Halfway through our 3rd and likely final golden age. We're using the turns to catch up, but we're still last in tech among the leaders. My fever broke a couple days ago, and my energy has come back so that I can finally both play and report before feeling like I need to take a 2 hour nap. I was supposed to be off this week at the coast enjoying a holiday, but instead I decided to catch covid. Anyway, just a little bitter that I had to cancel my trip last second, but less bitter that after 3 days of fever it largely seems behind me.
The first destroyers are off the line. We have about 10 cities on boat production, and a few more building drydocks. The weaker islands will likely build some transports after the first round of destroyers are done. Currently have a grand total of 4 total. I'm not sure what we're expected to come up with for the future attack on Gavagai. I'm not honestly sure if an attack on Gavagai is going to happen - since his last peace with Commodore there's been zero communication between parties.
Inland cities have been building machine guns, which the first wave is being ferried out to the islands.
Pantelleria and McMurdo station get a pair each, being the most likely recipients of any Gavagai counter-attack. Spots in the northern sea are getting one - mostly spots that we would not be able to quickly ship troops to. Can't discount Miguelito deciding to attack us; he's been dumping a lot of EP points into us and putting machine guns on his western coastline. Oh, I might build a settler out of McMurdo next to grab the fish spot to its east. Because after a Zig I'm not sure what else we would build here anyway, and the spot is still there to be taken.
In the east the cities are largely able to build their own defense now. Tamanawas Falls is an exception spot and is 2-turning machine guns:
Unfortunately it is no longer the fast-growing city it was before, as Smith Rock lost its pig to Miguelito and so had to take Tamanawas' corn.
This the story with most of our cities right now: growth at +4fpt or less, forced to juggle food tiles. I feel like we've had bad growth all game. And to have one of the few bright spots crippled here is a bit demoralizing. We're going to have to farm all the tiles around John Muir - that huge swath of plains - just because there's no food to do anything else with it.
We're eyeing Biology and Cereal Mills, but that is some way off. But we have the great people lined up for it:
If we're really lucky one of them will spit out a low-odds Great Engineer and we'll incorporate Creative Constructions and Cereal Mills both. But we've missed on the last 3 chances for a low-odds GE so far.
Tech is good enough that we should 1-turn Corporation t224, and then get a little over halfway through Assembly Line by the end of the GA t226. Probably finish Assembly Line t228. That would put us 2 turns behind Miguelito and 3 turns behind Commodore in reaching that tech.
Capital will start Wall Street as soon as Corporation is in & its levee finishes. We won't be able to push too hard on the tech until the great person is born, but I'll be turning a lot of those specialists into citizens after that, likely at The Palouse's expense. And of course factories go everywhere once we have Assembly Line. After AL then we need Rifling, Sci Meth, and Biology.