September 5th, 2024, 08:48
(This post was last modified: September 5th, 2024, 08:52 by Whosit.)
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Turn 105
Some international news, first.
Archduke offered friendship, which I rejected. Timing makes me concerned it would be cover to snuff out my new religion. Any foreign missionaries that enter Roman borders will be purged.
Also, I wish there was enough diplo for me to message Archduke with "WE are supposed to be the preeminent builders of Wonders!"
I noticed that Korea does not have Silver, and also saw that Japanese cities were content rather than unhappy. Checked gossip logs. I don't have any access to Korea or Japan, but China started trading with Japan and Korea. I assume that Korea is gifting or selling Silver to Japan. I'm sure all 3 are in a loose alliance against me. Can't blame them.
I was getting confused by the great people points generated by Khmer, seeing no Market in the capital. I now think that Archduke promoted Pingala to Grants, and I think there's a Market in Mostly Harmless, but it'll take another turn or two of scouting to confirm.
I offered China Friendship and Open Borders, since those expired. Not sure if it will be accepted.
I reclaimed Suzerainship of Zanzibar, and all my cities are once again Ecstatic. With the Hanging Gardens, all cities have a +35% growth rate!
Don't know how long this will last. I expect that Krill has at least one spare envoy available to overturn my Suzerainship, but I'll take what I can get while I can.
Gained some vision on Korea. Korea is rapidly becoming a "has-been" Empire. Although greenline mustered enough forces to easily turn back my attack, I don't think he'll be able to keep up that momentum. Science and Culture are lagging badly. Even Japan (granted, with Heroic Age) is matching Korean numbers. Korean cities are also very small compared to everyone but Japan.
My victory was only delayed, not stopped.
More niter detected! Although it would be kind of a stretch to grab. I'd probably be better off grabbing the 2nd source in my frozen north.
Big progress. Doesn't seem like there was anything chopped. I'm guessing the city has 22-24 base production.
Some progress on this front. Damage from archer and walls was minor, but will increase as my units take damage. I'm hoping that the city state swaps the archer and the wounded man-at-arms, but really no idea what will happen there. Either way, I should be able to start attacking the city directly next turn!
Someday Bombay will crack 10 pop. I'll be at 10 pop for 1 turn before the settler completes. As you can see, I am planning to build the Diplomatic Quarter, but I'm wondering if I'd be better off with a Holy Site so I can actually spread my religion in a realistic time frame. If I were running more internal trade routes (like, if I were Tokugawa), I'd definitely want the DQ for the +1 food/production. The +1 envoy for building next to city center is appealing with the tug of war with Zanzibar, but....
My religion is worth +1 amenity in cities with at least 2 specialty districts (most of them), and other bonuses for Wonders (Bengal, Persian, for now). I think that a Holy Site probably makes more sense. If Burmese ever reaches size 10, I can drop the Diplo Quarter there.
We're rich!
I'm banking a lot of gold and I'd really like to do more with it, but.... I'm going to wait for Exploration to finish and my swap to Merchant Republic. I can slot Serfdom back in and buy a Builder in Aegean since Liang will have established. Much better to wait for a 7 charge builder than waste the money now.
Also, unit upgrades.
I might buy a Horseman out of Chartreux when the Stable finishes. I'll have to hold off on completing Castles until then. I want a light cav to patrol my western borders, and I don't think I have time to waste building one.
So, in the meantime, I guess I'm just going to hoard gold coins like a dragon or Scrooge McDuck.
EDIT: After Guilds, Mercantilism will be a high priority for the Drill Manuals policy cards and +1 food/prod to camps!
September 5th, 2024, 12:40
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No major news. La Venta did move the Archer out of the city, so all enemy combat units have been destroyed. All my units to the north are beat up, but I think I can take the city in 3-4 turns.
Next turn, I'll pass on Boudica, and then see what Krill does. Hopefully he's not petty enough to pass as well, and lock up great generals forever. I also realized the Khmer will get the Great Merchant after this one. There's a 1 in 3 chance the next GM grants a Governor title, but I think it's better to take that risk than to pass. 200 gold and 1 envoy is still pretty good, especially to help me keep Zanzibar. The upcoming Great Scientist requires a Holy Site, and makes that site grant science as well. Will Korea pass? The GS would be incredible for the Khmer.
