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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

(August 16th, 2023, 09:54)occasionalplayer Wrote: But which stack is the best, unenchanted 9 unit elite?

Ogre Lords?

Warlord mod version 1.5.2 is released with changes below.

• If difficulty higher than expert, AI get -10% unit cost modifier bonus for each difficulty level above expert level.
• Unit cost modifier cap for AI in difficulty higher than expert increase to 80% (instead of normal 50%).
• If difficulty higher than expert, AI would buy magic market, stable, and armory as soon as possible.

• AI will now buy Fighter’s Guild if it is rich enough.

• Kraken’s Echo of the Deep now also trigger inside Sorcery node too.
• Separate normal wind walking (3 overland movement) with highwind walking (6 overland movement)
• Holy mother’s overland movement increase to 6 due to replacing wind walking with highwind walking

• Fairy Dust now triggers 50% chance to freeze target.
• Sound of Dance of Death now change and nolonger using generic sound
• Hierophany now has no –save modifier but roll at half resistance for non-undead and 1/3 resistance if unit is undead.
• Regeneration item power now requires 6 Nature books.

• New item power: Chosen, give bonus similar to Destiny but not permanent and not grant supernatural, cost 1800 and required 7 Life books.
• New item power: Colossal Power, give unit Colossal Strength and Iron Skin, cost 1200 and required 5 Nature books.
• New item power: Chaos Conduit, combat involve hero who equipped it start with Blazing March, Warp Reality, and Beat of Swiftness already casted, cost 1500 and required 7 Chaos books.
• New item power: Plague Lord, combat involve hero who equipped it start with opponent suffer from plague combat curse debuff. Required 7 Death books.
• +6 Attack item power cost changes to 600.
• Defense item powers cost change to 75/150/250/400/600/900.
• To-hit item powers cost change to 300/700/1100.
• Resistance item powers cost change to 100/200/350/500/700/900.
• Spell Skill item powers cost change to 100/250/450/700.
• Spell Save item powers cost change to 250/500/1000/1750.
• Health item powers cost change to 75/150/250/350/500/700.
• Insulation item power cost changes to 400.
• Bless item power cost changes to 180.
• Lionheart item power cost changes to 900 and now required 5 Life book.
• Invulnerability item power cost changes to 750.
• Divine Protection item power cost changes to 700.
• Cloak of Fear item power cost changes to 300.
• Wraith Form item power cost changes to 330.
• Water Walking item power cost changes to 100.
• Elemental Armor item power cost changes to 450.
• Regeneration item power cost changes to 800.
• Flight item power cost changes to 500.
• Invisibility item power cost changes to 750.
• Teleportation item power cost changes to 800.
• Haste item power cost changes to 1250.
• Immolation item power cost changes to 330.
• Zeal item power cost changes to 300.
• Binding item power cost changes to 700.
• Healing Aura item power now required 6 Life books.
• Pathfinding item power changes to Nature Link with all of its bonus and cost changes to 330.
• Amplifier item power cost changes to 100 and now required only 3 Chaos book.

• Sorcery node now has swamp surge at the beginning of attacker turn and recede at the beginning of defender turn to act as obstacle terrain similar to chaos and nature node.
• Sorcery node now cost to move through tile overland equal to swamp and produces 4 food and 4 gold instead of 8 food previously.
• Bug Fix: wrong setting of BuyPriority of buildings.ini cause AI to not buy buildings when time is right.
• Bug Fix: holy mother display with range attack on overland when it should not.
• Bug Fix: No Healing from State of Rot does not removed properly.
• Bug Fix: Temporal Twist set all units movement to 0.5.
• Bug Fix: Binding not prevent dispel of enchantment.
• Bug Fix: UI on Display combat info for Aether Binding and Mariner Mastery is swapped.
• Bug Fix: Cost of Great Unsummoning, Final Wave, and Spellbinding are not scaled properly

I have a question regarding hardware: I used CoM Warlord on my MacBook Pro 14 M2Pro under Windows 11 Parallels (ARM emulation). Although the virtual HD is extremely fast and everything else just runs very smoothly, I get disappointing results with CoMWindowsWarlord, though not the unmoved version: Extreme drop in fps (one figure), which do not occur on an inferior windows machine (even though it is using a hdd, not a very fast ssd). Any ideas whether it is related to the x86-emulation under Windows for ARM?

