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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

I agree, updating CoM for windows to latest version then following the warlord mod install instructions should take care of it. The 'getterrain' script was a recently introduced feature.

I tried the save with Warlord Mod and had no crashes.


I had some sort of problem with the installation, it seems I didn't update the mod correctly.
Reinstalling the mod from scratch solved the issue.

Warlord mod version 1.4.15 is released with 16th rare coming.

This version nolonger savegame compatible with previous version due to introduction of new spells, save of new version could not be open by older version.

Change log version 1.4.15
- Tree of Knowledge costs 250 (-150) but research cost is 2000 (+200)
- Corruption costs 30 (from 40) to balance out the higher prevalence of purifying units and being able to move them around faster with roads.
- New chaos common spell that replaces shatter - “rust” which at a resistance modifier of -5 can remove magic weapons permanently. If cast on a unit without magic weapons and unit fails resistance modifier, it loses half its attack rating
- New chaos rare spell (16th spell) – Shatter cost 20 – now can target creatures, affects all attack types, and comes with modifier -5
- New sorcery rare spell (16th spell) -Temporal Twist (cost 40) – combat global enchantment – all enemy units lose 1 movement, teleport, first strike, and negate first strike. If unit is fantastic, it loses an additional movement point.
- New nature rare spell (16th spell) – Transmute Equipment Cost 90 – unit special - gives adamantium and orihalcon to a normal unit or a hero. Not an enchantment, thus cannot be dispelled.
- New Life rare spell (16th spell) – Inquisition – penalizes religious centers (for religious power beyond 6, each additional point reduces research by 3 and adds ½ unrest)
- Reaper Slash returns as a rare spell with low research cost – death does not specialize in direct damage, but at least it has 1 decent option to do so.
- State of Rot expanded to also affect enemy death units as long as they are not undead.
- Hell Hounds cost 48 (from 55), intended to be a superior common-tier summon like in original MoM
- Magic Immunity now costs 45 to cast in combat
- Djinn now costs 395/10 (from 375/9) but comes with caster 40 (from 35)
- Efreet now has caster 39 (from 40) (edited)
- Monument no longer has building prerequisites (used to require magic market + library). Dwarves (who have no access to magic market) still can't build it

- Griffin now cost 260 (from 280) to recruit
- Werewolves, Coatl, Sacred Ancient, and unicorns gain forester
- Manticore, Chimera, Great Drake, Sky Drake, Storm Giant, Thunderbird gain mountaineer

- True Light prioritized less by AI, partly due to AI not always using spell correctly.

- Combat terrain in forest/nature nodes has less 55% of rough terrain (from 95% and 35% respectively) while mountain and volcano increased to have 35% of rough terrain (from 8%).
- Tactician redesigned:
The wizard has skill maneuvering troops in battlefield. In combat, all units controlled by wizard gain +1 defense. If combat occurs on unit's favorable terrain, it gains +1 movement point. If unit stays on its favorable combat tile, it gains first strike and +2 defense.
Units with "Forester" favor overland forest terrain and Combat tile woodland.
Units with "Mountaineer" favor overland hill/mountain/volcano terrain and combat tile rock/mountain.
Units with "Waterwalking" favor overland swamp/tundra/river terrain and combat tile swamp/tundra.
Units with "Pathfinding" are counted as have both "Forester" and "Mountaineer".
Tactician is mutually exclusive with Warlord.
Additionally, teleporting units gain first strike and non-corporeal units gain negate first strike.

Warlord mod version 1.4.16 is released with compatibility update to Caster of Magic for Windows version 1.4.6.

Change log version 1.4.16
- Compatibility update to CoM for Windows 1.04.06

- Conjurer starts with Summoning Circle
- Runemaster starts with Dispel Magic
- Artificer allows all mechanical units be recruited with magic weapons (without alchemist guild), +2 resistance and if unit that has speed lower than 3 would gains +1 speed (benefits Steam Cannon, Catapult, Ballista, and Steam Tank).

- State of Rot now also disables 'healer' unit trait when in effect.
- Evil Omen cost multiplier now stacks (but at 25 %), but unrest stacking was removed.
- Speed reduces by Temporal Twist would not cause unit speed to go below 0.5.

