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Adventure1 - A Brit Abroad

OK, so this is my first appearance on the boards here - although I've been lurking around for a couple of months. Played turns in a couple of SGs over at Civfanatics, but this was my first chance to jump into a RB game. I didn't feel I'd have the time/skill to play Epic1, but enjoyed the reports immensly, so was happy to see a lighter game presented. I chose Adv1 at the time partly because it was on an easier level that Adv2, and partly because it had a longer lifespan ... good job too since due to various commitments I only finished playing about an hour ago!

My Civ history runs something like: played quite a bit of the original Civ while at Uni, and haven't play much since until November when my Fiancee (who enjoys a nice relaxed game of Civ III on a regular basis) bought the game and then promptly turned around and handed it to me saying something along the lines of "You learn this and then teach me how to play" ... Heh!

I was very quickly addicted and, having found the Civfanatics forums, quickly made my way over here in time to enjoy the fruits of Epic1 - picking up tidbits of advice from the many contributors.

I have skimmed a couple of the reports from other participants who took very different approaches to this scenario, but my main goal was to learn how to put together a decent (and hopefully entertaining) report. I have previously only played a single game on Warlord (my first) and am currently getting used to Prince level, so this would be a step down, but not an unwelome one.

As far as my report goes, I'll let you all judge for yourselves, but I'm quite pleased with the results ... I will have to learn to limit my screenshots, though as I seem to have ended up with 175.

Don't worry, I won't subject you to all of them! lol

What I'll do is post an Executive Summary now and then come back to fill in the details once I've prepped the screenies ... wouldn't want anyone not reading this because they're too wide! wink

So I approached this game from the point of view that I would own the entire New World at the end of the game. After a fairly standard early game - where I lost out in the initial land-grab phase - I beelined for Optics and sent 2 Caravels w/Explorers to find the New World. Realising how close it was, and finding 2 Barb cities to give me an easy toe-hold, I quickly jumped up the Tree to research Astronomy and start off my Settling.

Astronomy was discovered in 760AD and we captured the Northern Barb city in 920AD. I spent a lot of the next 750years worrying that one of the other Civs would get to Astronomy and send out settling parties, so spam lots of cities out there (in a couple of waves). Economic crises result, so I learn to fix them and then settle some more! smile

Somewhere along the line I decide that I'm aiming for a Domination Victory, but am sad to discover that the New World is too small to allow this when combined with the territory I have back home. Well Izzy's hated me all game, so it's an easy decision to go to war and wipe her out but we're still short. Freddy is the next logical target as - even though he started friendly - he took a dislike to our best buddy Peter and relations deteriorated from there. I wipe him out and then find myself an annoying couple of percentage points short of the target. Fortunately, once his last city comes out of revolt, and with a couple of border expansions I am granted a Domination victory in 1892AD, without my having to go to war with my friends.

Oh, and my Civ culturally covered 100% of the surface area of the New World, and only had a couple of small dots missing from the Northern Island chain. All peacefully acquired too, I might add ... well if you forget that early unpleasantness with the Barbs! wink

OK, full report to follow later when I get my piccies sorted....

So, some initial thoughts from when I started the game:

Well, Tundra to the South, Desert to the West. Probably would have preferred to settle one North to avoid the Tundra, but I won't argue with a free worker! Which Tech to go for ... guess it might depend what the Warrior finds in that hut. Speaking of which....

Gold - guess it will fund research as I expand the Empire.

Warrior head to Western Hill to see what's there, then planning to swing North. Worker Doesn't really have much to do at the moment since there's a forest on the hill so it can't be mined, so I guess it's roading toward the grain then.

What to research; well would make sense to be pursuing Agriculture then Animal Husbandry to take advantage of the nearby resources, but I'm kind-of tempted by the push to an early religion and then The Oracle ... will probably depend which Civs are sharing the world and if they have Mysticism - can get a good guess from Top5 cities after the next turn.

Oh, and moved the worked tile down to the lake to speed research.

Germans, Russians, Spanish & Indian ... two Spirituals w/Mysticism, so looks like we're skipping early religion and focusing on seafaring techs in this game. Might be this is the first where I don't found an early religion.

Hmmm, Isabella next door - guess I'll be picking up her religion then! smile

Borders expand, Agriculture completes and road reaches Wheat ... so coordinated, you'd think it'd been planned! wink

Also meet Peter to the East; wow this is crowded. Find the coast to the North and come to conclusion that a quick Settler might be needed to grab some territory.

As predicted, Izzy founds buddhism and quickly revolts to it.

The Farm completes - Worker moves toward Pigs. 3turns to Animal Husbandry, and same to road to them!

London's first Warrior completes & I switch to max food to grow in three turns and then build Settler. Decide to invest 3turns in a Barracks while I'm waiting.

We find Sheep to the SW, and when Animal Husbandry completes we find horses to the NE & NW. Switch research to Bronze Working for forest chops & Axemen.

In 3400BC London grows; we switch to the max Commerce tiles for the upcoming Settler, and out Northern Warrior spots land (&Clams) across the sea.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1007.jpg]

The Hut will yield Horseback Riding. Woohoo!

Animals started appearing at about this time, and though the Warrior had to chase them a bit, they eventually attack & die.

3080BC - Bronze Working reveals Copper to the SW on the edge of the Desert ... Hmmmm, looks like our army is going to be horse-based. Researching Sailing so we can get to Galleys & Lighthouses, then probably Hunting-Archery for Horse Archers.

