Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adventure 1 - Ronald's report

This was my first game on warlord, before I only played noble and prince games, so I thought this is a very good opportunity for a fun warmongering game.

Short Time log

4000 BC London is founded
3960 BC RBCiv declares war on Isalbella (The Spanish were much too close and the chances are high that the city is undefended at the moment

[Image: ronald_adv11.jpg]

[Image: ronald_adv12.jpg]

3880 BC The Spanish Civilization is destroyed
3680 BC get a settler from a hut
3480 BC Found York

After I connect Copper I only produce Axemen, after connecting iron its swordsmen and before I produced some workers to build roads to my opponents

2200 BC BRCiv declares war on Peter
2040 BC Moscow was captured by the English Empire
2040 BC The Russian Civilization has been destroyed

1960 BC RBCiv declares war on Frederic
1840 BC Berlin was captured by the English Empire
1840 BC The German Civilization has been destroyed

1640 BC RBCiv delares war on Asoka
1520 BC Delhi was captured by the English Empire

[Image: ronald_adv13.jpg]

[Image: ronald_adv14.jpg]

1280 BC Bombay was captured by the English Empire
1280 BC The Indian Civilization has been destroyed
1240 BC RBCiv has won a conquest victory

[Image: ronald_adv15.jpg]

Score: 32587

It was a fun game to play. Next one i'm going to play will be adventure 4 and I'm sure this one will be not as easy.
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten - Karl Kraus


Ronald Wrote:4000 BC London is founded
1240 BC RBCiv has won a conquest victory
eek I haven't played this Adventure, but it looks like the map wasn't too big... lol

Impressive. It looks like ultra-early aggression still pays off, even in CIV. I hope you will find the time to give us some more details of your game...


There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

lol lol lol

That's the game report I was searching actually. Excellent ! nod I was quite sure this was possible, but you really did a good job of just preparing for war and crushing them. And take out the Spanish like Herbie did on top of that is just the cherry on top of the cake. wink I hope you realize that this game you played has some special smell, and that you won't be able to do it in the future. But going for it here was the thing to do to keep a good memory of this game, I think.

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