So I've chosen Shaka (AGG/EXP) of The Vikings (UU = Beserker, UB = Trading Post)
I wasn't going to be really bothered about picking in any particular spot except I really didn't want first pick. Really because I didn't want to choose between Sury and somebody else. Sury is easily the best leader out there with FIN/PHI excluded, so I was super happy when he was off the board. I really wanted to try a leader/civ combo that I hadn't used much (or at all) and that's precisely what I got! I had a short list of civ's I had in mind and most were "uncommonly used for MP" so I figured I should choose a leader first. I wanted to try an AGG leader so it was just what other trait to pair it with.
I eliminated CHM/PRO right off the bat cause I just didn't want them. IMP was a pretty easy choice to ditch as well. I think it could be extremely useful on a lower difficulty level and I think Sunrise will put it on noble difficulty. I really wasn't interested in 2 warmongering traits though. That left EXP/CRE/ORG/IND/SPI. ORG (Hammurabi) and SPI (Montezuma) I really had no interest in. Because I think it will be a low difficulty I don't think ORG will be very useful and there won't be enough civic swaps to really benefit from SPI. I didn't want CRE again because I just did that in RBPB2 so I was pretty quckly down to Shaka and Stalin.
I really liked the idea of taking Stalin and trying to get the Oracle (I think it could be a huge wonder to get this game) but I thought Shaka would prove more beneficial overall. Plus it's a trait I don't really play with a lot so I figured it should be fun.
My short list of civs (in order of favorites) looked something like this:
The Vikings
I was considering England because they start with mining and I like both their UU and UB. I just expect the game to be well in or out of hand by the time we'll get to any of those though so I scratched them.
Babylon was next because they start with The Wheel and Agriculture. As my cities grow I tend to find health more limiting than happiness (though early happy is always the issue) and their UB offers health (however I'm not CRE to get it at 1/2 price). The UU isn't terrible but I didn't really want it so they were out.
Sumeria I spent a good time thinking about because I was AGG, and AGG Vultures aren't bad. Especially when I can promote them to shock right away with a RAX. Combine that with Courthouses available at Priesthood and my love of building the Oracle, I was very close to picking them. Ultimately it was the consistent stance by Speaker and Sullla from RBPB2 that Ancient Wars really aren't worth it. If there's any way to avoid it I should. So I decided if I wasn't going to use the AGG Vulture's, Sumeria would be a wasted pick.
Mali was probably my favorite pick until I decided to go with Shaka. If I had decided on Stalin, I probably would have picked Mali, with the intent to Oracle --> Metal Casting for cheap forges. Combine that with Skirmishers to protect against an early rush, this could have been fun. Once I picked Shaka though I basically eliminated Mali. I tend to avoid Archery for as long as possible and without the lure of IND for cheap forges I became disinterested.
That left me with either Japan or The Vikings, both of which could be fun because they aren't normally chosen. The lure of both of these civ's was really their UU. If I play my cards right I might be able to reach it before one of my neighbours can get to Longbows so I could have a fun war with them. Ultimately I didn't pick Japan because I wanted to get some use out of the UB as well. I just have to really hope there'll be a reasonable amount of water on the map for me to take advantage of. Really Ragnar is
the best fit for The Vikings, but Shaka should be a suitable replacement.