I finished the world's first Industrial Zone, so I will have a head start on GE points. +5 zone, and 4 turn Workshop due to Congress boost. I'll be laying down another IZ zone next turn at Aegean (but I think I'll finish the Comm Hub first).
Ah, and clearing that barb camp south of Chartreux still provided +3 era score for clearing a threatening camp. I wasn't sure if you still got points for that in the Medieval Era.
I need 23 more era score for a Golden Age in the next Era. I can prrrrobably do that.
Oh, and lighthouse in Burmese finished, so I have a new Trade Route available. Will go to a Khmer city. Not the most gold, but I can get bonus science and faith from the route.
September 5th, 2024, 18:10
(This post was last modified: September 5th, 2024, 18:15 by Whosit.)
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Turn 107
3 turn day!
International news from score gazing.
Korea got a new civic and may have adopted one of the military policies that add loyalty? Mo Li Hua is losing loyalty a little slower than last turn. I've found it odd that greenline has remained in Oligarchy. When the war ended, shouldn't he have at least changed to Autocracy?
Oh, if I didn't mention it, looks like Korea got a settler out last turn. Wonder where it's going....
Korea also dropped several points in science and culture, and I'm not sure what that's about. Could be a policy change, but I'm not sure what they could have been running as a policy that's worth 4 sci/cul to them.
Japan's 3rd city grew. I still have not been able to figure out the naming scheme. Google searches have remained inconclusive. Can't tell if it's anime, historical figures, or some kind of mish-mash.
Oh, and now all of Japan's cities have a full harbor+lighthouse combo.
Khmer have planted their 7th city, and have spent more gold and faith. Might be builders, but I'm not certain. Also, they adopted Monarchy. I figured they'd get a Tier 2 government before me since I took the long way to Exploration. Still.... I had some hope I might get there first. Silly me.
I think one of their cities completed a building, but I don't have enough intel to know what it was.
Also of interest, Khmer has not yet built their Tier 1 building for the Government Plaza. Hm.
China gained 2 pop, and must have completed a building somewhere, but I don't know what. Krill is making 95 gpt. He's nearly as wealthy as me!
Passed on Boudica. Krill can claim her next turn if he so chooses. I can't quell the anxiety that he will pass as well just to spite me.
Yikes! Headed southwest. Hopefully there's a beach landing and not cliffs the whole way around.
Krill still has this scientist hanging around. Was he using it to scout?
Overall, I'm still pretty pleased with my position. I've confirmed that I'm the first player to complete an Industrial Zone, so hopefully that gives me a little head start on claiming the first Great Engineer. I noticed the Oracle only gives +2 writer points for a theatre, not +2 to artists and musicians as well. Boo!
Battle for La Venta is going well. I've pillaged a total of 264 faith from the holy site and stone heads. I'm sure I'll find a use for it. One unit attacked the city and knocked off 33% of the walls, so the walls should fall next turn. City shouldn't last much longer after that. Also, they made a new builder for me!
My score is pretty inflated from all the wonders I've made. I'm sure I register as enemy #1 to everyone else. Oh well. In about a dozen turns I should possess every type of luxury on the map, so I won't need to trade with anyone. Hopefully I remain scary enough that no one wants to fight me just yet. Lack of diplo should make it harder to coordinate, I hope. I would be vulnerable if, say, Korea threw all their man-at-arms at me right now, but I think I have enough cash that I could manage a defense. Machinery remains 1 turn away, so I can upgrade a crossbowman and improve my walls' attacks.
Some of my cities are running out of good tiles to use, so I need to look around next turn and make some adjustments or run specialists as appropriate.
Exploration can't come soon enough. Gold boost will be nice, but +15% to district construction will be pretty handy. Gonna do a lot of cash buying of things that turn.