Settler in 1turn ... Planning on founding on Coast to North NE of Horses & NW of Wine. The Worker starts moving in that direction to hook up horses.

We found York in the planned spot (and it's even recommended!) as the Worker roads it's way from London.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1013.jpg]

In 2840BC I realise that I didn't switch to Slavery (intended to put the Anarchy off for a turn so Settler could complete) when reached Bronze Working. London looks like it wants whip

Sailing comes in and I decide to quickly nab Pottery for Graneries (to help support whipping). London and York spend the next few years growing (and then suddenly reducing in size).

The Empire in 2600BC:
[Image: dreylin_adventure1023.jpg]

Our explorers going around Peter begin to suspect that the Sea might slip around to his South, so ships from London can reach the rest of the world ... however his borders are blocking off the route at the moment, so we'll need OB to get past.

2320BC we discover Writing and sign Open Borders with Peter, Izzy & Freddy.

London is working on a Library - which we'll whip - and will then go for our first Wonder ... the Great Lighthouse.

Animal Attacks train our exploring Warriors, and they eventually reach Indian lands to the West. We're the last to find Asoka, but he welcomes us with Open Borders!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1039.jpg]

York produces a Galley which goes off to investigate the Island to the NE ... finds it to be very small, but with a food resource could be worth a Fishing Village.

1720BC Wolves have become Warriors, but we've just developped an Alphabet. We pull a series of bootstrapping trades:

Isabella(Least advanced) - Pottery for Mysticism&Hunting
Asoka - Masonry for Meditation <Image044>
Isabella - Agriculture for Archery <Image045>

then reassess the Tech tree and decide on Priesthood in 2 and then maybe a rush on the Oracle?

Well, the Great Lighthouse completes next turn and I squeeze a Settler out there first.

1480BC - Isabella "requests" Mining ... I consider, then accede to keep her friendly ... Now give us some Religion or we'll have to found our own!

My Settler also has a nasty shock as White Borders have appeared where he was aiming ... have I got a free city!?!?

[Image: dreylin_adventure1049.jpg]

Nope, it's just the very-similarly-coloured German borders. Drat, now where to Settle? I consider going NE past Peter, but then reconsider and head NW past Isabella instead.

She found Judaism to join Bud & Hin - no Hydra, though. Asoka pops up and offers us Polytheism in return for Sailing ... sure, why not! smile

I whip York's Library & the last turns of the Oracle in London just to make sure ... Metal Casting as the free Tech means Forges all round!

Actual research gives us Currency and we head for Code of Laws since Isabella hasn't been spreading her Religions around!

I also trade a couple of techs off to Freddy in return for Iron Working ... which reveals Iron South on London and on the penninsula to the North:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1057.jpg]

925BC and Nottingham is founded miles&miles away for Gems & Clams. It starts on a Worker.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1058.jpg]

Our Galley finds Fish offshore the NW island ... looks like a good spot for a Fishing Village.

825BC we found Confucianism in York (and thank our lucky stars it wasn't all the way over in Nottingham).

[Image: dreylin_adventure1060.jpg]

Next turn, guess what?

Yep, Buddhism spreads in London! Typical, you wait thousands of years for a Religion and then two come along at once! Well Izzy, you're too late; I'm not going to be giving you extra money when I can keep it for myself! tongue

Harkuf (Great Merchant) is born in London ... he will give us Monarchy, which is currently a 6turn tech, so he heads off across the world looking for trade opportunities.

Meanwhile, we've been beelining research towards Optics and building another Wonder in London:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1063.jpg]

Colossus completed in 625BC.

Harkuf reaches Dehli & conducts a Trade Mission for 900g. Nice; research back up to 100%

Hastings is founded on the Northern penninsula in 400BC and next turn the final tech before Optics falls.

Well that wasn't too bad a first effort at culling; 70 Screenies reduced to just 9 ... now I have to just learn to take less! smile

Anyway, where were we? Ah, 375BC and we'd just discovered Machinery. It was at this point where life got in the way a little and it was about 2weeks before I managed to get back to the game, so I spend some time reviewing and catching up with what's been going on....

The goal of this Adventure is to finish owning as much as possible of the New World; so we shall settle for nothing less than 100% and a Domination Victory.

Vicky is Expansive, so Health has not been an issue, but happiness is becoming a problem in our core. Financial is paying dividends though, and we have a juicy 5+ Tech lead on all AIs.

The army, however, is somewhat ... lacking? small? absent? feeble? lol We have a grand total of 3Warriors & 3 Chariots defending the Empire! I resolve to fix this quickly before Izzy comes to smite the heathens!

Also need to work on spreading our religion ... to our own cities and also across to the other Heathen Civs. Fredrick is a prime candidate with such a close city and to be currently running off one of Izzy's cast-offs. I may also want to make a move for Christianity soon as a denial tactic....

Plan for now is for York to pump missionaries, London to start on and army, and Hastings and Nottingham to improve their infrastructure. I also want to get a couple of explorers built so that once Optics arrives I can whip up (literally) a couple of Caravels and head off to find and explore the New World ASAP.

On with the show....

Livy confirms what we already knew:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1101.jpg]

Not much going on for a few turns, but then Izzy turns up as expected to demand that we convert to her heathen Religion. We refuse and our relations deteriorate. Not too worried since she doesn't know Iron Working yet and has no source of Copper ... nevertheless we start an Axeman in London and upgrade our Chariots to Horse Archers. Doesn't hurt to be sure! smile

225BC - Peter completes Stonehenge ... well he does have Stone!

