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Remnants of the Precursors Succession Game?

I asked if there would be an interest in an RotP succession game in the forum and got positive vibes from @RefSteel, @haphazard1 and @DP101 so am putting feelers out.

Now I'd say I'm not sure if I'm the right person to set it up and get it going (see my !), but if anybody would like, I could roll a map the weekend (or the weekend after, or the one after that and so on) and go from there.

I would suggest that we start on standard settings (normal difficulty, default advanced settings) with either a 50 or 70 star galaxy and either four or five opponents, not sure who to pick for our empire. I am completely open to different settings and will roll what the consensus is.

So any takers? Or even anybody wanting to roll their own game for me to be in?
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

I am interested. nod One thing to consider is difficulty level; I would suggest something above normal difficulty, unless this is intended as a game for newer players. (We are all pretty new to RotP, but most of us have extensive MOO experience and a lot carries over.) Normal is likely to be too easy, unless we play against some of the tougher AIs. (I have not yet experimented with anything but the base AI, so I am not sure how large a step up that would be.)

Or if we do want to play at normal to get used to RotP, maybe we should play as one of the weak races? Perhaps it is time for a cats SG? lol

Definitely still interested too, but I'm going to be pouring all my game-playing time into finishing the EitB LVII map for now, so won't be able to play at least until I finish that! I don't know how difficult the RotP difficulties are, but would be happy to experiment with loony "strategies" to artificially increase the difficulty for the team if we find we're skating by too easily on whatever setting we end up picking!

I'd hope for at least hard difficulty, and/or Modnar enabled, as normal definitely won't be a challenge. Happy to try some kind of variant. Only racial preference is not the rocks as I dislike their gameplay regarding how much population sucks and how much they screw with expansion rhythm lol. Do we want to try any kind of interesting map? I'd recommend against spiral (or at least any spiral that actually looks like a spiral with clearly distinct arms) as anyone who starts on the far end of an arm with another race closer to the centre is basically screwed, but happy with anything other than that. The more circular options for ellipse (i.e. anything with void at 2 or higher) might have this issue, but given that you've got 2 directions instead of 1 it'll probably be overall less swingy. Perfectly happy with a default star map ofc, but wanted to remind people of other options in case people want to be a little more adventurous.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

FWIW: My experience has been that Modnar/Harder is challenging, but not as difficult as MoO Impossible.

Only have a couple games of RotP under my belt, but if inexperience isn't a dealbreaker I would be interested in joining.

Can someone who has played more RotP give an idea of the differences with the Modnar AI? I am happy to give it a try, but some idea of what to expect would be helpful.

One of the new galaxy shapes could be fun. I think Dp101's idea of something not TOO likely to result in being isolated/cut off is a good one.

No real experience with RotP is required, Fenn. Most of us do not have a lot of RotP experience yet ourselves. smile

(April 18th, 2024, 23:40)haphazard1 Wrote: Can someone who has played more RotP give an idea of the differences with the Modnar AI? I am happy to give it a try, but some idea of what to expect would be helpful.

One of the new galaxy shapes could be fun. I think Dp101's idea of something not TOO likely to result in being isolated/cut off is a good one.

No real experience with RotP is required, Fenn. Most of us do not have a lot of RotP experience yet ourselves. smile

From memory it's just much more aggressive and willing to push advantages, but I'll do a quick run to refamiliarise myself with it. I do think at the very least it feels appropriate to use.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

(April 18th, 2024, 23:40)haphazard1 Wrote: Can someone who has played more RotP give an idea of the differences with the Modnar AI? I am happy to give it a try, but some idea of what to expect would be helpful.

One of the new galaxy shapes could be fun. I think Dp101's idea of something not TOO likely to result in being isolated/cut off is a good one.

No real experience with RotP is required, Fenn. Most of us do not have a lot of RotP experience yet ourselves. smile

Modnar was the first community AI based off of the original Base AI. It's pretty close to it but a little stronger. The Xilmi AI is the serious one where the AI developer iterated and worked on it for over a year. The Fusion Mod has to most up-to-date version of that AI but I'm pretty sure the version in the 1.04 release is tougher than 98% of the 4X AIs on the market.

As far as game options go, I'm good with a nonstandard galaxy shape. We could try out a spiral galaxy without such discrete arms; you can get some pretty funky shapes depending on the number of arms/rotation you select:

But for a first SG, I'd lean towards something simple like an Ellipse with Void 1 or 2 to minimize the risk of stuck civs.

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