Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Opening post. It's been a while since I touched any civ, so likely to lose this horribly. But we'll see.

Not sure when Ramk will load and realized there hasn't been any screenshots to randomly discuss.

[Image: il9SDEI.png]

I tried, in vain, to calculate in my head, whether to go WB first or worker first but eventually gave up and made a quick and dirty sandbox. Bottom line - if I go for WB first I will have a settler out by T36 and a warrior built on top of that. With worker first I will have a settler out one turn earlier but without a warrior. Also, the tech rate would be slightly lower in the worker-first option and that might be important in the sense that I will be able to start chopping later.
Decided to go with WB option.
By the way, one not-obvious thing is that in both scenarios you need to improve the Cow first. Otherwise, production is too slow.

How are things going? Any huts or events?

(May 5th, 2022, 21:46)Mjmd Wrote: How are things going? Any huts or events?

Starting position sucks balls smile A room for two decent cities immediately near the capital - that's all. Other than that - everything's dry, lots of hills, few resources. I am thinking going for some early wonders because expanding seems kind of useless. Only hope others are in the same predicament.
Got 75 gold from a hut. And yes, met Superdeath because of course.

Charriu stat magic indicates you've settled a city a little farther away and then landed Hinduism in it? I'm fascinated if you pink ish dotted someone?

(May 28th, 2022, 10:51)Mjmd Wrote: Charriu stat magic indicates you've settled a city a little farther away and then landed Hinduism in it? I'm fascinated if you pink ish dotted someone?

No. But I am considering pinkdotting Superdeath because what he is doing is fucking bullshit. I'll post a picture later.

I do not get how Superdeath has probably more PBs than me under his belt by now and still thinks that it is a good idea to build Stonehenge over settling this spot:
[Image: y4mojWk8tmlwqCWsfTFckU7aCVIbCTymGPYcsYbv...pmode=none]
I'll try to contest it. There are three options:
1) Settle the city where my northern warrior is.
2) Settle the city 2S from there.
3) Settle the city on the hill where barb warrior is.
The first option is very high risk / high reward. The other two options would give me a safer-placed but still decent city and yet completely ruin the spot for SD.

Overview shot. My initial assessment of my land was a bit too pessimistic.
[Image: y4mUW_Lu8pNV7GO7LByjHBb2YO8eiwXzlmDK_yM3...pmode=none]

Ginger declared war on me and offered peace, hoping to get himself a guaranteed truce. He got this instead:
[Image: y4m9181GW_yucj9Cd_Mtt5_ntKE8EQHd2zcSJvL7...pmode=none]
Let me explain. I initially wanted to attack Superdeath but SD did his homework. He settled the city on the wheat from the previous screenshot and it is actually very well defended. Also, he offered me to attack Ginger while he would attack Commodore, so there is a prospect of a NAP of a sort.
On the other hand, Ginger shows all signs of overextension, getting too enthusiastic with his Imperialistic civ. He already has six cities and I do not have his graphs but I have this:
[Image: y4m6JPXA1tQsab-kxAzJmzaJmO04pjuP2BOg6umK...pmode=none]
I am far ahead in power and I am pretty sure the person second to me is Superdeath. And Ginger is not that far ahead of me in food and hammers despite having six cities to my four and having a larger capital. So, his cities are a bit pathetic and he has no army. I suspect that his city which borders I can see is poorly defended and he does not have the capacity to send many reinforcements into it. So, I might be able to contest this spot and even if not, it will not cost me much.

Overview shot. Plan to settle the deer / gold spot in the south-east soonish.
[Image: y4m3Zr-IfiPBZCxcHTWmqVAfGvhViKvIbay_LV8C...pmode=none]

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