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Exclusive Life/Death Spell Book Realm

Is it possible to implement an option to allow the player wizard a choice of exclusive Life/Death Spell Book Realm pick? So that if the player picks up treasure it only pertains to one realm per se either Life Spell book(s) or Death Spell book(s).

Possible as a modding.ini option.

Could this option be set in with score modifiers at the beginning of the game? Like classical Master of Magic rules on having one of these spell book realms but not both.

(March 16th, 2022, 08:01)Ortemus Wrote: Could this option be set in with score modifiers at the beginning of the game? Like classical Master of Magic rules on having one of these spell book realms but not both.

No, that's impossible currently as books are picked before score modifiers.
Changing the order could lead to unexpected new bugs, so I rather not. Although nothing in particular comes to my mind that would require this specific order.

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