Karthago Carthage is building a few worker.
After the second, I plan to build the 5. settler.
Uitica is finishing the Oracle and after that, the worker.
Then another settler ?
Hadrumetum is building a bit of military.
I need a counterweight to the roman praetorians.
Hippo has an axe as growth project. After that ? I need more ships.
The worker was trapped on the island, so I have finished a "useless" mine.
Kerkouane has claimed the marble and whipped a granary last turn.
Again an axeman as growth project.
Leptis is the expected border city to Rick.
And I hope a barb magnet in the future. Most barbs are coming from this direction.
This island is a potential position for the next city.
Food becomes a potential problem.
I dont work a few food tiles, because my cities become unhappy otherwise, but still...
Contact with coldrain.
I think maybe over culture ?
Looks a lot better than Rick.
And I finished the second wonder the next turn.