Optics completes in 175BC and I pause to consider what to research next; I briefly consider beelining through Calandar straight to Astronomy to get a real headstart on the AIs in the New World, but realise that they are so backward I needn't bother yet and go for a Religion-denial route to Theology via Monotheism - which only takes 2turns, but I would have traded for if I could have gotten a good deal!

Queue up Caravels in London & York.

Asoka offers his spare Copper for our spare Iron ... wanting to cultivate his friendship, I accept. First Caravel completes in London and I decide to give the Pyramids a go....

Our Caravel sets out and I realise that we're winning the cultural battle with Peter and have claimed his Clams!

1AD - We enter the new Millenium with Izzy cancelling Open Borders, and our second Caravel setting sail. Upgrade Warriors to Axemen in response.

75AD is a busy Year;

Theology founds Christianity in Nottingham, our Caravels both find New Lands and Hanno the Great Merchant is born in London.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1105106.jpg]

Hanno teaches the English about Paper, so our scholars immediately research Literature in order to better record our achievements.

Our Explorer jumps off the Eastern Caravel and is rewarded with a Warrior escort, who starts exploring further East. Our Northern Caravel has found a string of dotty Islands.

Frederick offers up Calendar & 50gp in return for Compass ... we accept to keep him on good terms and since none of the AIs have Metal Casting, we're hardly afraid of losing our dominance of the High Seas.

175AD - Frederick founds Taoism.

We discover out first Barb City, and a Barb-on-a-Hut™

Interestingly, none of the AIs have Alphabet, so at least I know they're not trading amongst themselves!

Freddy is definitely our trading partner of choice at the moment, he offers his spare Deer for our Wheat ... Done!

In 275AD, Music heralds the birth of Homer in London ... not too concerned with Drama right now, so send him to sleep to wait for a Golden Age or Bombing duty. I decide that there is lots of space available in the New World, and that now is the time to claim it ... researching Astronomy in 26turns.

The Pyramids complete in London & we take advantage to switch to Representation!

Meanwhile, in the New World....

We find a second Barb city to the South, and another unguarded hut to the North:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1112115.jpg]

Well that's one less thing we'll need to ship across!

We swing a trade with Peter for Monarchy; giving him Code of Laws & change, and Asoka comes requesting Currency which we grant out of the kindness of our hearts. The English are very generous ... as well as humble and modest! lol

Aside: Anyone here familiar with Flanders & Swann?

Sings: The English, the English, the English are Best, I wouldn't give Tuppence for all of the rest!


540AD and Peter arrives to offer Construction & change for knowledge of Alphabet ... even though Currency is worth more, I offer that instead as I'm curious how long it will be before an AI researches it themselves. I didn't think of it until later, but as long as we're the only Civ with Alphabet; we're the only Civ available for tech trading! smile

I basically spend the next couple of hundred years exploring the Seas & building infrastructure, while waiting for Astronomy, however I do spot an Indian Galley with a settling party circling the continent so I found Canterbury on the NE Island with the Clams.

Asoka offers Wine for Clams, at which point I realise that we haven't connected our Wine outside York up to the trade net (D'oh!) and accept for the instant Happiness boost ... I intend to cancel this deal when our Wine is connected, unsurprisingly however I forget!

As far as AI relations go; Asoka and Peter really like us, Izzy hates us as expected, and Freddy isn't too sure despite having traded with us for years. No-one likes either of them though, so there! tongue

Soon after, Peter demands we cancel deals with Freddy ... sure, we've done our research; you like us, and he doesn't.

700AD and we pop a Merchant in London, Golden Age, Civil Service, or try to get him past Izzy & Freddy to conduct a mission to Delhi? Take Civil Service as it's a pre-req for Nationalism and allows Bureaucracy civic ... which we immediately revolt to.


[Image: dreylin_adventure1118.jpg]

Astronomy is discovered! Research begun into Philosophy (which leads to Nationalism & Liberalism).

Our Galley is upgraded and filled with Swords for the trip to the New World. We also decide it's well past time we build a Wonder in London, so queue up the Sistine Chapel.

(Still no AI Alphabet)

So, when last we checked in with Vicky she had just sent an expeditionary force across to the New World. They landed in 880AD and split up, the main force headed towards the Barb city of Cuman while a single Sword headed North for some "training" ... the hut to the NE had been noticed earlier by our Explorer and was being guarded by a Barb Warrior.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1119.jpg]

This year we also complete Philosophy and move on to researching Education. When reviewing the AI tech, I notice that sometime in the last 120yrs either Izzy or Peter has finall discovered Alphabet even at the earlier date, this seems late to me ... maybe they thought this was Adventure4!

Our Sword ends up recieving more experience than he'd bargained for as he finds hostile natives!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1120.jpg]

He comes through OK and our force takes the Barb city! I decide to rename it Chandler's Ford - after the village where I grew up - and other New World cities will be named for other settlements in the surrounding area.

I wake the Worker we popped earlier and have been storing near the Pole and head him down to start improving our first New World outpost. The Army takes a well-earned rest.

A Barb Archer turns up to cause trouble but doesn't stick around long, and when CF comes out of revolt I realise that we can't build Theatres for cheap Culture, so we start on a Library to expand the borders.