(September 24th, 2023, 15:42)occasionalplayer Wrote: I have a question regarding hardware: I used CoM Warlord on my MacBook Pro 14 M2Pro under Windows 11 Parallels (ARM emulation). Although the virtual HD is extremely fast and everything else just runs very smoothly, I get disappointing results with CoMWindowsWarlord, though not the unmoved version: Extreme drop in fps (one figure), which do not occur on an inferior windows machine (even though it is using a hdd, not a very fast ssd). Any ideas whether it is related to the x86-emulation under Windows for ARM?

CoM2 run on single core, so faster more modern machine with multiple cores does not make it faster, it is better with fast single core instead. Also, this mod involve a lot of unit recalculation which is bottleneck of game calculation. And due to how many units in game, they are the biggest hindrance in game speed. Seravy fix it by made most of his part assembly code that make it faster but uneditable, so any additional code on this would make game slower.

Warlord and Warlord Lite are great. 
However, two potential wrinkles: 

The first is not confirmed, but: Hierophany never seems to work against anyone.
The second is confirmed: Aether Binding costs 620 SP and still has the same effects. At that cost, it is rather useless in the current tier.

Random factor of Hierophany is erratic but is working now in latest version.

Yo! Chaos Channels can give wings to Triremes (maybe only with the Chaos' Blessing + Doom Mastery). This makes them overland transports that cost almost nothing. Intentional?

(October 15th, 2023, 22:10)Leobuilt Wrote: Yo! Chaos Channels can give wings to Triremes (maybe only with the Chaos' Blessing + Doom Mastery). This makes them overland transports that cost almost nothing. Intentional?

Yes, intentional. It is there even in unmodded CoM.

Warlord mod version 1.5.3 has been released with update in score modifiers.

Version 1.5.3

• Colossal Strength now also increase thrown attack strength by 1+40%
• Altar of Battles now give garrison units 10 EXP per turn. Cost increase to 300.
• Confusion will now kill enchanted unit only if owner does not win the combat. Its cost reduces to 14. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for script content.
• Bug Fix: Venom give 2 poison instead of 1.
• State of Rot’s No Healing perk now removed immediately at the end of combat.
• Sanctify now grant +2 spell charge but to cleric units only.
• Focus Magic now grants +1 spell charge to units that already have spell charge.

• Sea Hags casting skill increase to 14.
• Beastmaster hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Bard hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Healer hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Thief hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Assassin hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Ninja hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Rogue hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Gambler hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
• Swordsman hero nolonger wear accessory, accessory slot replaced by weapon slot.
• Elementalist hero could nolonger wear wand, wand slot replaced by accessory slot.

• Fighter’s Guild give garrison units 2 exp per turn.
• Bug Fix: Fortification description cut off before finish.

• New score modifier “Book Collectors”, Each time a wizard is banished or defeated, there is a chance that one of their spell books will become the winner's possession. The book will then no longer be legible as far as its previous content is concerned, but it keeps all the other advantages, score modifier = 0.75. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for script content.
• New score modifier “Unstoppable Stampede”, In combat, all neutral fantastic creatures gain regeneration 0, score modifier = 1.25. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for inspiration.
• New score modifier “Adamantium Fortress”, Player wizard start with old adamantium mine right below his fortress and his starting units equipped with adamantium equipments left over from previous owner, score modifier = 0.6. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for inspiration.
• New score modifier “Nodeborne Souls”, nodes will be more active in defending itself in combat by randomly gives unit enchantment from the same realm as node on all defending neutral creatures and randomly cast combat enchantment of the same realm before combat, score modifier = 1.5.
• New score modifier “Uphill Battle”, whenever AI units are in combat against human player, those units gains +10% To-Hit, +10% To-Defend, and +1 Resistance, score modifier = 1.5.
• New score modifier “Gods Play Dices”, at the beginning of combat, each units roll for resistance penalties (1% for -5, 2% for -4, 4% for -3, 8% for -2, and 16% for -1). Non-human players' units also rolls for resistance penalties but only at half chance for each penalty level against the human player, score modifier = 1.5.
• New score modifier “Khan the Conqueror”, neutral units will fight as if their commander have Warlord and Tactician retorts, score modifier = 1.5.
• Frozen and Volcanic climate now triple spawn chance for wildgames on tundra tiles.

Playing a massive map with 13 opponents on master difficulty and this is the most challenging game of MoM I've ever had... no more having a few stacks of doom dominating the map but having to make actual sacrifices when taking on enemy wizards - it's fantastic! The only issue I'm facing is each turn is taking 2-3 minutes which is somewhat expected due to the size of the game... is there any way to possibly speed this up? I've turned off see enemy moves but it didn't seem to help much - maybe some trick someone knows.

Thanks for creating this mod!

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