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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

(March 6th, 2023, 12:59)JustOneMoreTurn Wrote: I tried Tactician/Elves, with the (forester) swordsmen on a treed square in combat: no change in the numbers.  Is it working properly for other people?  I have 1.04.7.  What file is the code for Tactician in?  I certainly like the concept; just not sure why it's not working for me.

Please give me screenshot. I get bonus properly in my own fresh test here (bonus here is +5% to-hit, +2 armor, first strike, negate first strike. in .screenshot also have penalty from hurricane on to-hit)


You need to make sure your unit land on tree combat tile in combat for forester. Not just fight in overland forest. And make sure you stay on internally tree tile too as sometimes UI might fool you into think you landed on one.

Warlord mod version 1.4.21 is released with rebalance in Life realm.

Changes log version 1.4.21:
- Fire giant no longer casts fireball, but gains +1 range and +2 ammo
- Ghouls gain +10% to hit and +1 range, but lose poison-based damage. Death no longer associated with poison.

- Fireball moved back to uncommon, costs 19, requires 1280 research cost, and has strength 14 (from 12)
- Blaze of glory moved to common. Chaos needs this powerful yet situational spell to stay competitive in lair-hunting.
- Insulation now has 1600rp cost.
- True sight now also grants +5% to range
- Reaper Slash now costs 32 → 44 but causes undead-raising damage, has strength 44 (from 42) and deal cold instead of poison damage
- Altar of Peace changed to Altar of Duality, either granting 12-32 research if relations are neutral to positive, and 6-16 production if relations are negative. Bonuses increase as relations are farther from neutral.
- Angelic Guardian no longer grant lucky to a % of recruited units. Instead, random lucky before combat rise from 20% to 33%.
- NEW Pillars of Faith: City buff that gives 20% of granting lucky to recruited units and +1 to +3 resistance depending on how many religious buildings you have in it. Unit icon is added to units benefiting from spell.
- Zeal changed to unresearchable and castable only by life creature.
- Eye of Heaven – if a life caster unit has 28mp, it can cast this spell – giving all friendly units illusion immunity.
- Divine Protection – if a life caster unit has 23mp, it can cast this spell – giving a normal unit lucky and death immunity.
- Prayer is strengthened in AI auto-battles
- BUG FIX: Life realm miss one starting common from 6 Life books onward

- Added icons for units stranded in water, sailing units grounded in land, mariners, and amphibious.
- Zeal and Insulation script of hero item and enchantment nolonger work redundantly

For Tactician not working properly, I'm guessing that maybe I don't have the latest version of the Warlords mod, if that's necessary for using the Lite Mod. That's why I asked what file the code is supposed to be in, so I could check. It's tricky keeping up with multiple updates, especially when I try to avoid connecting my Windows computer to the internet (Windows keeps trying to download things that I probably don't want, and I have a slow connection and limited traffic). Yes, my forester unit was on a treed square in combat. Since it is working for others, the problem is mine, and I'll wait for a future update to fix things.
WARLORD LITE Version 1.0.7

Most changes from 1.4.21 brought forward: fire giants, ghouls, reaper slash, fireball, true sight, pillars of faith, prayer, misc icons, etc.
Bug fix – Tactician accidentally reverted back to original in recent previous version. This is now fixed.
Resurrection back to arcane to allow for Pillars of Faith spell, new life uncommon
Blaze of Glory restored (as common to match Warlord), Insulation removed.
Mystic Surge spell now restores the inability to heal (Warlord full doesn't, but is rare tier compared to uncommon in warlord lite)


Oh good, it wasn't just my incompetence in installation/updates for Tactician not working. Thanks zitro1987.

With LITE, is anyone else having a problem with combat crashing at the end of a turn? I've modded quite a few files, so it just might be something I've changed, with unexpected results. I don't have the log file on this computer, but the last line was something along the lines of "can't find unit to move". If I replay the combat, it might not crash, or it might. It doesn't seem limited to any particular units or actions.

Other comment: I never seem to remember to make _use_ of Tactician's defenses by positioning units on appropriate terrain. Combat starts, and I just forget about Tactician. Would it be difficult to give units an aura or other visible reminder that there's a benefit to being on a tile? Wait, that wouldn't work because I might not remember to move it over a tree or whatever to trigger the reminder. Maybe I need a post-it note on my screen. A helpful pop-up in combat would work, with an option to turn it off for those with superior memories.

The actual log text after the crash is: "No units found to move, ending turn".

New Warlord Version 1.4.22 Released!  (I am sharing on behalf of author Suppanut who is experiencing computer technical issues)

Note, if downloaded before 8:40am EST there was a problem with an combatendturn file in the data folder, re downloading or replacing that one with the caster of magic equivalent solves issue.

