As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Last turn before civic swaps. Yes I totally forgot to build a lighthouse during org religion, but listen........ lets not focus on the little things.

[Image: rIz5xyn.png]

Plan is to switch to slavery, nationhood, and theocracy next turn. Have to figure out a drafting plan....... Its hard. I think I start with cities that probably won't get back to 6 pop first (due to naval whipping). Problem is a lot of those don't have religion yet, so have will have to figure that all out.

Tech plan is to go guilds > gunpowder for privateers. You can see Scooter also slowly headed there. I'm assuming he will get about the same time. This is the cost of my going printing press is that I'll be slower to the key naval techs. I will be going for chemistry for frigates afterwards and Scooter is REALLY far from that as he doesn't have construction or engineering.

Also see SD roading our border I'm assuming for very peaceful reasons. Also even after I asked him about him doing his ENTIRE (or near enough) EP spend against me he appears to still be doing so. I may try gently reminding him. I did recently reiterate my willingness to help him conquer Scooter.


Another from Pins list. Resettled other spot on Scooter island finally.

For those reading my PB66 thread songs about maritime disasters are hardly rare. However, its not exactly always the kind of song that gets sung a lot.

My peace treaty with Scooter expires next turn. We will see what happens. I'll have no privateers out yet. Making my may way to Frigates, but will be 4 ish turns. Going to try to not run 100% science. I'm still top GNP out of a GA researching a tech with no KTBs. Mind you a descent chunk of that is culture.

[Image: RDGpZYN.png]

I'm pretty sure I've been on auto pilot for GPs. I was like "ya I'll set up a 4th GA because how often do you get to do that and it will show how busted America UB is". Did I ever stop and think SHOULD I do that............. No, no I didn't. Should I instead use my upcoming great merchant for a trade mission. Even if I don't get free one TECHNICALLY I'll have another GP coming out of capital and I can speed that one up should I need a GA. Should my next GP which is a scientist have been a merchant instead for same reason. Am I bulbing something with this scientist instead of saving and hoping to get free one later at physics?

Did I forget to switch a trireme to a privateer and accidentally finished it, you bet your booty I did.

Also note the absurd amount of random GP points some of my cities have despite never having worked a specialist. I have basically 7-8 cities in the 200s despite just having America UB. Probably never get used, but still interesting. Obviously if this was a bigger game and I thought game would go to corps I could have been / could be working on that.


This was chat with Scooter couple days ago.

[Image: BY4GySe.png]
I don't either Scooter; I don't either. SD is breaking a NAP with one of us. popcorn Unless I was lied to Scooter has an NAP until T170 and mine with SD goes to T200.

On one hand Charriu has gone silent and moved troops to my border. On the other hand Scooters stacks aren't in great positions to load into galleons and neither of them has actually been whipping heavily. Only me and SD have been whipping.

I get Frigates next turn, but that might be a turn late. Basically navy would try to make it a 2v1 instead of a 3v1. I did send a stack north to Charriu border but I probably should have kept more south. In fact I decided to get some maces off my eastern island and just position them south, so basically I have stacks of junk available in the south. I also cancelled open borders with Charriu so he doesn't have info. I've also been double drafting cities I feel I'm more likely to lose.


I meant to type to Bing to tell him to build elephants as I don't want SD to just roll into Bing if he does go for Scooter. AND I accidentally pinged it to Scooter.

I mean I either ingeniously and/or horrendously sent it to Scooter 100% on purpose rolleye


Just a shot of what I'm building everywhere, but sorted on research to show power of concentrating cottages and infrastructure. ASSUMING SD doesn't betray me plan is to put banks into top 7 cities and whip them. Also shown is pathetic city of Johnny Boy. Epic song, but there is only one city to help it grow cottages and only since irrigation has it had descent food, so I haven't been able to whip it very much.  So even though it has a lot of cottages its research is pathetic...... I did whip a unit there recently, just in case you know.

