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Sengoku Chevalier: Hiun no Kishi

(August 29th, 2024, 08:11)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I think Samurai are resource-free? Not sure. Should check the wiki but I'm busy. Will do so later (or more likely williams will instantly reply with the correct rule). 

Yessir o7

Samurai (and most uniques of this sort) require half as many resources as the unit they replace, so in this case 10 iron each. That actually means you have an incentive to upgrade them from warriors instead of swords, as swords take the full 20 iron each, and upgrading sword -> samurai doesn't give you any iron back.

Turn 96

DoF with Krill, a good sign for a budding anti-Roman coalition:

My read is that Whosit can crush any one of us individually, and only by keeping pressure on his other borders can we try to assure some measure of security. Sadly I probably shan't contact Khmer before ocean travel, so no idea how Archduke fits in, but hopefully three is enough. 

Chopping and mining at home. Lighthouses & traders are much better than monuments - give the same culture (thanks, Tokugawa) and more housing, food, production, and gold, so that should speed up Feudalism & Samurai. Samurai will let me hold out until Muskets, I hope. No major movement in the Roman-Korean war. 

Fingers crossed!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

i have to imagine samurai will also make progress against (which here means: obliterate) hong kong, if you can find space for a battering ram build as well somewhere..... are we planning to upgrade those promoted warriors and bumrush it when the tech comes in? i guess we have to see where the iron is first (um.... assuming we HAVE iron.....). or is there some inconvenient suzereinty-related diplomatic reason we can't attack it anytime soon?

the stagnant power ratings, combined with the fact that rome's power never really grew that high in the first place, suggests that their push has more or less misfired.... and at this point, t100 is really getting late to rely on legions as an offensive weapon. obviously that's as hopeful a sign as we've seen in a while. just keep breathing! we have the latest-blooming kit of anyone here and it should be coming online soon; if we can kill HK and secure a few spots south of it to block off that southern peninsula, i'll feel pretty good about our long-term position.

i can't quite tell from the screenies, is there a way to transfer ships between the northern and eastern coasts? i'm noticing that not only all of our current cities, but also all of your planned cities, are coastal, which is a good recipe for overwhelming someone with a frigate push down the road, if any of our opponents have a similar level of coastal exposure to ours (whosit doesn't look like it, but maybe eastward across the seas?). along those lines, i'm also curious to hear if anyone else is receiving great admiral points yet other than you

The northern continent runs to the ice fields, so no way to transfer ships to that northern gulf. I might be able to do frigate terror raids on Krill or Archduke, which would be relevant down the line as Khmer and Yongle are both explosive leaders if left alone (which, naturally, Rome is doing).

Re: Whosit, I don't have the screenshot atm but on a turn last night (97) my screening horsemen ran into a settler escorted by a legion pushing into the fertile valley along the northern coast. That suggests two possibilities:

a)Whosit is not taking this war seriously at all and is dispersing production and military resources on further settling.
b)He's abandoned dreams of conquering Korea entirely and is dropping back to peacetime mode.

Either way, his big push fizzled, but his starting position was strong enough that it doesn't really matter as his yields are clobbering everyone else.

I have one (1) source of iron, third ring from my first two settles, so I'll have ot purchase the tile. But I do intend to use it to upgrade Samurai and snap up Hong Kong*.

*I didn't complain about htis at the time, but of all the city-states I have visibility on, exactly one of them has walls, and Hong Kong got them nearly thirty turns ago, just as my first horseman finished. La Venta STILL doesn't have walls and is right there for Rome to snap up. Zanzibar doesn't, either, but it's too valuable to most of us to eat (although I certainly will since I know I'm not winning the envoy fight). Just another one of those RNG things that didn't go our way, sadly.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 98

Yep, the Roman-Korean war fizzles out:

With the Legion in my face and another forward settle incoming, this must mean I'll be the target of a late Medieval or early Renaissance attack. Our goal must be to have access to Samurai ASAP. Happily we're already rushing feudalism! 

We inspire Apprenticeship with another mine, and we have our second trader next turn, but ugh, look at these Roman cities. Remember, these are his fifth and sixth cities! They're better than my first two by a mile! 


Ah, well, what can you do. We soldier on! 

More lighthouses coming online soon, which means more food and housing at last, so we can FINALLY start growing!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

um.... i'm pretty ignorant about land warfare in this game, so.... what units in a medieval/renaissance push are like, actually scary to us? i kinda got the sense that once everyone has walls up and ranged units in significant mass, it becomes really hard to make progress until like, artillery.... with horse units failing to crack walls, and 2-movers getting slowed to a standstill by any amount of rough terrain. in particular, you look to have some phenomenal chokes on your side, of the one-tile-gap-between-mountains-on-a-hill form; kinda hard to see whosit breaking through that once you get the area fully manned with stacking support boni, assuming you are able to grab that spot south of mt asame to complete your defensive structure. i'm guessing they'd need frigate support from the sea to do it but oops no ports

i guess it is quote-unquote good to see that the randomness of the starts seem to have broken more of the form "whosit lapping the field" than "only you are screwed and everyone else is surging forwards"..... makes some possibility of a dogpile seem plausible. not that i can think of an example of such a thing working in civ6, but it's something to play for i guess

are we going to faith-buy all those traders via monumentality as their corresponding lighthouses complete? normally i'd save faith for settlers but if there is a situation in which it's correct to use it on traders, this is probably it...

(August 30th, 2024, 18:51)ljubljana Wrote: um.... i'm pretty ignorant about land warfare in this game, so.... what units in a medieval/renaissance push are like, actually scary to us? i kinda got the sense that once everyone has walls up and ranged units in significant mass, it becomes really hard to make progress until like, artillery.... with horse units failing to crack walls, and 2-movers getting slowed to a standstill by any amount of rough terrain. in particular, you look to have some phenomenal chokes on your side, of the one-tile-gap-between-mountains-on-a-hill form; kinda hard to see whosit breaking through that once you get the area fully manned with stacking support boni, assuming you are able to grab that spot south of mt asame to complete your defensive structure. i'm guessing they'd need frigate support from the sea to do it but oops no ports
Only have SP experience with renaissance warfare, so take it with a grain of salt, but I've found that  once your crossbows upgrade to Field Cannons you can kill stuff pretty well and once you kill the defenders it's pretty over anyway, walls just don't have the punching power to kill units by this time you have more than just a handful like early , and you can rotate them out. Then when you get bombards you can flatten walls in a turn or two.

Japper! You're alive! So good to see you.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(August 31st, 2024, 05:40)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Japper! You're alive! So good to see you.

Thank you  dancing

Had a period of pretty intense illness sadly, but I'm all better now. Been back to lurking the forums after the civ7 announcement, but I've been pretty busy with work (which btw I do now) so hadn't come out of the shadows yet.

Turn 101

We score a heroic age, but my civ is so underdeveloped that I frankly don't benefit much:

I need more holy sites & faith, I need more harbor At least it's something. We have nearly all our traders in place, though, and can focus on expansion again since Rome seems to be staying put-ish?
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

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