Gavagai is pushing us back on all fronts. Our production is starting to come up to capacity as our factories and coal plants are increasingly finished, but Gavagai still holds a technological advantage and I worry for the morale of the other players.
As for Gavagai, it appears his strategy is to knock Miguelito out of the game, and then Commodore and I will have no choice but to capitulate.
A new push happened in the south, with Gavagai taking Supernova - avenging the loss of Bellyfeel earlier.
Initially I was worried Gavagai was going to go after our cities of South Georgia and McMurdo Station in the area - and had nixed plans to reinforce as those would have just been too slow. But now I have put that plan back into motion, and 2 slow galleons are carrying reinforcements for McMurdo. In addition, our next wave of Destroyers is headed to the area.
In the north, Miguelito is slowly being pushed back to superior production and our long supply lines. Gao has fallen and I fear Kumba Saleh will be shortly after. Last turn I tried to signal to Mig that we need to counter attack at Gao now, but whether he did not have the forces or will, the city was unassailable by our dozen units this turn.
With that unfortunate note we made two changes. First, our transports will try to hit Gavagai's center. Right now he is extending north and south to attack Miguelito, but I have not seen much in his center. If we can force him to redirect units elsewhere perhaps we can give Mig some time.
Second, our cities on the eastern continent have switched over to land unit production. We will be working to reinforce Miguelito's mainland and let him free up units for the islands. Eventually I hope to get more of a navy presence so we can transport those units - but for now this is what we can do.
Back home we founded Sid's Sushi with the advent of Refrigeration. First place it was spread was to the Cathedrals, and it and the capital will pump out executives. We need to find one more city in the north to spread the good word of corporate profits. In addition, I need to get a stronger garrison in Goat Rocks. Our hope is the extra food will help get more production - I'm already working to change that grassland farm at Goat Rocks into a watermill.
And with more seafood in mind, our 45th city was founded:
Industrialism finished end of this turn, and the tank & battleship production is about to begin. Commodore and Miguelito are going for Flight, but we are going to go Fission. Gavagai finished that tech, and if he plans to try to knock us out with nukes then we need to have at least one of us acting as a deterrant. Fission then Radio (subs) are the plan.
Also, we need to turn this guy in:
No way we're getting to a 4th golden age this game.