I would like to try out some of the "cheeky" strategies used in CoM (no longer broken, but still promising on lower levels):

- recruiting mercenaries (potential picks: famous/charismatic/alchemy/omniscient, pick a gold heavy race, ie nomads or klackons, cast Just Cause, wait). Did not really work for me once, no mercs showing up earlier in the game even with fame 20.
- "monster trap" - I think Sapher did that once with rampaging monsters and extreme ghouls (focus magic, heavenly light, darkness, guardian). Focus magic is no longer available, but could ghouls still do the trick with lower tier monsters?

I would appreciate any tips to improve the above suggestions. Especially regarding ghouls, I am not entirely sure how to set up. 
Thanks in advance!

Mercenaries: omniscient with just 8 books isn’t as outstanding. What a higher frequency of mercenaries will help you do is save a lot of time building city defenses as recruits only show up in capital. I think spellweaver + specialist will make you more versatile if you also drop alchemy.

Though with your set up, you have a tremendous gold output opportunity, just don’t waste time casting just cause in the first 25 or so turns - focus on magic to help you conquer lairs early on, like heroism homy weapon hy armor on a couple of armory or stables unit

Note: famous is stronger for games where you don’t have access to heroism

Monster trap: make sure you lay a ghoul trap or two cities with otherwise poor defenses to actually lure rampaging … after you use that ghoul stack to conquer easy nodes. Use undead raised early for more lair conquering or to put strong defenses in other cities that have no ghouls. Guardian is a tough use of 2 retorts unless you play nomad or klackon. Conjurer is a good retort not just for ghoul and vampires, but early zombies too to tackle poison immune units, and lowering undead upkeep costs. Make sure to have 10 death to get vampire as early rare and if flowing with gold, alchemy retort is very useful too. Without guardian, you can just move around stacks of ghouls on roads to intercept, without having to lure


Thanks for the input. 
I also tried the "Megatrader" setup (conjurer/artificer/runemaster to get swappable arcanes), but it did not work as intended. The wizards rather wanted the non-arcane; only some heavy swappers took the arcane. When I had one sorc book and lots of chaos from a previous trade, the sorc-heavy guy with chaos did not want to trade, even though he could have given me sorc for chaos.

BTW: How are spells valued in terms of trade value? What would be the most promising trading setup (I assume, none of the arcane stuff, but more books).
I think I got 12-15 spells from 7 wizards, could be around 30 if I found all of them (put them all on the same plane), but are there limitations?
Of course I don't get beyond common or uncommon with a multiple realm-approach.

Warlord mod version 1.4.17 is released several changes and addess bug from state of rot spells.

- Spellweaver's cost reduction is 20% (from 25%) for non-enchantment overland spells (enchantments still 25%)
- Channeler also comes with 12% combat spell cost reduction (all spells but only if cast in combat)
- Artificer's mechanical unit trait involves +1 resistance (from +2)
- Charismatic now also grants 1 unrest reduction to your cities
- Sage Master now eliminates upkeep of library, sage guild, and university
- Famous renamed to 'Benefactor' now comes with heroic heart researched and grants heroes +2 attack, +1 armor, and +1 resist.
- omniscient formula now 14 + 4X% (from 16 + 3.5X), favoring mono-wizards
- omniscient chaos formula now includes wizard fortress and combat skill gains from cities
- alchemy named 'alchemist' for consistency in retort names.
- bug fix: wizards with 7 or 8 books of one type were not gaining the 3% and 6% spell cost discount as described with latest Caster of Magic version.

- Divine Order costs 600/30 (from 500/10) but calculates bonuses and penalties differently, mostly favoring player (25% cost reduction for buffs and healing spells, +25% cost increase for curses and damage spells that apply only to enemy wizards). Some minor 10% increase/decrease effects elsewhere with the cost increases applying only to opponents.
- State of Rot no longer affects units overland (improves wait turn performance). However, there is an added 'to defend' penalty of 5% to enemy units during combat.
- State of Rot bug around caster units losing spell books prevented. However, this required making them exempt from the healing immunity effect. To balance it out, caster units lose 8% to defend instead of 5%
- State of Rot bug around fantastic units prevented. However, this required making them exempt from the healing immunity effect. To balance it out, fantastic units lose 8% to defend instead of 5%
- Eternal Night's 'poor vision' effect on enemy units now happen only in combat improves wait turn performance).
- Rust now costs 7 (from 8)
- Purity may have a slight tweak to improve wait turn performance.