Peter comes up around this time and asks us for Metal Casting we like him (he's Confucian like us), so we grant his request,

London completes the Sistine Chapel and starts on an Aquaduct as it's having health issues.

When Education completes take a short pit-stop through Drama before moving on to Liberalism. I'm still concerned about AI tech progress as I notice that Freddy has Feudalism, but we can have Gunpowder soon, so I don't feel in any immediate danger.

At about this time our Caravels have completed the exposure of the map and are sent to sit outside our rivals ports to watch for unexpected Galleoning.

When Drama completes I wake up ol' Homer again to see what he can do for us - 90% of Divine Right ... well OK then! 1turn to complete and then on to Liberalism.

Our second Galleon arrives in the New World to deliver a Missionary (who converts CF) and some more troops for the assault on Zapotec - the Southern Barb city. On the way, our troops find another Barb-on-a-Hut™ who provides a little light exercise.

London has been pumping Settlers, and two get on a ship with a Crossbow and head across the Ocean. I figure that the second city might be a tougher nut to crack and order up a couple of Cats.

Quick check on Techs; Asoka & Freddy have Feudalism for Trade, so I dial up my Indian friend and offer him Drama & Theology for Feudalism & 160g - Done, he says. Also note that Freddy has Machinery, so could be working on Optics or Guilds. Izzy is so far behind it's a joke.

Fish for Wheat with Peter, done my friend.

1130AD and our troops reach Zapotec. I'm initially cautious of attacking, but then one of the Archers suicides itself on my stack and I figure it's probably worth a go....

[Image: dreylin_adventure1124.jpg]

Maceman Wins, Sword loses, but the second Sword clears the injured archer ... and I wonder why we haven't take the city? huh Turns out that one of the 2 Workers I thought were in it was actually a Warrior! lol

We take it next turn with no trouble next turn when they fail to have built any defenders. I rename it Southampton and queue up a Theatre for when it fishies revolting.

Time to divide up the New World; The North....

[Image: dreylin_adventure1127.jpg]

Think that's fairly straightforward, although I could move Purple 1tile to the right to catch the rice, but lose the dyes.

The South....

[Image: dreylin_adventure1128.jpg]

Red dots are fishing Villages for later. In SW, light green vs. light blue; Green has less overlap with fishing Village, but overlaps with Southampton and gains 4desert tiles instead of coast. North I wondered about yellow Dot, but it's pretty clear that blue & brown are superior.


London starts spamming Settlers (at2-3turns each) ... reckon I need about 10 of them for the New World to fall. Will ruin the economy, though, so I may want to see about State Property which I've never used before ... Hmmmm, comes from Communism, so if I picked up Sci Method with Liberalism I could start researching in a coupla turns time.... Think about that for a while.

Review the AI's tech presence: Hmmm, looks like Peter & Freddy might have Astronomy already which is worrying. I kick up the expansion pace....

OK, now it's showing me as being up Optics on Asoka & Freddy ... still can't see anything in that techline in Peter's options, though, but I don't think he's caught up. Take a breath and realise I'm not as badly off as I thought and probably don't need to rush this too much.

Think I'll take the standard Nationalism - Taj Mahal gambit when Liberalism pops next turn and get myself a Golden Age. (Marble just hooking up at CF, too! smile

Done, what to research next ... Ah, forgot about Printing Press for Sci Method, OK maybe I'll go for Economics and the free GM ... Guilds & Banking required. Well I could use the cash from Banks and Knights would certainly boost my Armies - OK.

Now, what to do with my civics....

I decide to leave them as they are as I have all of 1 Village!?!?!? Near Hastings. I guess that getting 3g from water tiles has discouraged me from investing in Cottages so far. Must build a few more to get them maturing!

In 1190AD England founds it's first city on the New World - Portsmouth. With the three food resources within range this eventually turns into an insane Specialist center and eventually pops a 800-900pt Great Person.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1129.jpg]

Our relations in the Old world have solidified, Peter is Confucian, and is a stalwart friend, Asoka is a reliable trading partner, Freddy turns up occaisionally to threaten us and goes off in a huff when we just laugh, and Izzy hasn't been heard from in years. I periodically check on their Tech progress but we have a commanding lead and it's not going anywhere.

More Settlers head out to the New World, and Hastings is made over into a Cottaging paradise.

We research Banking and then head for Economics. Revolting to Mercantilism leaves us losing even more money, but then I realise that the free Specialists are producing Culture which allows me to switch production away from Theatres and towards Infrastructure buildings like Granarys and Lighthouses.

I notice a new set of Barb borders SW of Southampton and realise that they've obligingly consulted my dotmap before Settling. I manuveur a Sword to have a look, but since It's only Size1 I'll give it time to grow before attacking.

Meanwhile I've been founding Cities; Portchester (on Brown Dot), Winchester on the NW corner of the continent (w/lots of Seafood), Eastleigh (on Pink Dot). A quick check on Domination prgress says: 33% Pop, 20% Area. frown

London starts on the Taj Mahal - due in 9 - and 2 Workers & a Knight head out to the New World. Borders pop in many of the new cities. Oooo, 1/2-price Banks! smile

1330AD Economics offers me Free Market ... will hold off until Portchester's borders pop and the switch before the next round of expansion. Moving to Gunpowder to enable Military Trad (for Cavs) or Chemistry (for Frigates) next.

