As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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New EitB succession game

I'll do it fi you need someone to take the next turn

How do I download the mod?

Mod v 12 and then 12.1 patch

I got home much later than I expected, I am sorry. Sucksatciv that would be great if you could take it. Otherwise I'll try tomorrow night instead.
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

(June 6th, 2022, 23:19)sucksatciv Wrote: I'll do it fi you need someone to take the next turn

Hi Sucksatciv, welcome aboard. If you've installed the mod up until version 12.1 please go ahead and take the game. At this stage we generally do ten turns a set, though if things are either very boring or you're in the middle of something (eg taking a city or a settler race) you can of course go a bit longer to reach objectives.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

T57 - I settle the prophet, because I wasn't sure what else to do and the hammers in particular seem useful immediately.

T59 - We finish Mining and copper is revealed here.

I move our city site 1S accordingly, I don't know the mod well but I have to assume copper will be useful. I start research into Exploration because roads would also be nice, and it is the prereq to a lot of good stuff. Perhaps this should have been Archery or BW instead? The Bronze Working unit requires a 100(!) hammer building, which seems steep.

T62 - The gold mine finishes and a new skeleton approaches from the East. 

T64 - The settler finishes and I start one last warrior before we get back to the foodhammer units. The worker begins farming the tile open to the new city site, so save on time until that's workable. A lizardman approaches from the north! 

T66 - The lizardman suicides against our warriors; phew. More importantly, I found the Glens of Killybeg! It starts working on a Reliquary for the copper. 

You can see Volanna has settled in our direction. Argh As Exploration finishes I start research into Bronze Working, and the capital starts building another worker that will finish just in time for the next player. FInally, we meet Jonas Endain, who seems to be one of the less charming AIs. 

T70 - Nothing else of note happens for my session (I figured I'd play to a nice round number for our convenience). I think the next spot we want to settle could be here?

Or 1S, if the river is a big deal. Let me know if that makes sense. It's up to the next turnplayer to figure out anyway, though. Let me know also if I did anything majorly wrong for this turnset - it seems reasonably likely. The mod is complicated! crazyeye

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.zip   EitB SG 2022 Turn - (Size: 112.83 KB / Downloads: 1)
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

Building the tier 2 melee units (swordsmen for Elohim, I think?) isn't as important as just connecting the copper and researching bronze working, which gives +1 strength to all melee units, including our already-built warriors. The difference between a strength 4 warrior and a strength 5 swordsman isn't usually worth paying more than double the number of hammers (plus the training yard, as Amica mentioned).

Something inside me dies when the AIs settle on a floodplain, which they love to do (note that desert, but not floodplain, is -25% terrain modifier in this mod), but I can't point to a clearly better spot for the second city in this case. But another goblin fort, sigh. Svart borders, double sigh. The Svarts are one of the most aggressive civs in the game, and are pretty likely to send a stack of units against us at some point.

We are desperately short on workers.

I hate building monuments; the reliquary is especially a ripoff because we don't get the Creative discount on it.

Sorry I haven't been involved in this so far, but my schedule should be more free now. I'll post a "Got it" and expect to play sometime today.

That went pretty fast. Not much accomplished, but at least we have some workers. My usual rule of thumb for workers is number of cities + 1. We might need more here because of all the desert.

I stuck with the reliquary despite my reservations, since it will probably be important to win the border war with Volanna. For this reason, and because of the lost overflow hammers, I always go with Religion over Nationhood in the Cultural column.

I sent our combat 2 warrior to rob the graveyard. It will be a very long time before we can cast Sanctify or Resurrection there, and I like to get rid of those things before a barb warrior recruits a skeleton out of it. There are five possible outcomes to graveyard, and three are good: gold, more gold, tech. The others (spectres, skeletons) are usually not catastrophic if you're prepared for them (that's why I sent the stronger warrior: he has pretty good odds against a single strength 3 unit). The dice roll didn't favor us:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0002.JPG]

This is after the spectre moved, I didn't grab a screenshot when he popped across the river. I covered the worker and crossed my fingers, and he suicided against Glens of Killybegs.

Then I sent a warrior to get visibility on Volanna's border city across the bay:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0001.JPG]

End of turn status. My plan is to mine/road the copper, cycle the warriors through cities to get their bronze weapon promotion, and build some gold mines and more farms.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG]

I very strongly recommend the "DV" sign as our next city location. The early game is about commerce and happiness, and that location provides a lot of both. Incense is a very good commerce tile in this mod (which is why I'm building a plantation on the one by the capital).

We have pretty serious health problems (which will only be made worse by the stupid reliquary), but we also have a *lot* of food.

Glens of Killybegs should be our unit pump, since all units built there will have the Spirit Guide promotion. Upon death, those units will transfer half their XP to a random living unit.

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.zip   EitB SG 2022 Turn - (Size: 122.52 KB / Downloads: 1)

Good to see this moving! I absolutely agree with getting copper connected as fast as possible: the cost of having to build a Reliquary and not getting an extra happy resource at city 2 is well worth it.

We can assume we'll be locked into a death war with the Svarts sooner rather than later. What are Volanna's traits? I don't know the non-vanilla leaders. Please not Raiders like the usual dark elf femme fatale ... I like building roads.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

(June 9th, 2022, 07:51)DaveV Wrote: Building the tier 2 melee units (swordsmen for Elohim, I think?) isn't as important as just connecting the copper and researching bronze working, which gives +1 strength to all melee units, including our already-built warriors. The difference between a strength 4 warrior and a strength 5 swordsman isn't usually worth paying more than double the number of hammers (plus the training yard, as Amica mentioned).

Something inside me dies when the AIs settle on a floodplain, which they love to do (note that desert, but not floodplain, is -25% terrain modifier in this mod), but I can't point to a clearly better spot for the second city in this case. But another goblin fort, sigh. Svart borders, double sigh. The Svarts are one of the most aggressive civs in the game, and are pretty likely to send a stack of units against us at some point.

We are desperately short on workers.

I hate building monuments; the reliquary is especially a ripoff because we don't get the Creative discount on it.

Sorry I haven't been involved in this so far, but my schedule should be more free now. I'll post a "Got it" and expect to play sometime today.

Elohim are axemen if I remember correctly, but the difference between the two is fairly minor.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

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