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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(October 17th, 2022, 11:29)mshih Wrote: One problem... you need to set reroll to zero so that the return value is set.

Actually... the documentation explicitly states what you're trying to do is not allowed:

However in that case you MUST handle every book and retort in this script, except the MYRRAN retort,
which shouldn't be changed otherwise the condition to have the intended amount of Myrran wizards
will not be fulfilled and the game will be stuck in an endless loop.

Ah, I see. That's unfortunate.

Two more bugs with Mystic Surge: 
1. When cast on a unit with Chaos Channels it stops receiving a bonus from Chaos Surge.
2. May give adamant to fantastic creatures. And adamant is permanent as usual.


I also noticed mystic prevents effect of chaos surge and may even be stopping chaos creatures in nodes from receiving +2 to stats. The ‘healing immunity’ feature breaks this spell in so many ways. I reported the loss of caster spellcasting earlier


(October 11th, 2022, 00:17)hackflow Wrote: I am having several bugs with Mystic Surge:

A. (The most grief here) If a unit becomes undead it stays undead after battle. Many hammerhands and one hero I basically lost to this.
B. Sometimes the spell gives adamant weapons to a unit, the stay after battle.
C. If a caster hero becomes undead his spell book gets many death spells.

All of these are intended effects. It's a risky spell with all of these as possible consequences. You can mod the spell and remove the permanent effects if you prefer, it has a separate script file.

Quote:Another bug: Aether Flux does not affect costs of spells for heroes in battle.

Cost modifiers only apply to wizards. Units always cast every spell at the default costs.

Quote:So, the game gets stuck when running this code in AICustomWizard.CAS. What it tries to do is raise the number of wizards permitted on Myrror regardless of what score modifiers are picked. Can someone figure out if there is a problem with this code, or if it's due to a bug?

The problem is not in the script.

This is how the system works :

1. Start loop for each wizard
2. Generate random wizard
3. Run script for that wizard
4. If reroll is set, go to 2
5. If this wasn't the last wizard, increase the counter and go to 2.
6. Check for Myrran requirements. If not met, go to 1 (start over from wizard 1)

There is currently no way to override "6" from the script that runs at "3". If you force the myrran wizard count to be "wrong" it'll result in an endless loop.

For this to be possible, the "MinimalMyrranWizards" and "MaximalMyrranWizards" functions in step 6 needs to be converted into a script, or a new output variable needs to be added that forces skipping step 6.

> All of these are intended effects. It's a risky spell with all of these as possible consequences.

So it's intended that Mystic Surge can only be cast at a throw away units? And should not be cast on heroes? Or is it intended to be only used with save/load hacks?

This sounds extremely not fun to me. And also doesn't make sense, as casting it on weaker units doesn't do much while using it on a valuable one corrupts it permanently with something around 25% chance. The only exception is units with regeneration.

I had the plan to make really tough Lizard Turtles with Chaos Channels (Doom Mastery to be exact), but they get either firebreath or flying, but never the +3 armor. MODDING.INI shows this:

; Chaos Channels can add Fire Breath to units that have ranged attacks?
; 0 -No
; 1 -Yes

I'm also enjoying Horsebowmen with firebreath, oddly enough other units but Turtles can get the +3 armor.

I have the saves if needed.

Playing Caster of Magic for windows version 1.04.06
The manual for crack's call says: "Units affected by this spell become Buried for the rest of the combat : they are unable to move or attack, take irrecoverable damage from all attacks and are irrecoverably destroyed when their side does not win the battle."
I attacked a node containing 5 hydras, which have regeneration. I attack with 9 draconian wizards. I cast a bunch of crack's calls which lead to 2 hydras being buried. Using ranged attacks I killed those two hydras. I flew around with my wizards until the message popped "all units retreat exhausted" (not just the green "flee" button).
However, when I F1-mouse the map afterward, there are still 5 hydras there.
So I killed two hydras with 100% irrecoverable damage yet the hydras came back after combat.
Is this working as intended? Or do I just misunderstand "irrecoverable damage"?

In addition to my last post, the wiki of the original game talks about "irreversible damage points" which I assume are the same as irrecoverable damage points.
It says that if a unit dies, and of all the damage points the highest number consisted of irreversible damage, regeneration should not bring the unit back.

@Desertfox when "all units retreat exhausted" it counts as a win for defending side. Also, you didn't kill hydras with unrecoverable damage only if you used grabbed attacks.

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