Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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PB80 Lurker thread - Screw tolerance level over 9000!!

If anyone would like to see the map and have Totestra downloaded... Open the Totestra script in a text editor and go to line 636 (with self.randomSeed) and change the value there to:


Then create a 5p Totestra map with the exact settings Krill says here:

(July 15th, 2024, 15:33)Krill Wrote: Map script: Totestra
Size: Small
Climate: Temperate
Era: Classical
Speed: Normal
New World Rules: Start Anywhere
Pangaea Rules: Allow Pangaea
World Wrap: Cylindrical
Resources: Full of Resources
Have bigger maps: standard size

And choose "Fixed Seed" as the final option. It should spit out the exact map down to the 5 starting locations, though there's a chance choosing Advanced Start affects start placements to some unknown degree. We'll find out.

I think it's an interesting map. Fair? Nah. But I do think everyone has an interesting challenge, which I know is the real goal here.

Of course, I would expect players to start posting starts soon, and I'll prob take some screenshots later. But you can see the full map this way which is neat.

Well, this is what they asked for.


Even if Krill gets a crappy start the other 4 look playable (well above average for Totestra) and Commodores is particularly good.

Edit: Krill also got a playable if not exciting start, incredible 5/5.

Alright, it's time for the game you've all been waiting for. It's called Screwed By Totestra. I took some pictures of everyone's starts. First off, we have Thoth who got Pacal of France, which I cannot evaluate because this is RtR, and I have not looked at the changelog. For all I know this combination has Granaries at Meditation.

VERDICT: Sort of screwed.

This looks bad at first due to the huge desert south of him. And that is quite bad. There's basically no rivers to speak of, and like I said I have no idea if RtR FIN still benefits from the coast or not. However, the islands sort of bail him out a bit. That northern island is all his. It doesn't look like much, but if you squint you can see a nice range of luxuries on the top row of the screenshot whose bubbles are not appearing. There's stuff to work with here. There's also stuff south of the desert. However, he's going to have some competition for that. Speaking of, time to see Krill's start.

Thoth's Desert is the desert on the east side of the screenshot. The way to think of this is Krill starts in Vancouver and Thoth starts in Newfoundland, and the entire middle of North America has sunk into the ocean. Now, this looks not great for Krill, however, he clearly has the inside track on South America. Which.

Is entirely uninhabited. Except for the Raging Barbs, I guess. Oh he also landed Victoria, so if he didn't mangle IMP too badly, he's definitely going to get all of this, assuming he can stop the Musketeers. He has the expansion trait and I think the most available land to expand into. Fun fact: the first time I rolled this map seed, the player who spawned here got India which, lol. Unfortunately/fortunately this was when I was trying to figure out Advanced Start, so it didn't stick.

VERDICT: Not too screwed

Pindicator's situation looks sort of rough, and by that I mean he is going to be hype AF to be so close to the Great Plains. However, this start does have a serious consolation prize.

This is all his - nobody else can touch it Pre-Astro. This is all really nice stuff.

VERDICT: Not too screwed

TOTESTRA. Commodore is the only Industrious player in the game, and he has unlimited forests. He is going to build every single wonder. On top of all this, he is the most isolated player due to the deserts surrounding Mirkwood. The one bad news is like Mirkwood, with Raging Barbs he is going to have some unpleasant visitors. But I think he takes this every day of the week.

VERDICT: Not screwed at all

You'll notice everyone has been playable so far. You may also notice Yuris got a very weird seafood patch. Almost like the Totestra script was compensating for something.


VERDICT: Mega Screwed.

What an impressive river valley. That's the kind of start I wouldn't mind playing in single player and putting a lumbermill on every single tile.

How many tiles?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Yuris really doesn’t have any luck, do they? alright


lol rolleye 

Also, good job with the artic island. I like how mountains block the nice beaches from evil barbs smile

crazy setup

also nice trolling with fishes. At least three of them can only be used by settling on pig or corn :D

Agreed about the screw levels. They were already lucky each start was playable; its honestly surprising only Yuris got completely screwed elsewise. Its awkward because he doesn't even have an easy expansion along either coast towards either other player and he has no backlines at all unlike everyone else.

Pind is next, both due to terrain, but also because he has 3 neighbors. It will be interesting to see who gets the large island to his NW. Krill has 1 and everyone else has 2.

I love the map analysis - cracked up laughing repeatedly as I read through it! I also want to point out the astro land: Four entire tiles, divided evenly between two islands, one of which is as ice-choked as Sullla's AI Survivor Lurker Civ, and whose combined resources consist of a single ocean-based Oil.

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