Bumping a very old thread
I saw Sulla's latest MOO game, where he had some trouble with a runaway Psilon AI. At the very end of the game, they came up with a ship design that was surprisingly effective: large, cloaked, and 3 plasma torpedoes. It completely solved the main problem that plasma torpedoes have, which is that you pretty much to be at point blank range to be effective. And the cloaking device synergizes well with the every-other-turn firing of torpedoes.
I decided to fire up MOO and try a game where I intentionally try to use torpedoes as much as possible. I realize it's a bit suboptimal, for all the reasons that people laid out it this thread. And also luck dependant on getting the right techs. Still, I wanted to give it a chance to see if I could make it work.
I went with the humans, for good Force Field tech and to try to minimize random war decs. As luck would have it, I did manage to get both Anti-matter torpedoes and the Cloaking device, while also not having fusion beams or bombs. So this was a good setup for torpedoes.
The biggest challenge I faced was that torpedoes just take up so much space. I found that I could usually fit about 4 2-shot stingers for the cost of 1 torpedo. and those also fire every turn. So, it's definitely not a weapon that lends itself to fast, high-offense battles.
On the plus side, 30 damage smashes through shields like they're not there. So with enough of them, you *can* do hit-and-run attacks to wear down stacks. I found I was usually able to damage missile bases too, at least until they got class X planetary shields. But taking down missile bases was a slow grind.
The combination of anti-matter torps, cloaking, high maneuverability, and a jammer seemed to work well. While cloaked, they're almost impossible to hit. And with high maneuverability, you can usually get it so all their attacks hit you while cloaked. Here are the designs I used:
One weakness is that there's something of a runaway AI in my game, the Sakkra. Against all the other races these designs work great, but the Sakkra are too hard to damage and can hit me even through the cloak. Of course it's always hard to deal with someone much higher tech than you, but this design feels more "fragile" to that then most normal beam designs would be.
Any thoughts: Here are some other twists I could try:
-repulsor beam + high energy focus = 3 tile keepaway. takes up a lot of space though
-zyro shield. Ditto
-automated repair. I don't think it'll do much against the Sakkra though.
-take off the computer, do I even need it? torpedoes naturally have a to-hit bonus and do full damage always.
-steal hellfire torpedoes from the sakkra, or wait for some other kind of torpedoes
-warp dissipator. this could potentially be very deadly if I can slow them down enough.
Anyone else have ideas?