Zhang Qian (GM) decides not to join with Thespis in a GA, but hops on a boat to head to Delhi.

1360AD Eastleigh's borders pop and it's time to take stock.

The Old World

[Image: dreylin_adventure1135.jpg]

The New World ... you know, looking at it again it sort-of reminds me of the Americas.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1136.jpg]

33.66% Pop; 25.52% Area ... still a way to go.

Asoka, Freddy & Peter could all research Astronomy now, but I haven't even seen any of their Caravels out on the water yet, so think I've got a little while. Nearly time for the big push, thought. Izzy? Well she doesn't have Metal Casting or Compass, so is no threat. Infact she must be 15-20 techs behind!

Decide to stick with Mercantilism for the extra culture in the New World, so will probably stay there until after the Taj's GA completes.

Oh, and we're No. 1 in all Demographics.

Illinios falls to us in 1390AD after two easy battles:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1140.jpg]

we rename it Fareham. This year also see the first AI Caravel set sail.

1400AD Freddy wants to trade Furs for Clams again ... sure, until Peter asks me to stop again!

Gunpowder in, Chemistry next for Frigates ... so I can fall back on force to stop AI expansion to the New World if necessary. Bah, need Engineering first. Last I checked, Asoka had it but wasn't trading ... still refusing (must be building the Hagia Sophia) oh well, only 3turns....

1410AD Toynbee think's we're the Greatest ... well so do we! smile

Peter's Iceball South of London revolts to us, and we can see why ... stagnant at size2! We queue a lighthouse and wait. At least we get our own Furs now, so cancel our deal with Freddy ... Bah, can't do it yet! frown

1420AD Taj Mahal puts us into a GA ... but Asoka starts one too!

London moves onto Settler spam for the next phase of expansion.

CF completes Library, starts Versailles ... 27turns (under GA & w/Marble), and will chop a few forests to speed it along it's way.

Zhang Qian finds 1900gold lying under a rock in Delhi. Research back up to 80% at -53 per turn ... Chemistry in 4.

1450AD Asoka wants World Map ... explore it yourself Bub! Still no-one with Astronomy, but Izzy has Metal Casting!?

Queue lots of stuff including more Workers.

St. John born in London, though an extended GA is attractive, he heads to York to construct the Kong Miao and get us some Confused Cashflow ... +12gpt (including building enhances, and it doesn't even have a Bank yet! smile

Peter's First Caravel sets sail.

I sit back letting stuff churn for a couple of turns ... Asoka's tech pace is speeding (GA helping), but he's still Gunpowder, Nationalism, Paper (and all subsequent techs) and, most importantly, Astronomy behind Britannia.

Chemistry means it's finally time for Printing Press to open up wider options. Caravels upgraded to Frigates, & 3more Settlers depart for the New World....

1500AD - GA ends. frown

Printing Press in 1, then probably Constitution->Democracy for Statue build in New World....

Still first in everything ... even Military, though I haven't made a build in years. Got lots of cash for upgrades though, and better techs! smile

(Still no AI's with Astronomy)

39% Pop, 30% land area.

More cities founded in the New World:

Hursley (on coast W of CF), Romsey (N of CF) & Isle of Wight (Off the South Coast of Southern continent.

Pootle along for a few years ... Constitution->Democracy

Orkney & Shetland founded in the Island chain North of the Old World.

Freddy turns up demanding we cancel deals with Peter. No.

National Epic interrupts Settler production in London & Southampton starts on Forbidden Palace.

1565AD and Spock tells us that Democracy is only marginally better than anything else. We ignore him and continue with Slavery as it's lower cost! Once we can enact Police State, or Versaille & FP are complete, then maybe. (Besides, I still get the whip out on occaisions!) Replaceable Parts next for Lumbermills....

1580AD Versaille completes in Chandler's Ford ... we can now go back to 70% science and make a slight profit! CF now joins London on Settler spam.

44% Pop; 35% Area

Still no AI has Astronomy, though they could all learn it now if they wanted. Speaking of which, next turn Peter shows up to ask for it ... we like you, but not that much. OK, Settler overdrive time....

Replaceable Parts comes in and we go to Rifling for Redcoats...

Workers start spamming lumbermills.

Wow, production in my towns sucks! Only decent production center I have is London ... most of the rest are scraping by - guess that's what a maritime Civ does to you!

The Northern Isles continue to be populated with Skye founded on the extreme Western Island, and Aberdeen on the Eastern one. (Yes, I know that Aberdeen's not an Island - I did live there for a couple of years - but I wanted to save Arran to go next to Skye and I couldn't be bothered to find another Scottish Island for that chain.)

London pops a GP ... and it's another Artist! (We still have Thespis lying around waiting to GA it up, but no such luck. Just over 1/2 of Military Trad. no thanks, we'll save you up as well.

Yada Yada, no AI Astronomy.

But Toledo (on the Island NW of Nottingham), obviously impressed by our World-spanning antics, wants into the Empire and tries to revolt away from the Spanish! Maybe next time.

1610AD Rifling -> Sci Method. London will complete one more Settler, then start on some Redcoats.

1620AD Asoka has Astronomy! I station Frigates outside his coastal cities and watch for developments....

1625AD Eastleigh, my best New World producer (not saying much!) completes a Forge and moves to Statue of Liberty ... 60turns. I want it out there just for the sheer number of Specialists I'll get over having it in the Old World. A chop or two should aim that some, as well as a GA when I pop the scientist from Physics.

