPI. Lazteuq switched 3 times between Slavery (24 turns) and Serfdom (26 turns). Charriu only switched 2 times between Slavery (5 turns) and Serfdom (45 turns)
Lastly Piccadilly also switched 2 times first after 19 more turns of Emancipation he switched into Caste System for 27 turns only to finish with 4 turns of Slavery.


I'm tracking a lot more but there is not enough information there to justify an own paragraph. Therefore a little summary here:
  • Too many people generated great persons. The most with 11 by Miguelito, Lazteuq and Piccadilly and 10 by Frozen. The rest was at 9 or 8.

Now as a last bonus treat I want to talk about one player I haven't mentioned yet and their use of civics during the game: The Barbarians. They switched into Slavery in T63 and kept it until T89. Then in T191 the figured it is time to switch into Caste System for the rest of the game. And you know what all that means? Barbarians were the first to abandon the use of Slavery lol

Comparing traits

(If you have read this in T150 report ignore it. The whole paragraph is a copy)
The main goal of all this tracking of course is to compare the economic traits related around commerce income or maintenance reduction. Now I have to come clean here. I made a bigger mistake with the FIN, ORG, PRO and AGG trackings. I always compared them equally when in fact their are not. FIN and PRO are handling with commerce and ORG and AGG with gold or better phrased maintenance so negative gold in a sense. But that wasn't the only mistake that I made I also never considered any modifier buildings because in my mind I thought I can't use those as there are no modifier buildings for ORG and AGG. Don't forget courthouses and vassallage civic deal with city maintenance or subtract themself before the bonus. The big mistake I made here was that there is a modifier for ORG and AGG and that is inflation. When I save 4 gold from these at a later turn I not only save 4 gold but 4 gold + the inflation from that 4 gold.
Now the mistake isn't that severe. The general direction is still what we know that for example FIN is better then AGG. But the relationship between FIN and ORG is actually a lot closer as is for AGG and PRO. So how did I get those new values. First of all the inflation is rather easy as the percentage is based on the turn number and therefore rather easily and accurately calculated. The gold modifier on the other hand is a lot harder to get and even recalculate from the old spreadsheets. In the end I opted to make a quotient between the Total Commerce and the Virtual Gold at 100% that I already tracked. Now this isn't perfect as there are also specialists, shrines and other stuff included in the Virtual Gold number. But I figured the extra gold from specialist is less then the one modified from Total Commerce and as for the shrine; not everybody owns one. Of course that means that the gold modifier I calculated can be way better then it actually is. But and that is the important thing, my calculated modifier can never be worse then the actual modifier. Therefore it is the upper limit of gold generation. With those in place I can now compare those 4 traits on equal footing. From now on all numbers will be done in that way. In fact I already used those for the T100 report, but there the gold modifier and inflation is very low and therefore does not factor in that much. And before you ask I did that for all versions of FIN and PRO.
Because of that I've gone through my past PB spreadsheets and recalculated those improved number. I will present those numbers in my modding thread after I'm done with PB59. So let's do this:

What a comeback by PRO beating AGG to 3rd (and even 2nd) for Miguelito, Amicalola and Piccadilly. I did not see that coming. As for the rest AGG is in a stable 3rd position. More interesting is the comparison between FIN and ORG. As you can see it looks like FIN has mostly beaten ORG. But a closer inspection of the last 9 players reveals (I ignored the almost dead Mjmd)

7 players with better FIN results
1 players with better ORG results
1 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-1000 points

FIN beats ORG in terms of economic bonus. Still ORG gets a lot more in addition to that bonus.

Lastly if we look at the BtS implementation we see the following results for our 9 players:

7 players with better FIN results
1 player with better ORG results
1 players for which FIN and ORG were within a margin of +/-1000 points

Clearly the FIN BtS bonus is a lot better then the ORG civic maintenance bonus.

That's all folks I have no more numbers to present. I hope you had some fun with those and thank you for keeping the thread clean so far. You can discuss here now as much as you want. smile
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