Any galleons or macemen you see are super old units I had in queue and are probably poor planning, but listen I was at war with Scooter at the time and I didn't know if I would need to whip them.

[Image: VLBm7V7.png]

Oh what is that you say? You spy two fleets barely in the screenshot that happen to have units on board in reach of unloading units into my two best research cities in the south. Pure coincidence I tell you.


This is what comes of playing two games at once. The obvious sign there was a dog pile forming was that SD upgraded his knights so fast and I just missed it. I also should have hedged more last turn in my builds. I also somehow missed the cuirs he used to raze Fastnet Rock in my scouting.

So ya I should have prepared better. I had some just in case stuff set up, but I should have had more. I dry whipped a castle in Johnny Boy up north for instance that could have been a normal whip. Did that just to slow Charriu down. He didn't bring a lot of cats to attack and I had some of my own in range.

My big question is right now what to do about Scooter. He isn't CURRENTLY at war with me but isn't giving me a clear answer if he will stay out. I mean he will of course try to get revenge, so instead of doing diplo to try to bribe him its probably correct to just war him and hit his ships that I can. He can probably retake the center island, so I offered him that for peace, but again he can physically retake it. The real danger is he says "screw it" and dives in even though he will lose ships doing it.

So besides using broken America UB to sling HG into MoM I think a big reason I was a "run away" this game was that no one went into organized religion besides Bing and myself. Everyone is bemoaning how far my tech was and all I did was build cottages and build infrastructure on the same # of cities that SD has.

Sure 12 extra turns of GA would still have done good work, but there wasn't really a reason for people to be so far behind. I still think Scooter was trying to move too fast this game and should have just eco'ed up behind monk wonders.

So being a diplo game I'm of course doing my best to get peace with 1 of 3. I'm going to summarize general strategy.

Charriu - I'm trying to make him feel guilty for king making, which he is. He has no shot of getting a lot of spoils from this, so SD gets most of them and SD wins instead of me. His best hope is that SD and I injure each other a lot, but its so tricky because once / if I start collapsing him peacing out hardly does anything. Maybe he has a path to victory, but quite frankly this looks like kind making to me so I'm calling him on it and hoping he frees up those troops. Its not a lot of troops and they are really far away.

Scooter - I don't blame him for wanting some revenge. And ya he is involved both SD and Charriu pretty much confirmed my suspicions so I declared war and killed his scouting galleons. I did however offer him his land back and gold just in case. I also offered to help him raze SD cities in the future because if he doesn't try again SD wins. Maybe Scooter still wants to win? Also, while I'm facing a tech deficit on land, Scooter is facing it at sea. I'm saving promos on frigates so I can attack and then use them to heal, but he could kamikaze, which again I wouldn't even blame him for.

SD - I pointed out that I offered him help getting ahead and that if he starts succeeding his allies have incentive to stab him in the back. Sadly he is probably right to not be too concerned.

So was printing press a mistake? MAYBE. But I think I still like this. Part of what I'm being attacked is for being a tech runaway, so you could argue I shouldn't have pushed econ??? But I was already looking strong so I doubt this pushed them over the edge. No the true mistake was banking. Or rather it was not going HBR and then starting something else. I can't build knights atm and I would really like some. I think I still had to go chemistry, so I couldn't really have reached a tech like steel, military science, or military tradition in time. I also of course should have prepared more for the backstab. Its SD OF COURSE he was going to backstab. I also regret little things like putting a pike in Roots instead of Fastnet Rock. I had reinforcements ready for Roots, but only having two units in Fastnet Rock meant SD could sucker punch with a low # of units so I didn't spot the attack as soon / I could have bled him a bit more.

No regret for NAP-stabbing Scooter and making his obvious complete main objective "you lose" until the end of time?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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He was pretty obviously antagonistic you know with the whole threatening me thing, so letting him and Charriu eat Bing and then be in a better position to attack me doesn't seem great. He organized a trade embargo against me from very early on, I doubt me letting him threaten me into submission leads to good results long term.

But ya I don't blame Scooter for being involved.

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