Hastings starts Oxford Uni now that I have 5 Unis.

1630AD Sci Method reveals my only onshore source of Oil:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1151.jpg]

Hmmm, going to take a while to think about where to settle this guy. (And be disappointed that I've already used Aberdeen as a city name!) Game suggests Green & blue, but that doesn't net me the Whales - of which these are the only ones on the map. They go extinct (sorry, obsolete) soon, but it would be nice to have them and they are a (sort-of) food resource. If I stick with my intended White dot, I can adjust Green to Yellow and may still want to fir Blue in the middle for completeness. (Not to mention Brown Dot....)

Hiltingbury founded on White, and next turn Arran founded on the Islands and Belfast founded on the Northern tip of the larger island offshore New World (with plans for Dublin on the Southern tip).

1640AD Peter wants to trade maps ... he has Caravels now, so I don't see the harm. Toledo joins the British Empire and we get a Redcoat? Does that mean Izzy has Rifling, or has it upgraded it for us automatically? Rifling, Ha, she doesn't even have Guilds or Paper yet!!!!

1645AD We settle some "choice" spots....

[Image: dreylin_adventure1156.jpg]

Decide it's time for Free Speech (increase Culture output) & Emancipation (grow the cottages), so revolt.


Freddy /again/ demands we stop trading with Peter. No no no no no!

FP completes in Southampton & lots of borders expand.


Physics completes - Aryabhata (GS) born in London.

OK, where to go next; Communism would give us State Property, but that would only remove the distance mainenance from our costs (currently 46 w/112 for number of cities). Also, Asoka has (finally) set sail ... there are no /good/ spots left, but that probably won't stop him from trying to nab somewhere. So, should I destroy it before he gets going, or let him get there and then culturally convert the city? Also, time to think about how to win; currently we're at 49% Pop; 46% Area and there's nowhere else to go than into another Civ.

I decide to save the game and mull for a while (get some sleep).

Coming back to the game again I've decided that I'll wait and see where Asoka's heading ... his ship can always be amushed by "Pirates" before it gets there. In other news, I discover that Aberdeen was built on Uranium ... Oops, hope the citizens don't start to glow in the dark!

Going for Steel so I can upgrade the Catapults I've had sitting around for (literally) ages.

Also conclude that Thespis has been hanging around long enough and he and Aryabhata make sweet, sweet Golden Age.

Chop a forest for the Statue ... still 31turns even in GA. <Sigh>

It seems that Asoka is heading for the island I've dubbed Ireland, but I have a Settler one step ahead ... his Settler debarks at Belfast, while I found Dublin on the available spot.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1161.jpg]

All my undefended little island cities switch to Redcoats if they have any sort of production, while London queues them up for those which don't.

Asoka continues up North <Image162> there's still a slot in the Tundra which I don't quite think I can fill before he gets there ... if he wants it. Oh, and Peter may have Astronomy now also. Why is it your friends who always betray you!? frown

1700AD Freddy turns up demanding we switch to Taoism (it appeared in one of our New World cities) We refuse and then demand he gives us all his money ... we recieve 650gold. lol

Settler arrives in CF ... can make it to the Green dot in 2turns, Yellow in 3....

Well we can't stop him now if he wants it....

[Image: dreylin_adventure1163.jpg]

Ooo, and another Great Prophet in London ... not offering us a tech, but could build us another shrine. Review Religion; Christianity in 3cities, Islam in 2 - definitely not worth it! Send hime to sleep with Virgil until we can make a Threesome....

1710AD GA ends with the discovery of Communism ... will examine whether to revolt to it next turn after a couple of borders expand. Steam queued up next.

Asoka keeps walking looking for a better spot ... there isn't one Dude! smile

Well, maybe there then.... frown

[Image: dreylin_adventure1164.jpg]

This would be the only AI city founded away from the New World, and would eventually come to a Culturally sticky end - for Asoka, at least.

OK, time for another assessment. Demographics say we have 48% land area no way we're going to get over the 68% threshold without taking over some more of the Old World. Also, we need Calcutta for our domination to be complete (OK, so there's still a spot in the Southern Desert, but no-one in their right mind would build a city there nod ), so we're going to have to flip it or take it by force. Romsey is 1turn of culture from expanding, so we'll look at that again next turn ... I suppose we could always wake Virgil and culture-bomb it. Something to consider, as Asoka has been our friend all through the ages.

Izzy, on the other hand, hasn't talked to us for years and is so backward we could just steamroller her with the handfull of troops we have now. No-one likes her much ... or Freddy for that matter - Eeek, he's on the verge of Rifling!? Target no. 2.

Military production ramped up at home, and still infrastructure abroad.

Romsey's expansion still leaves Calcutta 100% Indian. Virgil on his way....

Holding off trying State Property for another turn as Lewis is due to expand again in 4 due to free specialists.

1730AD Four sources of Coal!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1167.jpg]

1745AD Military Trad -> Railroads. Upgrade my handfull of Horse Archers.

Settle a couple more spots ... Otterbourne & Sparsholt

[Image: dreylin_adventure1168.jpg]

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't use the name Oliver's Battery for either of them, as it's a character too long.


Interesting history to that name ... during the Civil War, the town of Winchester was a Royalist stronghold. In order to subdue the town and take it for his Parliamentarian forces, Oliver Cromwell set up his guns on hilltops surrounding the town, hence Oliver's Battery.

