![[Image: y4mU28pPth5J4AjOzqGZb29P6jVHR4PXF_bTJhpp...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4mU28pPth5J4AjOzqGZb29P6jVHR4PXF_bTJhppcL7PtFc3JRhUYdouW9OId4QI7a446k6rIVomuYIbm6P3jEQEB_sWIosiTthr3hFhtnNph0mcG7LKhOG_mXfetD3aPMDbSLalJm8WBJ_MHqwR3wKq-h7GOclcFXGVI1PDl9RPFhzAYQAKjey-SjgmijciXwt?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
As predicted. When Mig logged in to do his next war turn, he saw a total force of 35 Infantry and 2 Machine Guns (there are also 5 Muskets in the city but I decided not to count those). I sent him a message that I will attack soon, hoping he at least would not make peace and would just hang around instead or maybe go south, pinning this army to this area. But he decided to take peace for a useless city further to the south which did not get into this screenshot. It will culture flip to me in a few turns most likely but I don't think I have resources to defend it, so probably Rome would recapture it at some point.
I moved my attack one turn forward, to T229. Partially because mjmd pretty much begging me to attack sooner and partially because there is no really a point in waiting longer. I am going to face a total force of around 40 Infantry / Machine Guns with two Bombers in the area (as of now) and a bunch of Fighters. Against this I will have on this theater about the same amount of Infantry plus around 25 Cavs (over thirty if I decide to upgrade all the rest of my Knights) and seven cannons. This is easily enough to defend if P&P decide to invade; it is enough to attack if they would want to split their army leaving a large chunk of it to defend Springer (it was their positioning before Mig's attack). It will not be enough to break through if they decide to do the smart thing and deploy everything to my border. So... thanks Mig, I guess? Before you acted, their army here was three times smaller, I would wipe it out.
To be fair, there are some positives. Mig no longer sells corp resources to Rome and supplies them to me instead. Also, Rome burned around 1000 gold on upgrades. But still, man, Mig's timing was horrible. I probably should have informed him about my plans but I did not because I actually was worried he would snitch me to Rome!
![[Image: y4mEeWFzrwOIFFp1EChp56H2n2YXh9MwrofWuK4-...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4mEeWFzrwOIFFp1EChp56H2n2YXh9MwrofWuK4-vx2341JKYtcJtb4FKS6NJJCuU8QJ8jjPvhz-179RlaDTOVtHmvb7VoaUh0KFqCw2eZVuLqNLk_PDm0X2cTtZDVj60KVWhsiR-HHJAjuIHUn5BAte1BbuWg7wH6zusLzbZcrmywzoUJmQr-Q6CQ4057F3hQO?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
In the large scheme of things though, the Southern theater is nothing more than a distraction. This is where the main drama will happen.
Next turn I will deploy a transport to a tile to the north-east of Ardea that is marked as "Penguin point". The transport will have four amphibious Infantry inside and will be able to take Nav2 and get 7 moves. This is just enough to reach Rom (in the bottom left of the picture).
The transport will be unescorted. Penguin point is five tiles away from Aegirheilmr where it will be built and on the way to Chicago (at the very top). I am already staging my ships in Chicago, as P&P can easily see. My hope is that they would take this movement for a routine transfer and would not expect I can build Nav2 transports (I did not promote any of the units that came out of Aegilheimr to conceal the amount of promotions they can take). If they are properly careful, however, they can easily cover Rome with enough units to defend against my attack. If it happens - I do not think there is even a point in attacking, I would just shut down military production (except navy) and go hard after Industrialism. Tanks will greatly change the balance between offense and defense on land and the invasion of the former Amica territory will again be on the table. Sure, I can take their two island cities near my borders but they will burn half of my coast and I do not think I like this exchange.
![[Image: y4m_Fub55YmWLgRiUXvC0N4_QyWz63XvjAXcw2yH...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4m_Fub55YmWLgRiUXvC0N4_QyWz63XvjAXcw2yHGdhF35E7t_ziG95JJPQ4XQemnYq8H1CeZHqi4ZyOxhsVs-un7n-JwDSZoW3ija5oWGBWT4DiIYRkJr8lpxUriwxd_a3MHZLyx4mcVlfQQrbhkMSO5mZDue1iAxp1FzItlSmEH7oIQ5EgHwnls54LTK4IqRd?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
Power graph is a bit misleading. A large chunk of P&P's and mjmd's power is navy (Destroyers add lots of power points) and I have three Destroyers in total. If we only count land units, I would be much closer. Still, I do not at all look like someone who is planning a war - at least, I hope.
