Tightly packed cities are not really a problem for me.
I like it and at the moment, a significant part of my GNP are trade routes. Add cheap Castles (200% bonus) and the harbours and I profit from more cities.
The last contact.
"Only" 10 cities, but already currency.
Cathage grows to size 6. After that, I need more workers.
And more settlers.
I think, I could thinking about building the coloss here.
Utica will finish the Numid and then the worker.
After that ?
Hadrumentum needs a few more worker turns.
I'm thinking about growing to size 6 and then building with mines ?
Till I built cottages this could be more efficient than whipping, I fear.
A candidate for the Hanging Gardens.
Hippo lost the fish.
I'm building an explorations ship - no fear of surprising razes or barb galleys.
Kerkounne needs a culture expansion.
I think, next growth project could be a monument ? - I think I should change and use the overflow.
Leptis is the border city to Rick.
I don't plan to grow this city before the culture expansion over size 4.
After that ?
I could work a few more cottages.
Thapsus got the fish from Hippo.
A potential Moai city and Thapsus seems to be ideal to grow for 4c trade routes.
Other island city have worse food tiles.
Sicca is new.
Copper instead of crabs will delay the growth by 1 turn but finish the granary 1 turn faster (I chop a forest next turn).
Thanae is new too. I didn't settled on the red dot and found cows.
Workboat got finished in Carthage this turn and I have 2 workers on the island.
Tacape on the stones.
With a culture expansion, I get "access" to the island.
Not so gut planning on my part and the fastes way for a workboat is building it.
Last city at the moment is Sabratha.
I didn't found the city in the west because I missed an escort and coldrain had a unit there. Still a positive city by itself. - But the first negative city if you look at the whole empire.
Workboat is on the way from Sicca.
Kerkounne finished a galley to colonize the islands here.
Food remains a problem.
Next research goals are currency and monotheism.
Currency needs 4 turns with 336g at whole. I need to save 5 more turns, so I will get currency at T101. This is +33c at the moment.
After that, I need to save 4 turns to research monotheism in 3 turns.
I want to swap in Org reli in the golden age from the merchant.
If I get the time, after that I plan to research Code of Laws. Otherwise, I think I will need construction.
Interesting point: I think, I'm globally only behind on currency and iron working. And both players should be missing something else.