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Xist10 confirmed participation, so that brings the player count to 6. Did fireblaze confirm too?

(March 26th, 2024, 14:39)coldrain Wrote: For map-makers:
Q and RefSteel, thanks for volunteering to make the map! What information do you need to get started? Player count is still open (waiting confirmation from possible participants), but do you have other questions? Game setting planning is still in preliminary stage, I'm totally not trying to push the game to start as soon as possible :mischief: (Heh, I'm very eager to start! But some things can't be rushed, especially maps. But I wanted to start the discussion). Or if I'm too early to ask for map-making process, then feel free to bonk some sense into me

Speaking only for myself, if I end up taking lead on this one, I'd need to be sure of the player count and rough number of land tiles per player desired (and any other big-picture expectations like the presence or absence of islands, minimum distance between starts, lushness of terrain, and so on) before I could even start. If everyone's on board with what Aurorarcher posted (~250-300 tiles per player, same starting stuff as the last game, everything else up to the maniacal whims of the mapmakers) then player count would be enough to get things rolling, and the other stuff (approximate number of mana nodes per player, lairs/graveyards/etc off or on, wildlands, etc.) wouldn't be as urgent to decide.

A note on those tile counts: 250-300 would be roughly twice as many land tiles per player as on the last game's map, but capital distance might or might not be much larger, depending on the layout.

I'll note that a game with lots of players would be really cool if it works out, but as Miguelito's pointed out, a consistent 24-hour turn is increasingly (and not just linearly) difficult to achieve as the number of players goes up, increasing both the likelihood of at least one player having an unexpected delay on any given day and the number of chances for missed play windows to pile up. Might be moot if we de facto only have six anyway, of course, and I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from actually playing if they want to, so....

Happy for you to take the lead on this one Ref, and help out as required. I definitely felt like the last map was quite small, though twice as big might be sizable.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


If you want to wait, I think there is a possibility to merge EitB and the PB Mod, so we could play a PB ?

And forgot me other preferences.
Like I said, I think, unrestricted leaders - even in a snake pick - is a bit too much for me.
I would like to have a preselection.

A boosted start sound good. I dread the 100 turns in the upcoming PAE PB till the second city.
FFH is a bit faster, but still...

Bans, modchanges and map is something, where I have no preferences.
A bigger map sounds good - I had a few small maps in my last games. Still, bigger map means longer game, this makes PB a bit better as modus, I think.

(March 28th, 2024, 05:05)xist10 Wrote: If you want to wait, I think there is a possibility to merge EitB and the PB Mod, so we could play a PB ?

And forgot me other preferences.
Like I said, I think, unrestricted leaders - even in a snake pick - is a bit too much for me.
I would like to have a preselection.

A boosted start sound good. I dread the 100 turns in the upcoming PAE PB till the second city.
FFH is a bit faster, but still...

Bans, modchanges and map is something, where I have no preferences.
A bigger map sounds good - I had a few small maps in my last games. Still, bigger map means longer game, this makes PB a bit better as modus, I think.

There is a big problem with summons. We tried before and sumons dsapeared at the turn roll. Well i propose we roll with 6 as is a very good number, and I agre    with  coldrain sugestion perhaps one more mana node for each. And i realy prefer a pbem now or to be sure we dont have that problem after 70-80 turns of playing.

I'll watch this one, would be interested in seeing a pitboss integrated version for my own nefarious purposes though (im also not in europe)

Most of the potential players have informed their participation/lurker status, so if Dreylin is not jumping in, then I think we can lock in 6 players for this game.

