Arathorn Wrote:Except city captures, which involve thousands and thousands, or pillages, which can easily add up to thousands in a relatively short number of turns, or even founding a city which will be worth thousands, or anything else. Plus, the trader is giving away thousands and thousands of units, too. Or does that not matter?
The tech trader isn't "giving away" thousands and thousands of units -- he still has them afterwards. Sharing, is more like it.
Tech trading is very much a positive-sum game. Capturing a city is negative sum (in that improvements, culture are lost), because the other civ no longer has the city. Additionally, the gains of a city capture, while certainly large for some cities, are spread out over the remainder of the game.
City founding is certainly not a "many thousands of units" decision. Firstly, simply founding the city represents (often) a net
loss, because maintenance costs go up. Secondly, the city will reach its full potential only after a long time and the investment of other "many thousands of units" in production, food, and possibly cash if anything's rushbought.
Indeed, tech trading is probably the only aspect of the game that is an absolute win-win for both parties (resource trading is partially a win-win, but there are limits to numbers of resources, and hence the gains). Two otherwise equal civs will each research (effectively) twice as fast if they trade with each other than if they don't.
This simple fact is what made tech trading such a fundamental, indeed required, part of the game in Civ3 -- the inability of the human player to keep up once out of the tech trading loop alone is testament to that. Furthermore, because of a better ability to analyze strategic concerns (combined with more erratic diplomacy in general, up to and including delcaring on "best buddies" anytime the strategic situation demands it), an experienced human player is better at the tech trading game than the simple calculus of X beakers for Y beakers allows the AI to be.
In fact, the fairly common case of "it's okay if I trade Genghis this tech, because he doesn't have the resources to build Y" is an example of a "special case" that an experienced human will intuitively see, but is hard to cover (especially completely) with AI programming.
Thus, the obvious decision for Civ4 was to consider tech trading a slight negative for the AI, and thus to impose an AI limit.
I think we can agree that the need for such a limit is relatively uncontroversial.
Quote:Why is the mechanism picked to limit tech trading so counterintuitive?
Probably because it was the least obtrusive limit that the designers tried that actually worked. Your alternative suggestions do more than just limit the number of trades; most notably, your "time since last trade" method (as Sirian points out) limits
when the human player can trade tech.
I would argue that perhaps it would be better to escalate the margin required after N trades, rather than impose a hard limit, but the net result is the exact same thing. The player would then just see himself unable to afford to trade (or worse -- white techs that couldn't be purchased at any price) without the "error" message of "too advanced."
It's a trade-off between gradualism and information, and I can certainly see why the decision went towards the error message.
Another mechanism that would completely work would be to have tech trades be a
negative modifier on relations with AI, but that's insane for obvious reasons.
Quote:If tech trading is good strategy, why are you arguing the AI should stop doing it? Arguing for a dumber AI is very odd, indeed.
You're better at arguing than this one.
The AI shouldn't tech trade limitlessly, because in that environment the human players do it better than the AI. Hence, it's not in the AI's interests to trade limitlessly with the human.
It's basic game theory -- the human will, on average, gain more (in a strategic sense, which the AI is intrinsically bad at quantifying) than the AI. Since the human is in competition with the AI, the increased gains for the human is a bad thing from the AI's point of view.
Overall, this is a pretty good argument, and it's one that I think the civ4 community needs to have in order to better understand the civ4 design. That's not to say that there's not some design
going on, but I don't think this is one of them (to first order).