As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[No players] Big epic lurking - PB74

This almost seems basic enough to be classified as a mechanic. He is green ish.

I think it's ok to talk about basic habits, it's not one of these fancy gpt-city-resource-trades I saw in this forum wink

I really don't think that's appropriate, especially as Gav has recently posted. Imagine if Gav had said he planned war against Greenline in his thread - we would never tell Greenline what would be in a way deceiving him. As such, he has quasi confirmation of that, which he could never have got without lurkers.

If anything was to be said, it would be pointing him at another game and letting him draw his own conclusions. And Greenline has played here before, where messages were exchanged.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Whelp, my old neighbourhood continues to be a total shit-show!

you mean, related to this one?
Quote: Amica's Banana city is a hella reach - and he's got away with it because of plemo's attack ... no way that would have lasted long if Tarekeel wasn't distracted.
would be crazy if barbs would punish that landgrab :D

Plemo posted what might be the most perfect Imperialistic screen:

  • 10 cities
  • Only 1 granary in the empire
  • Practically 0 garrison units
  • All 10 cities connected to trade network
  • Capital already working on settler for City #11.
  • Edit: And it's only turn freaking 68.

They ought to teach this screenshot in Civ School. It's jaw-dropping.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

I think it actually shows a flaw in his play. He expanded TOO fast. Pottery was super late for him. Victoria and Julius play differently. Victoria you want to build up some workers at 6-7 cities while waiting on pottery then expand in another wave. I've made this mistake with Victoria before. Especially with low quality of a lot of the land around Plemo. He could even have built more military instead of cities and kept the T/C cities, but he was on gold gathering mission rather than conquest because he had over expanded. Julius can get to pottery a little easier, so 9 cities about now is fine.

In other news Amica and Pin are very lucky.

And as predicted Greenline lost 5 chariots to kill 1 axe and still lost the city.

Great to see you again nauf! Hope you're doing well.

It is hard to see how others can compete with Plemo from this point. Probably worth noting that he alone was able to move to a plains hill start with forested deer (which MJ wanted me to fix). Also worth saying that Tarkeels start (which they hate!) has weaker foodhammers as a compromise for also having Gold, which MJ and I fought over.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I think Pin is in a good position. He has two settlers in queue and if he gets Oracle will get him valuable tech and prophet points for shrined religion. Will just depend how much him and Commodore can live peacefully and they've done it before. Commodore has a great late game leader with good and extra land thanks to T/C weakness. West of Plemo you have Piccadilly who will probably be strong on his other side. Gav SHOULD be, but he might well waste his opportunity. Who knows what will happen in SW of the big island. Over on the other island Mig is looking good.

Lot of game left to play. I wish PB66 had stopped sometime in first 100 turns. Hopefully we get some good T75 reports. That is always a good check on who will be competitive.

Well I'm just about caught up on all the detailed threads now having finally got around to reading Miguelito's. It's fascinating to see how many of the players have been surprised by Barbs because they've got out of the habit of running a sentry net. Although it was one of the things I was careful to do and look how well that turned out for me! rolleye

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