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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

(January 14th, 2023, 05:27)Suppanut Wrote:
(January 14th, 2023, 04:09)MrBiscuits Wrote:
(January 12th, 2023, 00:08)Suppanut Wrote:
(January 11th, 2023, 07:56)MrBiscuits Wrote:
(January 9th, 2023, 21:33)Suppanut Wrote: That is our intention. New city should not be profitable until some investment. In history, New city tend to rely on its mother city for a period of time. What you could do to rush thing up is spend money to buy building, you could get some from managing tax and looting the lair. You should not convert all gold to mana and need to manage amount meticulously. Your new city will be burden to your economy for a while until have much enough working population to support itself. If you want it to support itself quicker, focus on housing and using gold to buy key buildings.

I understand, but you can't buy your way to making a city productive, as it depends on having a reasonably sized population. So the most important factor is the population growth, which is more a factor of geography and race than user action, so fast growth races have a much larger advantage now. 

Also it means if your starting city and surrounding area have low food city sites then you will struggle to catch up with your opponents as there's no ways to mitigate that with a sawmill etc.

That is what housing for. Also yes that geography really important to city, especially as human player, but as much for ai, their city growth faster, and even the most terrible location still useful for them as beacon for summoning circle.

I don't think growth rate is that decisive. It confers advantage but as ai get growth cheat and player could manage thing better, it is not beyond overcoming.

Yes housing helps, but again the rate of population growth with housing is mostly based on the max population for the city. Actually I would like to see this changed to be more a factor of production than max population, so housing is a good option for low food/high production cities.

I think a game mechanic that only negatively affects the player can be a bit frustrating. Yes the best players can overcome it, but it doesn't make it fun or balanced.

I just noticed that stables give +4 production, so they are by far the best production building early on as well as one of the best early military building for some races. Could some of this production be shifted to mill and town hall?

I think I found a bug, I built a fantastic stable in a dark elf city, but I still don't have access to nightmares.

Edit: Also I can research Sky Drakes which is a very rare before Uranus Blessing which is a rare, is that intended?

Fixed production move to Stable is intentional and it is much more expensive investment.

You also need wizard guild to train nightmare on warlord mod. It is much more scary unit and much more expensive now.

For you to able to research sky drake before Uranus's Blessing is possible but not intentional on my part. I also don't know reason but I did see something similar like get very rare spell before last rare appear in some CoM game. But are you sure that you have Uranus' Blessing in spellbook? Now even when you start with 10 sorcery books it still not guerentee all sorcery rare due to now each realms have 16 rare spells, not just 12.

Fair enough, it still a little strange that the best production building is the stable.

Ah that makes sense, could you put that the alchemist guild/sages guild is a requirement for nightmares? I wasn't sure what I needed to build.

Actually it was my fault, I forgot that I found another sorcery book whilst I was researching Sky Drakes, so Uranus' Blessing only appeared after that.

Have magicians been removed from Trolls? I build a city next to Orilhalcon for them and they don't have access to Sages Guild, so can't build a Wizards Guild.

Edit: Should "survival the fittest" be "survival of the fittest"?
Does it gain any benefit from having duplicate coals/irons etc?

I don't think I could put building requirement more than 2. I have yet to seen example of add 3 or 4 building requirement.

Yes, troll nolonger has magicians and could nolonger build wizard guild. I think troll magicians are one of the biggest themebreaking for brute race like trolls. Troll shaman is already broken enough mid-game.

No "of" in "Survival the Fittest" due to space constrain in display and we could this phrase using as alternative to grammatically correct version for the same meaning on internet. Duplicate coal and iron does not stack but power to resistance effect is stacking

Warlord 'Lite' Version 1.0.5a (if downloaded before 6pm EST, re-download recommended that includes emergency fix)

Added 1 rare spell back per realm, with 15 slots, from 14 in previous version (but is 16 slots in Warlord)
I finally standardized research costs of uncommon-tier and rare-tier spells after the 3 spells per realm removals from version 1.0.0.
Restored Aether Sink
Restored Inquisition
Restored Hurricane
Gorgon no longer has caster 40, but has 2 charges of petrify and 1 more hp per figure (too much synergy around hurricane)
Separated out Chaos Embrace power from unrest/coliseum effects into its own rare global enchantment called Chaos Embrace
Blazing Eyes restored
Restored Resurrection as a Life uncommon spell (from arcane rare)
Removed Zeal – reducing script and end turn waits
Nightmare changed from having caster 20 to having a spell charge of Terror (this change will be in Warlord mod as well)
All spearmen back to being identical to Warlord mod – initial change was not needed
Vampiricism partially restored, moved to rare-tier and only grants the create undead trait. Item power also grants create undead trait.
Reduced research cost of Death knights by 2000
Increased research cost of State of Rot by 2000
Soul flay costs 41 (from 40)
Added colossal strength and vampiricism (and removed zeal) as a possible effect of mystic surge
Some text fixes
Fixes to Abundance and Inquisition interaction with chaos embrace
Alchemist Guild grants the intended +2 research (accidentally omitted)
Fixed bug that made fairy dust countered in node


Thank you both for the great work. 
I have extensively played Lite, and here are some remarks: 
Sky Drakes cannot be webbed (should they not be able to be targeted with Reaper Slash, too)? I am not sure about Weakness, will update.
Fairy Dust-Dispel/Sacred Ancients still occurs in Nature Nodes. 
I think, Alchemist's Guild was supposed to give 2 power, but does not seem to do so in Lite at least.

Thanks for the note on Warlord 'Lite' Alchemist Guild not matching Warlord Mod and the serious fairy dust being countered bug.

I put an emergency fix in the same download link regarding a potential circular loop interaction between inquisition and chaos embrace I accidentally introduced and then added the two fixed above. Long story short, redownloading from same link should fix this.

I'm not too sure what the intended rule is around magic immunity and web, but if I remember correctly paladins could get webbed in the original Master of Magic?. I think poison itself is not protected by magic immunity?


I had some doubts about the efficiency of Berserkers vs Barbarian Heavy Cavalry. I made a poll to gauge how others felt:

I would also suggest that Barbarians should have Magic Weapons. Otherwise, their units are terrible and will always remain so against Weapon Immunity.

BTW, why did you change Nightmares? Too overpowered? I mean, they ought to be somewhat overpowered, but did you feel 20 SP was overkill?

Barbarians: Warlord Mod maintained the barbarian element of not having magic weapons. Some units were buffed either in stats and cost (berserkers, gladiators) availability (spellserkers not needing wizards guild) or ships (long ship is outstanding). I found some barbarian starts to be among my most successful games, whether early force, early spellserker armies, fast pop growth, or exploiting longships. Adding magic weapons will make them too good. Try with death realm.

Nightmare change is primarily to avoid redundancy with caster 20s in myrran, as new additions are being planned involving that trait later this winter (also terror is thematic and fits in well w race gameplay). Terror charge may not be a nerf relative to 20sp, depending on usage and army composition


New race showcase: Xuanyuan

Estimate time of next version releases, 3 days.











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