Apparently it's now time for "State Property Experiment" ... well it should save us 26g immediately on Civics upkeep!

Finances before and after:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1170.jpg]

We've reduced costs by 116gpt, but notice that after I've bumped the science up to 70%, we're only just researching at the same rate! So now we're making 16gpt more, but we're not getting the benefits of all those free Specialists. Interesting. May well revolt back again when able in 5turns for the extra culture & GPP - I don't, though, for some reason - probably just lazy! nod

OK, I have a small stack across the border from Izzy's workers; I dial her up and inform her that we cannot tolerate her adherence to a Heathen Religion, then steal - sorry, enlighten - her Workers. (We get a whole -1 penalty from Asoka for declaring!)

Madrid is not well defended especially after she moved out a Longbow & Warrior to claim those Workers back. We defeat them while the Cannons move into position under the walls of Madrid.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1172.jpg]

Izzy moves a pair of Warriors out towards Cordoba and we bombard. Her Caravel meets a nasty accident near Orkney.

Next turn, Shankara has the misfortune of being born in Madrid.

1770AD The Battle of Madrid

Cannon eliminates defenses
Cannon promotes to City Raider I -> defeats Longbowman
Redcoat promotes Combat I -> defeats Longbowman
Redcoat -> defeats Archer (unscathed)
Cavalry -> defeats Archer

Madrid is now guarded by a Catapult, 2 Workers, and 2 Great Prophets. Don't like it's chances next turn!

On the other side of the World, let's see what Virgil can do against Calcutta ... 3% Indian you say? lol

1775AD Madrid is reinforced by a Longbowman. one Prophet leaves and is replaced by a Worker!?

Redcoat (full strength) -> loses to Longbowman
Cavalry (Wounded) -> defeats Catapult
Cannon promotes to City Raider I -> defeats injured Longbowman.

Madrid is ours! The stack moves in to heal.

Minor skirmishes break out to the West, and we see whether Cordoba will be an easy victory.... Bombard with Frigate & Redcoat from Hastings promotes to Combat I & Cover to destroy a Longbowman who has wandered North.

1780AD Spock got all Pig Iron -> Biology next & Workers go working on the Railroad

1785AD Cordoba is ours!

On the trail to Barca, Izzy decides to put two Longbows out in the open; they, um, don't survive.

1795AD Manuveuring to attack.

Freddy's on the move too!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1176.jpg]

Calcutta still not revolting. frown

1800AD Biology -> Combustion

Cat hits our stack moving to Barca, so it stops for a turn to heal.

Izzy now has Gunpowder as I spot her first Musketman.

1804AD Initial skirmishes at Seville. She loses 2 Longbows, I lose a Cavalry.

1806AD Madrid & Cordoba come out of revolt. Bank in Madrid (2religious Shrines!), Lighthouse in Cordoba.

Catch another Longbow out in the open and dispose of it.

1808AD My feint at Seville has drawn some of the defenders out of Barcelona and left it open and inviting ... I start the bombardment.

Manuveuring & Bombarding.

1814AD The Spanish send a Longbow from Barca to destroy the Missionary I had coming up to convert them to the True Faith, leaving just two in the city. Time to attack, and Barca falls!

1816AD Statue of Liberty is complete in Eastleigh! Woohoo, free specialist rain on the unsuspecting towns!

1818AD Flight -> Artillery

Lief Erikson born in London - goes to sleep waiting to trigger GA.

Slightly rush the Attack on Seville for War Weariness reasons, but we have overwhelming odds and win! <Image lost> Izzy iz no more.

Borders are not our friends, however:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1178.jpg]

Asoka has Rifles, and Freddy probably does too, though I haven't seen any yet.

1824AD Artillery means it's time to go Corporation -> Assembly Line. I've been avoiding Corporation for a long time as it obsoletes the Great Lighthouse. Seville & Barca due to stop revolting next turn, then we can assess situation!

1826AD Situation's not good, most of our ex-Spanish cities are generating no Culture and being pressured by the remaining Civs! Need Missionaries & Theatres, stat!

Pop 67.81%, Area 56.58% and Calcutta still hasn't revolted yet!?!? frown

OK, so we'll take a couple of infrastructure turns and then go see how Freddy likes a little smackdown....

1828AD No sooner said than done - Calcutta revolts but so does Madrid! Move some more troops there to suppress.

1834AD Assembley Line completes & we go for Fascism in 1turn (for Mt Rushmore).

1836AD Fascism -> Electricity

1838AD Scotland Yard in Hastings -> Spy for scouting out Freddy.

1842AD Electricity -> Radio

Portsmouth - GP factory.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1182.jpg]

Manuevering things ready for the attack....

1850AD Radio -> Medicine

Freddy begins a GA.


Calcutta revolts and joins the English! <Image184> Yay, shouldn't have to go to war with Asoka!

I found Cosham to fill the Desert Gap and culturally control every tile of the New World, I also found Bishopstoke and Twyford on icy rocks to NW of New World.

Pop a Great Artist in Portsmouth! Can start a Golden Age now.

So, 70% Pop, 58% area. I could easily go Mass Media, UN, vote myself the victor, however I said at the beginning that I was going for Domination, so that's what I'm after. Freddy, time to prey to your Heathen Gods....

Kick off the GA, then the War!