- Switching farmer to worker guarantees at least 1 hammer change (impacting non-dwarf/klackon towns that had sawmill but not townhall present)
- Mechanician Guild redesigned from +40% all production to +1 ½ per worker. In a mid-size city with a few allocated farmers, production output is about the same. However, this makes food upkeep more costly later in game due to opportunity cost.
- rewrite code in ecoprod.cas to make sure that all remnant production in the form of fractions from farmers, several buildings, percentage bonus would not be discarded as they get included in result from terrain

- If template is mono nature or have nature books more than 4 and not yet have tactician retort, then there is 30% chance for sacrifice one nature book for tactician retort
- If wizard has more than two magic realms, chance of picking omniscient retort is increased by # of different book types.
- The re-rolling of spell availability now considers new spell combos from Warlord mod.
- AI has low-medium disjunct priority to Divine Order (from near-zero)

A few hardy recruitable units were rebalanced around 40% to defend to give player a different mega-buff option over multifigures.
- Golem: 7 armor (from 9), 40% to defend, +5 cost
- Stag Beetle: 6 armor (from 8), 40% to defend
- Dragon Turtle: 9 armor (from 11), 24hp (from 25), 40% to defend
- Minotaur: 16 melee (from 13), 4 armor (from 5), 12hp (from 13), 40% to hit (from 50%), 40% to defend
- Gugalanna: 8 melee (from 10), 50% to hit (from 40%)

MP is earned +1 per level of experience.
Ultra Elite: +5% to hit, +1 attack, +1thrown/breath +1 armor, +1mp
(from the underwhelming +1 attack, +1 armor. +2mp was present version 1.4.15, but now split as 2 +1s)
Champion: +5% to hit, +1 attack, +2 armor, +1 resistance , +1mp
(more balanced set of boosts instead of just +10% to hit, +1hp)
Heroes: +5% to hit earned in level 4, level 6, level 8 and level 9 (instead of +10% earned in level 5 and 9)

- Improved end of turn wait time, especially early in game.
- Unit mercenaries can be recruited as early as turn 18 (from turn 30). Heroes and item purchases unchanged.
-Description fixes
- Fixed air elemental's immunity to hurricane spell.

Here's something I have had fun with in this mod: 

Play fantasmal - against the worlds - monsters gone wild, but give yourself a gold benefit. Try to kill all 13 opponents before they kill you. I have started with unlimited money (iE 999999) and tree of knowledge, took High Elf, Warlord, Alchemy, Conjurer, Guardian. Strategy: primarily pegasi, conquer neutrals, conquer AIs. 
Spells I would recommend: Blur (for 9-stacks absolutely recommendable) - Web - War Bears (or take Heavenly Light and hope you can research an early summon). 
No time for development, just run and crush. 
Tried it with fewer opponents, which appeared too easy. But if you have thirteen, maybe the last couple will have sth to counter you?

Then try a worse race or worse picks. Best races are of course those that have fast and strong units; Halflings/Klackons of course worse. 
Any suggestions?

(October 30th, 2022, 12:48)occasionalplayer Wrote: Here's something I have had fun with in this mod: 

Play fantasmal - against the worlds - monsters gone wild, but give yourself a gold benefit. Try to kill all 13 opponents before they kill you. I have started with unlimited money (iE 999999) and tree of knowledge, took High Elf, Warlord, Alchemy, Conjurer, Guardian. Strategy: primarily pegasi, conquer neutrals, conquer AIs. 
Spells I would recommend: Blur (for 9-stacks absolutely recommendable) - Web - War Bears (or take Heavenly Light and hope you can research an early summon). 
No time for development, just run and crush. 
Tried it with fewer opponents, which appeared too easy. But if you have thirteen, maybe the last couple will have sth to counter you?

Then try a worse race or worse picks. Best races are of course those that have fast and strong units; Halflings/Klackons of course worse. 
Any suggestions?

Halflings is much better in fighting in Warlord, Klackon is definitely could rush too. So your both choice definitely not the worst, just slower than rush race like barbarian and gnoll.

Try orc, troll, or nomad if you want race that difficult to rush. If you want more challenge, give up alchemist (maybe take artificer instead) and trade warlord for more difficult to use tactician (which work differently from in CoM) instead.

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