Version 1.4.22

- New game mechanic called 'indirect control penalty': Non-Capital Cities less productive, losing 20% of production/gold/gold/power rounded down.
- If wizard is banished, all cities become much less productive, losing 40% of production/gold/power/food
- Buildings, particularly non-military non-production ones, have lower upkeeps with many starter buildings having 0 upkeep. This accommodates for the generally higher building costs relative to Caster of Magic. A fully developed city may save up to 20 gold per turn.
- However, military units have higher upkeeps, typically +1 except for higher-tiers gaining +2 or even +3 gold upkeep.
- Ships also now come with gold upkeep just like original Master of Magic. Lower-tier ship upkeep stays low.
- Library provides 4 research (from 6)
- Magic Market provides 4 power (from 6)

End Turn Time Savings
- Unitcalc and unitcalcpre script file overhauled to perform more efficient calculations
- EnterCombat removed to improve end turn waits considerably.
- economy and other script files adjusted to lessen end turn waits
- Tactician makes fewer calculations in strategic (automatic combat), which reduces end turns.

- Lizardmen now allowed to build bank – needed an economic buff to stay competitive.

- wall of fire redesigned to deal stronger damage but as a single attack, no longer targets all figures.
- wall of fire also grants +1 attack to all defending normal units (metal fires effect from original game)
- wall of fire costs 30 if cast in combat.
- wall of fire overland cost unchanged but now has 1 upkeep
- Blaze of glory now also grants armor-piercing (needed a significant buff to be usable) but unit enchanted loses first strike (if present)
- Flame Blade, renamed fiery fury, if cast on a fantastic creature, turns the creature to chaos and grants first strike and +3 fire breath.
- Rust also eliminates 'thrown' attack to cursed unit.
- Chaos Blessing also offers protection by granting -10% to hit to non-chaos attackers
- Power Link now also eliminates all non-capital power penalties introduced in version 1.4.22
- Firebolt costs 9 (from 10)
- Dissolution costs 80 (from 90)
- Mariner Mastery uses fewer calculations. When dispelled it takes a full turn to take effect.
- Wraithform no longer allows ships to travel and transport units inland
- Immolation now boosts existing firebreath by +3. Units without fire-breath do not gain this bonus.
- Dance of Death no longer grants random 'liability' to enemy units – affected end turn waits too much
- Angelic Guardians no longer grants random 'lucky' to friendly units. Spell grants additional exorcise bonuses. (normal -0, life/sanctified -1, existing exorcise gains additional -2 if normal or -3 if life)

- Farmer's Market - Instead of granting food, Farmer's Market grants 0.5 gold per population.
- Forester's Guild - Grants 4 food and +2 food bonus from wild game

- Fire Giant loses 1 ammo, gains 1 armor and 2hp … becomes roughly as useful as the fireball casting variant of original.
- Maiden Queen costs 240 (+40)
- Stag Beetle costs 1 less upkeep than a typical 240 cost unit.

- Artificer no longer has 25% cost reduction of arcane spells. However, all mechanical units (not just slow ones) gain +1 movement and all mechanical units also gain +1 attack, +1 armor and +2 resistance. (from +2,+0,+1)
- Runemaster now 1-pick retort, loses spell resistance perk, arcane research reduction weakened to 25%, gains 25% cost reduction of arcane spells.
- Spellweaver renamed to Enchanter, now 2-pick retort, gains the 150% spell resistance perk and 25% cost reduction in all enchantment and curse spells overland and in combat.
- Sagemaster no longer grants gold based on research buildings, but its 25% research bonus was upgraded to 33% research bonus.

- Icon available for units that can be in enemy territory during a wizard pact
- Icon available for units affected by the lesser and greater warp reality effects from Chaos Blessing and Warp Reality spells, respectively
- Icon available to display mechanical units.
- Help.txt spell description fixes

- Lower priority to cast Great Unsummoning and Final Wave, given they slow down game.
- Higher priority to recruit stag beetles relative to other klackon units
- AI upkeep advantages less significant, limiting enemy army size

- Fixed a bug preventing Crusade spell from giving the intended holy armor effect (was instead giving +2 armor without the holy armor icon)


Warlord 'Lite' 1.1.0 also released, reducing end turn calculations further, restoring a few more Warlord spells, and coming with its own approaches to reduce unit spam via changes to cities and overall economy.

This combination of changes speed up overall gameplay, not just how long you wait when ending a turn. I nickname the new version as ‘ultra lite’

The full warlord 1.4.22 is also considerably faster

These are based on author Suppanut’s work


Blaze of Glory is cool, but does it work as intended? Marauders, Pegasi, Autocrossbowmen can (almost or quite) one-shoot very rares; of course they die in the process, but otherwise, many more of them would die. It grants armor piercing, which is not documented. I like it, but it might be a balance issue.

(May 4th, 2023, 03:17)occasionalplayer Wrote: Blaze of Glory is cool, but does it work as intended? Marauders, Pegasi, Autocrossbowmen can (almost or quite) one-shoot very rares; of course they die in the process, but otherwise, many more of them would die. It grants armor piercing, which is not documented. I like it, but it might be a balance issue.

Yes. It works as intend. Your unit suppose to have glorious death taken down the most unimaginable. We add armor piercing but forget to documented it.

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