First target is Hamburg SW of London:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1187.jpg]

(Oh yes, I decided that I would only use the Redcoats unless I suffered too many losses. I may build Infantry, however they will remain in the cities. Redcoats will lead the way.

City Raider II Artillery defeats Longbowman (collateral damage 6)
City Raider II Artillery defeats Longbowman (collateral damage 5)
Cover Redcoat defeats Longbowman
Redcoat defeats Longbowman
Redcoat defeats Longbowman
Cavlry loses to Pikeman

2 Injured Pikeman remain


Artillery promotes City Raider III defeats injured Pikeman
Redcoat promotes Combat I (14.6/16) defeats injured Pikeman

Hamburg is ours!

Cavalry ambush a Catapult in the field on the way to Munich with hilarious consequences ... well OK, not for the Cat!


Peter pops up and demands we cancel deals with Asoka. Sure, nothing important going on between us and you've always been our friend! Asoka is not happy, but we may need to kill him anyway...

Medicine -> Rocketry

Ambush another couple of Freddy's units in the open and destroy, also hassle his fleet.


A Stack of 2Rifles & a Grenadier move outside the walls of Hamburg, the Grenadier attacks Hamburg defeating a Redcoat. We retaliate and wipe them out.

Our Spys reveal few units in Freddy's cities.


Rocketry -> Satellites

Bomb Munich's defenses with Fighters, and Cologne's with a Destroyer.


Seville has an Indian revolution ... worrying.

Mt. Rushmore complete in Southampton, hopefully War Weariness shouldn't be too much of an issue through this campaign.

Promote a couple of Cav to Gunships ... I just said no Infantry! WW is hitting in a couple of cities - London working on Broadway should help.

Cologne is starving due to the presence of the Destroyer. smile


Ambush a roaming Cannon this time.

1866AD Spock goes Beep ... Beep -> Composites

WW starting to hit so I bump culture rate.

York completes Heroic Epic - starts churning troops.

1868AD - GA ends.

Broadway completes in London.

Seville revolts to India, but doesn't take many tiles with it.

1870AD Hamburg comes out of Revolt!

Airstrikes have worn down Munich's Defenses, Gunships pave the way, and Munich is ours!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1189.jpg]

Note troops moving towards Cologne to the South.

1872AD Yes! We pop a Great Artist in London ... will save for bombing Berlin when it falls!

Sea Bombardments & Airstrikes soften up Cologne
City Raider III Artillery defeats Rifleman
City Raider II Artillery defeats Grenadier
Redcoat defeats Longbowman

Cologne is ours! Up to 76% Pop & 62% Area!

1878AD Troops moving into position next to Berlin. Bombardment cause collateral damage, and Gunships take out the Riflemen.

1880AD Munich comes out of revolt. 77% Pop, 63% Area.

Bombard Berlin, and lead with Gunships. Artillery kills Longbow and finally Redcoat Kills Cannon to take the city! 78.6% Pop, 63.5% Area.

Do you think this is really what he wants to be building right now!?!?

[Image: dreylin_adventure1192.jpg]

1882AD Again, the AI has for some reason moved two units out of Frankfurt so that I can kill them easily on the border....

1884AD Frankfurt is taken & the Germans destroyed!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1196.jpg]

1888AD Cologne comes out of Revolt. 79.15% Pop, 66.72% Area!

1.28% area still to get ... peruse the map for specks of land ... there's a few along the island chain to the North of the main continent, and an Island to the NE of the New World. A small sliver of land south of Hamburg & an area between Cologne and Hamburg. I was just going to turn down the Culture slider since the war is over when I had a "Moment of Obviousness" and turn it up instead ... 10% Science, 70% Culture, 20% Gold.

The gap between Hamburg & Cologne fills and we're up to 67.35% Area.

1892AD Woohoo!

[Image: dreylin_adventure1199.jpg]

The World at 1750AD when war declared with Spain:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1200.jpg]

1852AD Calcutta revolts & we declare on Germany:

[Image: dreylin_adventure1201.jpg]

End of Game ... Eiffel Tower completes, Frankfurt comes out of revolt.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1202.jpg]

Drat, still a couple of spots in the Island chain which we missed, but No.1 in everything! smile

[Image: dreylin_adventure1203.jpg]

28216 Score - Augustus Caesar

The Old World.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1204.jpg]

The New World.

[Image: dreylin_adventure1205.jpg]

Final tally; 79.58% Pop, 68.15% Area. 42 Cities, 29 founded, 13 flipped or captured.

Final thoughts; I'm sure that I could have finished earlier - I was so far ahead technologically that I could have steamrollered the other Civs long ago, but I wanted to go with the Imperialist spirit of the Adventure and make certain that I controlled the entire New World, and I had decided early on that I wanted to go for Domination. I was also pleased that I didnt need to go to war with my freinds; Peter was +12 (Friendly) with us at the end, and surprisingly there were no "Close Borders" penalties, Asoka was down to +2 (Pleased) but some of that was due to declaring war on his friends.

What I have to work on, however is my reporting; Time Played from the game summary said 24hrs+ played! Now I know there were a couple of times I left the game running while I headed off to do something else, but that's a huge slowdown from normal play. I also need to refine my screenshotting ... apparently I took 175 during this Adventure!

Not sure which one I'll be able to play in next, as time (and access to Civ) may be limited by an imminent relocation, but I hope to be able to pick up and play Epic2 when it starts!

Thanks for reading all the way through this report, and I welcome any feedback you have to offer!

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