Confirmed players:

There's still many game options to discuss, but I think answering map-making questions by RefSteel would be great. Players, could you please approve, reject or comment on the following main guidelines for the map (feel free to suggest alternatives). Here is my vote:
  • Minimum distance between starts: 15 tiles
  • Land tiles per player: 250-300
  • Map-script: Map-maker choice
  • Continent + start distribution: All players on same land mass
  • Amount of ocean/water: Map-maker choice
  • Islands (amount and size): Map-maker choice
  • Lushness: Not totally barren plains or desert hell, otherwise Map-maker choice.
  • Blessing of Amatheon: Map-maker choice
  • Unique features: Yes, but balanced*
  • Strategic resources: ensure copper, horses, iron, mithril, reagents, incence, and blasting powder in all starting areas (not necessarily in capital BFC)

*Copying from previous PBEM: Strongest features not close to players.

If we can first decide on these guidelines, then the rest of the questions can be determined later (mana nodes per player, lairs/barrows/graveyards, wildlands, etc.). And of course, thanks again RefSteel and Q, your work on map-making is greatly appreciated!

(March 28th, 2024, 15:51)coldrain Wrote: Most of the potential players have informed their participation/lurker status, so if Dreylin is not jumping in, then I think we can lock in 6 players for this game.

Confirmed players:

There's still many game options to discuss, but I think answering map-making questions by RefSteel would be great. Players, could you please approve, reject or comment on the following main guidelines for the map (feel free to suggest alternatives). Here is my vote:
  • Minimum distance between starts: 15 tiles
  • Land tiles per player: 250-300
  • Map-script: Map-maker choice
  • Continent + start distribution: All players on same land mass
  • Amount of ocean/water: Map-maker choice
  • Islands (amount and size): Map-maker choice
  • Lushness: Not totally barren plains or desert hell, otherwise Map-maker choice.
  • Blessing of Amatheon: Map-maker choice
  • Unique features: Yes, but balanced*
  • Strategic resources: ensure copper, horses, iron, mithril, reagents, incence, and blasting powder in all starting areas (not necessarily in capital BFC)

*Copying from previous PBEM: Strongest features not close to players.

If we can first decide on these guidelines, then the rest of the questions can be determined later (mana nodes per player, lairs/barrows/graveyards, wildlands, etc.). And of course, thanks again RefSteel and Q, your work on map-making is greatly appreciated!
I agree on all and i supose we can see the start before we pick the civilization. If we dont like an we get another 3 or just 2 to pick?

Sounds good so far. I do want to recommend looking into the possibility of a Pitboss though, especially with 6+ players. If sequential Pitboss works correctly with Summons (i.e. they expire at the start of their caster's turn, not the overall turn roll) then current Pitboss technology makes that option extremely attractive: Forgetting to send the save, accidentally sending the wrong save, and all the related pbem-specific problems that would otherwise help to slow down the game disappear, and Ramk can fix weird and unexpected problems (and, ahem, mapmaker errors) from the server side while the game is running if necessary. It's even possible to play the quick early turns as a simultaneous PB, and switch to sequential later on (e.g. after 50 turns or something) - in fact, even if there turn out to be problems with summons even in a sequential PB, I believe it's now possible to play the first 50-or-whatever turns as a simultaneous Pitboss and then convert the save to pbem save and play on that way from there!

(March 29th, 2024, 02:59)RefSteel Wrote: Sounds good so far.  I do want to recommend looking into the possibility of a Pitboss though, especially with 6+ players.  If sequential Pitboss works correctly with Summons (i.e. they expire at the start of their caster's turn, not the overall turn roll) then current Pitboss technology makes that option extremely attractive:  Forgetting to send the save, accidentally sending the wrong save, and all the related pbem-specific problems that would otherwise help to slow down the game disappear, and Ramk can fix weird and unexpected problems (and, ahem, mapmaker errors) from the server side while the game is running if necessary.  It's even possible to play the quick early turns as a simultaneous PB, and switch to sequential later on (e.g. after 50 turns or something) - in fact, even if there turn out to be problems with summons even in a sequential PB, I believe it's now possible to play the first 50-or-whatever turns as a simultaneous Pitboss and then convert the save to pbem save and play on that way from there!

Well if its posible to turn it in pbem or secvential work proper that would be fantasic. Now we just need somehow to test it.....

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