On the other topic - mjmd is proving me wrong so far. I thought his late-game slavery is a meme strategy but for now he is keeping up in military production with someone who has Mining Inc and is almost fully industrialized. He actually has the initiative in their war. He has a bigger navy that gradually zoning out Roman main fleet and he burnt two small border cities. There is also no sign that his production is in any way unsustainable. I still think he will have trouble during the space race because you are supposed to build research and this is not something that can be whipped. But he can argue that the fact that he covered everything with towns will take care of that.
(And by the way - he is not in Universal Suffrage, so he is not even using the full potential of his approach. So, very good stuff from him.)
![[Image: y4mKzCwSEhugBunZLOXscGuMNyInxyjfFba5mnOu...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4mKzCwSEhugBunZLOXscGuMNyInxyjfFba5mnOuGib0h2JdO9ZDaK11Nv0U8l4PFRNAU7Olo11lEFOWTfrAxmqtGBbLC-uTDm_iJn7lABshCZu2YbuzjRB16nXxGEi_HSCMrVc6MzKvlSLs1Jqo6s05rbP1C-NSJSoPRjeaMiMcjhibsvoCYMHRMaobxWICsZI?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
Production. Just so that you could see that mjmd truly sustains his war effort mostly through whipping. Also, observe that Tarkil has higher mfg than me despite the fact that I have Creative Construction and he does not.
![[Image: y4mpHIc92mHHYgu6b_am1kQb_TNB0LQiknKjBuPK...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4mpHIc92mHHYgu6b_am1kQb_TNB0LQiknKjBuPKK1JDu2tlzVmlCSskEyssfaMEgctBo3aogyZSwqeDDxC6EDaA9f-wQnT52ee6KEaFmwbKszuMlO7CD4OJvmWdlQE-nnux5wG7buGaUGgr3bqR50iHMXZjxdPYBzxBApQG-VSvAEgQnSIFvwFZQRFrCacc6LF?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
This is really embarrassing demos for someone who is so much ahead of everyone else in land. Main reason - I have archaic civics. I am running Representation - Nationhood - Serfdom - Merc - Theocracy. And the worst thing, I will have to stay in this garbage for the foreseeable future, my GA is around 30 turns ahead (I hoped to capture Christo Redentor from Rome but Mig jinxed this option). My last two GPs were spent on Creative Construction and Taoist shrine. The corp was definitely worth it but I question the wisdom of buiding a shrine that late. It worth something like 90 gpt (after multipliers).
![[Image: y4mnEFhEmsKwFGDljYMEf4rK6421VoHzkEKms3qt...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4mnEFhEmsKwFGDljYMEf4rK6421VoHzkEKms3qt0x9stFpuMJBFzlSu7Mt0CID0Kk0eX89zIYuMwKOj3moU_zy9a2fWYmhQFc9za-qjw81DMDYtRvPo1xoZoUntMvPjVlHLuTFhVI-T4822F4qzJ_UI-C5mFmNb0_v-9dEC8tFaUfkUKi45zkkreLIwoGTHmyE?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
Victory screen for your information. Very close in population to Rome after the recent developments.
![[Image: y4m0XT5QYfpyVn-PHMKJ0tIHZE2RfwE3DiuS410_...pmode=none]](https://dub07pap001files.storage.live.com/y4m0XT5QYfpyVn-PHMKJ0tIHZE2RfwE3DiuS410_SBemDWbuXWt4qO9l3d5RqZtkmOJe-T7sy11hi6Loq7Dv71vMRGC9N2veQLn4COOactyBtV0-9rXitmFTE8vdTb8BEsOMUQZWrG2EgfS67i4VV0HmGGwZXtuU_KHkVBNI2-mTpUwLHiRl09PhYN_ZzlBt_av?width=2560&height=1600&cropmode=none)
And the last thing I want to show is the comparison between my Moai city and its Roman counterpart that is just across the straights. Things to note.
1) 50 base hammers for me versus 40 for Rome. Unsurprising, I have more land tiles.
2) They produce more gold despite the fact they have 25% multiplier and I have 75%. This is the power of free market and protective trade routes for you.
3) 10 hammers from corp for me vs 14 for them. If another deal with Mig comes through next turn, I will have 11.
4) They must be building lots of research if they can research Industrialism that quickly while on full gold.