October 14th, 2022, 09:00
(This post was last modified: October 14th, 2022, 09:01 by Commodore.)
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Only more turns of Colossus. It's not going to be a huge effect on gross, but net is going to be screaming.
All that said, it's just 20 commerce now, muuuch better than it used to be. I finally have a green fair land of villages.
Weep for my poor abused Lower Whipping Victims. Ten new catapults for the front these two turns, then a huge wave of Privateers.
October 16th, 2022, 08:12
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Amicalola is posting for once, he's scouting me, and he's positioning this galleon badly. I think he's about to make himself a critical mistake.
I offered fish for fish first, and then I offered this:
Amicalola, you figured out how to tank your easy romp to victory. I'm going to fully ignore Ginger if you do this in favor of turning you to ash immediately. I already had to finish Astronomy in response to this positioning; don't make me even madder.
October 19th, 2022, 08:58
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Amicalola opted to not attack, if indeed those we scouts for invasion. Unfortunately, game might be over because it looks like Nowfer's inner sea fell...
Wish I could help, but I'm in skirmish hell.
Ginger is completely impossible to live with with this geography.
Massive huge armies on this border from now until doomsday...literally no way out now.
Darn it, Superdeath, join this dogpile or attack Amicalola, now, or we're donezo.
October 20th, 2022, 09:09
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t's getting tense now. Nowfroggor peaced out with Ginger, and the frigates are coming.
So just in the nick of time, turns out I was right to finish Astronomy:
Will lose 1-2 more caravels, and then we're stable. Privateers trade reasonably reliably at a 2:1 ratio, so outproducing Ginger I'll be able to stabilize things. Timing is everything.
Navy is so important. Embassytown is hanging out here looking big and kind of vulnerable. He saw the danger, but an amphibious pinch knight almost got odds as it was...
...and that failed, but the following musket sees vulnerability.
Next turn will be fascinating, as a pair of cannon can hit or reinforce but not both. Kind of nerve-wracking.
Here at the late hour, I do get a pretty incredible event. Pinch on all my G3 muskets? I don't mind if I do.
I'd say it was hopeless, but there's still one last player to talk. Superdeath, redeem yourself one last time...
After a long stasis, I think 64 is finally at the last battles.
October 23rd, 2022, 13:45
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...wanna see if this game is over here in a bit?
October 25th, 2022, 09:19
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Yo, ho, yo, ho...
A pirate's life for me.
The real question if if Nowfrogger is willing to move with me to Fever Dream; his 18 siege with my 38 should confer decent cannon immunity.
Meanwhile, Paper in at EoT and I may be able to actually take this island.
I think Global demos have gone significantly DOWN these last dozen turns.
October 25th, 2022, 09:22
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November 10th, 2022, 11:30
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Absolutely brutal turn. I moved in support of Nao in his overland push, and it hurt:
HOWEVER, Amicalola took a lot of damage in turn. Don't know if Naufrugger has enough backup to wipe this remainder, but if he does that's a lot of ships.
All that is needed, I think, for the game to continue is for Amicalola to keep his knights south this one more turn. Then they're not going to be able to defend his single biggest city in time:
My next inevitable task is surviving Ginger's Third Isthmus War.
November 13th, 2022, 17:52
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Well this was unexpected, my aid was enough to let Nowfroggur win the main land battle:
...so that's gotta make this a lot more demoralizing.
November 16th, 2022, 10:50
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Amicalola had a galleon in range, very handy.
...so I'm threatening with landed units, and also forking two other cities with the one 4-move galley.
Very nice. I'll also wipe his navy next turn if they don't flee.
Two turns until Ginger hits. I'm going to lose the isthmus AGAIN.