Hello! I am wondering if there is any interest in a new Pitboss starting sometime in the next couple of weeks - it's been great having a few active games recently, why not add one more? If a mapmaker wants to make us a fully edited map that would be fantastic, however I am also interested in the possibility of using SevenSpirits' Torusland or Mirrorland scripts to make something (and have someone briefly look over for anything too crazy). Either could be fun if we are unable to source a full-on mapmaker.
Otherwise, I'm envisaging fairly standard settings, and we can vote on whether to have a 'random block' or snake pick settings for combos. Probably around 120 tiles per player, as a good 'average' size. We'd need at least 5 people to fire up a game, but the more the merrier. Any takers?
Voting Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0
Otherwise, I'm envisaging fairly standard settings, and we can vote on whether to have a 'random block' or snake pick settings for combos. Probably around 120 tiles per player, as a good 'average' size. We'd need at least 5 people to fire up a game, but the more the merrier. Any takers?
- Amicalola
- Superdeath
- JackRB
- GeneralKilCavalry
- Tarkeel + Civac
- Vanrober
- Magic Science
- Alhazard
- Miguelito + Ginger
- Piccadilly + Plemo
- Gavagai
- Tiles per player: ~120
- Close to Home 3.newest
- No Tech Trading + Unrestricted Leaders
- Difficulty: Emperor
- Pick type: Snake pick
- No events, huts, unit gifting
- No spies (Great Spies unrestricted).
- Other settings up for vote: score on/off, war weariness on/off, city trading on/off, barbarians on (no ships or cities) / off
Voting Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0