I don't know what's causing this, but when I ran the latest version of CoM for around three hours, I not only noticed its performance degrade significantly, but also found my computer's applications slowing considerably. I had to reboot it to fix it.
Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!
Does the game's memory usage go up over time by a significant amount?
Other than a memory leak causing the system to run out of memory, there isn't anything else I can think of that would cause that.
For me it sometimes happens when I try to restart a number of times after re-launching the game, also, the game is very stable after many hours of playing and days of keeping the game window open.
Since this happens only when starting a new game on the select a name for your first city screen, it must be related to starting a new game. another strange thing which we ignore and might be related is that on many game starts, the first unit to be selected is some random (non-existing) entity - it can be for example 9X the dwarf hero at level demi-god, it can be some troll swordsman when I start on Arcanus. One time I tried to move this initially probably doesn't exit unit and got a crush. This is a low priority bug for me, because I can just re-launch the game and nothing is lost so I never mentioned it.
Sounds like the variable that stores the selected stack is not reset when starting a new game, that should be easy to fix.
I have a game that is crashing on Ariels turn. The saved game file can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yf1tpnfbh...jz5dq&dl=0 I hope this is the correct place to talk about it? Regards Kristian |