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PB75: Superdeath forced to play

Lol, well thanks for at least giving me potential hope <3
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Got peace with Gavagai. Didnt/wasnt able to check how his units were b4 accepting. PROBABLY would have been better to decline, check and smash his stack again. As he wasted/used all his cats except 3? and only killed 2-3 units while i killed 6-8 (lost count) + the cats. Not having to worry about mass-whipping down there, and him being so far behind.. i can be content to regrow those cities and head towards cannons, and soon military science for commando praets and musket/grens. >smile Cant get commando mounted units till i get 2 more GG + west point, or 1 GG, WP, and somehow snag the pentagon alllllmost wish i had chosen CHA but CRE has been way too helpful. SO, more likely to just be waiting for more fighting for another couple GG.

I also mistakingly sent Nauf/tark a peace treaty with them paying 3-4t ish of gold. Not a bunch, but enough that they MIGHT accept. Now, if they accept.. all my builds become wealth and i push to meet them at cannons. If they dont, i THINK i can take New york in 5t. All he really has left as far as i can see is his knight stack which to be fair.. is a large amount. Plus some annoying guerilla2 grens/cross's.

I spied a Ginger caravel which i knew he had, but man it spooks me. So, im going to be putting decent garrisons into my major coastal cities. Eventually. Ugh.

Anything people want to see?
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Hopefully Scooter playing Egypt will be less psychotic than Gav.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

(June 5th, 2024, 22:36)superdeath Wrote: Anything people want to see?

Your three favorite cities (or more if it's hard to choose just three) and a brief note on what puts each of them on the list!

And/or if you have time: A capsule description of your relations with the other civs in the game.

(June 11th, 2024, 02:40)RefSteel Wrote:
(June 5th, 2024, 22:36)superdeath Wrote: Anything people want to see?

Your three favorite cities (or more if it's hard to choose just three) and a brief note on what puts each of them on the list!

And/or if you have time:  A capsule description of your relations with the other civs in the game.

I can get that to you next turn smile
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Cool - thanks!

(June 11th, 2024, 02:40)RefSteel Wrote:
(June 5th, 2024, 22:36)superdeath Wrote: Anything people want to see?

Your three favorite cities (or more if it's hard to choose just three) and a brief note on what puts each of them on the list!

And/or if you have time:  A capsule description of your relations with the other civs in the game.

[Image: hlnTJsP.png]

My 3rd city. Has sooooo much food. If i ever got peace for a length of time it could run a bunch of specialists. Right now its my 2nd highest military producer. It WAS my 3rd highest, but the scoundrel Nauf decided to invade and captured a city/destroyed all the improvements.

[Image: OyIb7fK.png]

My powerhouse future HE/Westpoint city. It can currently build 4 promo mounted, and 3promo everything else. (4promo if u count the units that start with c1) It will be able to pump commando grens with one more GG IIRC, so that ought to be fun. Wish i was CHA.

[Image: zvvojKe.png]

Its development slowed by Gavagai being the biggest pain in the ass, its starting to get up and running. I expect it to be the top producer in the empire, or 2nd behind a HE city. The forum is needed to help cure the potential happy issues, with the library/grocer there as placeholders/maybe if i get peace.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

[Image: BvGsJrx.png] 

Gavagai(now Scooter) Fought with me over the land that was rightfully mine, even settling on top of my fur city and then demanding it in a war treaty. Was a bit of back and forth war(s) and i screwed up positioning several times. I probably could have broke his back earlier with just praets, but screwed up and had to delete alot of catapults otherwise they would have been free exp. GT came in with a surprise attack and i was able to use that to capture all the border cities between us.

For earlier context on why his play is so weird, he declared on Mjmd, razed a city, made peace, and then magically both of them have become best buddies. Despite Gavagai having at one point 3x the army of mjmd. Sigh.

[Image: az9zEY6.png] 

Speaking of. This bunghole took advantage of me being in a 2 front war ALREADY, and opened up a 3rd front and more or less forced me to concede a city to him. He still has a sizeable stack of knights/cats near enough that i couldnt get my main stack to the front in time if he were to go on the offensive again. I really suspect he will though. He's been allowed to build nothing but wonders and then SLOWLY expand into the desert, with neither of his neighbors giving 2rats asses. Mjmd has really been handed this game on a silver platter. Disgusting.

[Image: sGBD3vj.png] 

Greenline hasnt had any real contact with me. Yet, spent a good 75t dumping his daily dose of EP into me. As Sumaria. So, that was fun. He has not captured anything from Dreylin (that i could tell) despite Dreylin having been against a MASSIVE Ginger army. He also has allowed Mjmd to loudly grab every wonder and build a sandcastle.

[Image: wiKlA5N.png]

Poor dreylin. I did try and help him. But, not much i can do for the guy on the complete other side of the world. Ive gifted him every resource i can afford to throw at him so that he can have something to use.

[Image: 2F9JnNZ.png]

The once unstoppable juggernaut, has somewhat slowed to a crawl. He grabbed alot of cities off of Dreylin (good cities too) but luckily Zulu came in with a sucker punch to the back of his empire and.......................... Not much has happened yet. Im glad they are going at it though. Ive been worried about Zulu just sitting back and teching on the most land/pop/cities. But now that they are fighting, i can just sit back and wait for Mjmd to win via culture.

[Image: OaGglsZ.png]

Ijlujijiujjmiu posts 40 posts daily. That thread alone is a solid 5% or more of the posts on RB. I dont know how he has managed to grab all this land and NOT be punished for it. Guess his name isnt SD? twirl 

[Image: APn3Edo.png]

My once long-term ally turned traitor Nauf. List of atrocities: Helping the worst human player here-Gavagai. Defending themselves against GT and then slowly eating them alive like an animal. Declaring war and opening a 2nd front for me to deal with while fighting GAVAGAI. Capturing a city off of me. Playing America.

[Image: jOCzlKF.png]

Captured the 2 cities that Nauf had offered in a peace deal a turn or so back. I didnt take the peace treaty because i wanted to kill more shit, and get more progress towards that next GG. I neeeeeeeeds commando units.

Honorable mention to GT: I wish i had been able to help vs Nauf. Gavagai would have 100% invaded though. So in the end it worked out "better" for me.

Honorable mention to Ricky: I really hope you see this and do play again. Grab a dedlurker, and practice. Soon enough u will surpass me (im not much of a hurdle) I hope to see you in a future game.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Wow - thanks for the pictures and explanations of your thoughts! It sounds like each of those cities has a lot of potential - here's hoping they can grow up to achieve it! And hearing how you perceive your relations with the other civs makes me curious to see how they develop going forward - thanks!

[Image: IWcLJsD.png]

After giving Nauf a great peace deal, i open the turn to him burning all that he can. Why. Ive sent him a bunch of diplo urging him to treat Zulu as a bigger threat to win, while i try and stop Mjmd from winning via culture.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

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