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I was on vacation last week, so no updates.
This should be better for the future.
My scout won the first fight.
A wolf was able to win a round, I paused 2 turns to heal the scout.
I have a small, general city planning with visible copper this turn.
Relative small distances between the cities and most ressources in the first ring.
I'm not sure about the Standing Stones city. I'm think about the 3 tiles northwest too.
Hill next to Standing Stones or the corn or the flatland between Standing Stones ans Corn.
Calendar next. I'm thinking about Hunting, AH the cottage tech or the adept tech too. But I think the 2 from agrasim is a good point. And this makes farm general better.
I can bulb the adept tech in 5 turns. Or I wait and research it manually ? It should be less than 20 turns in the moment.
I think the next GP should cost 167 , or ?
I plan the first settler with size 5. A 4th warrior is maybe better, but I think I can built the 4th warrior after the settler.
This should co the the copper city.
worker with heavy warrior escort to the gems.
I have a goblin in the culture and I saw a griffon last turn on the mountain - Greif sign.
If the goblins don't attack, I will attack or reinforce the capital.
The running sage is great for my GNP.
The 18 should be a settler for a EXP leader.
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The poison goblin means there's either a goblin fort somewhere to the south (very likely) or a scorpion that gave him poison weapons (very much less likely). The griffon, lion, and wolf can't move inside your borders, so they're only a threat to explorers/settling parties.
The copper city is low on food, and copper doesn't help you until you can build swordsmen (i.e., after you build a training yard somewhere). Agrarianism is not great for plains wheat - you trade 1 hammer for 1 food, whereas a grassland tile is a straight +1 food. I'd be more interested in the western corn, or even the plains hill 2S of the northern deer. Both of those cities have more food and commerce, which are more important than hammers right now. In any case, a faster settler is better than another warrior.
Bulbing Knowledge of the Ether is a good idea, I think. The sooner you can field adepts, the sooner you can gain a lot of map knowledge and start stacking up XP (and have access to haste to help make your defenders more mobile).
167 GPP should be correct for you second great person.
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I think, the +1f from Agrarianism is still good. I don't want prod on my food tiles. Or let's say it the other way. I want as much food than possible.
The plainscow is regarded as worst foodtile, because it has only 3f. the 3p are not a valide equivalent, if I compare this to a wheat grasland corn with 6f. Okay, you can really whip in FFH2, still valide, I think.
The +1f means, I can grow a pop more and work another mine for +3p - or even if its a plainshill mine instead of a graslandmine, there is the trade the other way.
The dry wheat is a 4f tile. In my opinion a good food tile. With Agrarianism even a 5f tile.
This is enough for me.
Yes, the copper is not really useful at least, but still a 5p tile and this would mean a good commerce city.
5 cottages are not much, but a souce of prod ? - okay, i need the cottages tech.
I concur, the souther corn/mana city should be better, but my scout needs ~ 5 more turns. But copper and expansion to the standing stones are good arguments, I think.
Thanks for the nformations about the goblin fort.
I think, I need fireballs to crack the archers, they spawn relative quickly ?
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I'm quite enjoying your reports - thank you!
(May 27th, 2024, 09:16)xist10 Wrote: Thanks for the nformations about the goblin fort.
I think, I need fireballs to crack the archers, they spawn relative quickly ?
I don't know what you'll need to crack them, but every goblin fort spawns one goblin archer automatically (and immediately) when the game begins.
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Archers have (defensive) strenght of 5, I think they got the poisen too ?
So 6, in addition 25% fortify, 25(?)% for goblin fort and possible 25% for hill. I think archers still get the additional 25% hill bonus ?
I see a possible strenght 12 unit. I want to attack with fireballs, because they are the most convienient, disposable unit. Elementals are immun to poisen, or ? So only strenght 10.
May 29th, 2024, 05:01
(This post was last modified: May 29th, 2024, 05:16 by RefSteel.
Edit Reason: I obviously should not be trying to do things with numbers at this time of night
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Goblin Archers are base 2/4, but the ones that spawn on goblin forts do get +1 poison. They also have one First Strike (and if on a hill, they do have the archer's additional +25% unit ability) - but Goblin Forts give only a 10% defensive bonus, not 25%. So if your attackers have neither Cover nor anything else that would provide a relevant bonus, that should mean the archer's defensive strength would be [EDIT: 6.75 on flatland, or 9.25 if on a hill]. (Plus the first strike in each case....) Of course, there are other bonus or penalty possibilities, e.g. if you're crossing a river or if the tile has other defensive adjustments (e.g. -25% for desert, +25% for forest) and so on.
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Okay. Thats a bit better. Still, fireballs should one of the easier ways to kill them.
When I find the fort.
Second last turn, I found a bear.
To strong for m scout.
And a dungeon - they need a level 4 unit, or ? 10XP+
I got lucky the turn before and found mushrooms.
I started the settler after I finished the warrior.
I won the 50% goblin fight (6xp warrior, 2t healing)
And I send a few warriors cautios outside of my borders.
Last turn, a lion found my scout.
And my fleeing scout found another goblin.
the gem mine changed the worked tiles a bit.
A bit less , but more .
And something I forgot.
There is another sign in the north.
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Required levels for exploration of lairs and special features:
1 - Shipwreck
2 - Barrow, Ruins
3 - Dungeon, Goblin Fort
4 - Aifon Isle (Maenalus), Bradeline's Well, Broken Sepulcher, Pyre of the Seraphic
I'm definitely in favor of sacrificing foodhammers for commerce. In fact, I'd probably work the wine over either the sugar or the mushrooms. Are you going to build roads to connect the gems and wine, so you can grow again?
I usually put a turn number on the signs showing the position of bears, griffons, spiders, etc., to make it easier to guess how far they may have moved (e.g. T25 spider).
The partial sign doesn't seem to match any of the known unique features, so it's probably another addition by Ref.
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Wine instead of Mushroom is a maybe.
Effective 2c for 2p.
I have built 0 roads yet, but I will do it next turn. expecial because there are 1 (2) more field to grow into.
wine/mushroom and second sage with mage circle.
Interesting question. When do I should built the mage circle. direct after the settler ?
Thanks for the explaration levels. So the 6xp warrior should be enough to explore the dungeon. - a unit on the tile is enough to stop barrow/ruins/fort from spawning new units ?
turnnumbers on sign is something I do not every time. I should do it, I know.
A new addition for this feature is bad. I expect a player there than.
May 30th, 2024, 13:24
(This post was last modified: May 30th, 2024, 13:25 by RefSteel.)
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That sign is indeed one of the landmarks I added to the map - in particular, you showed enough of it to identify it as...
Svalbard Springs Wrote:Travelers from lands still at the mercy of ice held over from another age share myths of a mountain chain that once rose up in fire from deep within the earth. The travelers warn that if these world-rupturing forces now slumber, they do so fitfully, for the ground sometimes shakes in the region, and plumes of steam or smoke sometimes arise from among the mountains as though tribes of giants were holding bonfires and boiling water in enormous cauldrons by their heat. In the midst of all this, a spring bubbles up out of the earth, heated by the same fires that are said to have rent the bedrock and built the mountain range around them. There, the steam is constant, rising and settling, lending its heat to the frigid air of that otherwise-frozen clime, so that the springs are surrounded not by glaciers but by almost-tropical greenery: Not a rainforest, but a mistforest fed by cooling steam. They say too that a temple built around a gigantic idol once overlooked these springs, but it has long since cracked and crumbled, crushed in and before and beneath moving sheets of ice among the mountains in the age over which they reigned, then reclaimed by the roots of steamy mistforest plants ever since - even unto the present day.