September 5th, 2024, 20:08
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Was doing a little more thinking about future plans. I really, really want to build the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. But it needs to be adjacent to a harbor and I don't have a lot of those right now.
Since I have to commit to getting a Holy Site at the capital next, I think when the capital hits size 13, I can put down a harbor and put the wonder on the wheat tile. Unfortunately, it'll be like 30 turns to grow that much.... But an extra charge to every great engineer would be fabulous.
September 5th, 2024, 22:40
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(September 5th, 2024, 18:10)Whosit Wrote: Japan's 3rd city grew. I still have not been able to figure out the naming scheme. Google searches have remained inconclusive. Can't tell if it's anime, historical figures, or some kind of mish-mash.
I spent some time looking into it myself, and I think I have some idea what's going on. The first word in each name is easy, they're historical samurai clans, afaict all associated with the Tokugawa clan during the Sengoku period.
The breakthrough on the second word of the names came when I saw that "tekisanzu" pretty much only ever got used as a transliteration of the word "Texans"... as when talking about the "Houston Texans." That's a team in the National Football League. Other teams in the NFL include the Indianapolis Colts, which 'Korutu' is a not-quite-correct transliteration of; and the New York Giants and Tennessee Titans, either of which could be translated to 'Kyojin' (compare Attack on Titan, 'Shingeki no Kyojin')
I have no idea what 'Shiku' is supposed to be in this scheme. If you see a 'Baikingu', 'Buronko', or 'Sutira' in the future, that'll pretty much confirm the theory for me though.
September 6th, 2024, 17:59
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Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I'm not really into sports so I didn't see that connection!
Finally got the turn, and, well.... looks like Krill also passed on the Great General. I am disappointed but really, I should have known better. This does mean that there will be no more great generals produced in this game. Ughhhhh. I wish I could go back to yesterday and slap myself.
I guess I'll have to call that a lesson learned on passing on great people in a multiplayer game.
Walls at La Venta are down. Not sure if I have the power to capture it next turn, but definitely within 2 turns.
Otherwise, not much to report. Just waiting on things to finish.
September 6th, 2024, 20:13
(This post was last modified: September 6th, 2024, 20:14 by Quagma Blast.)
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I'm not into sports either, I just happened to stumble on a site that was literally using "Houston Texans" as the example use of 'tekisanzu' and then I was like "Hm... 'Korutu' could be 'court' or 'colt'... what kind of team are the Texans exactly...?"
Also, I've figured out what 'shiku' is, it's " four-nine"... using the readings that are homophones to " death suffering"
September 6th, 2024, 21:42
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September 6th, 2024, 23:44
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You know, I think my blunder with passing on the Great General has me bummed out even harder than losing the Colosseum by 1 turn. Probably because this mistake was 1) totally avoidable, and 2) I knew it was a bad idea at the time. It truly was a "I'm taking a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at math" moment. I knew Krill had very little reason to pull Boudica, but I guess my thinking was that there was an outside chance he would, and then that would save me a few turns on getting the next general!
Things like this are why I think I still need a player 2 or ded lurker. Although I think my game has been solid overall, I still make insane decisions that baffle even me.
Anyway, just wanted to gripe some more to see if that would get it off my chest.
I also realized that I need to put together more of a solid plan for moving forward than "attack Japan at some point."
With only one source of niter available, and no chance of a higher tier Great General to lead more advanced units, waiting to upgrade my entire army to musketmen (strength 55) seems less appealing when I can still get effectively strength 50 units with my men-at-arms and current Great General. However, Japan definitely has Feudalism, so I should expect to face Samurai (strength 48, 10 iron), and I need to keep in mind that Japanese cities benefit from Defender of the Faith, so that's +5 strength to Japanese units.
Japan will also be able to utilize Limes to get Ancient Walls up quickly, and if they haven't already researched Recorded History, could still get Victor. So, I could be facing Strength 53 units that don't take combat penalties, and walls and reinforced garrisons. However... this time I have the chance to prepare for that.
Siege units. I never built catapults, so I will have to go straight for Trebuchets, but I think even one or two could help turn the tide. They'll still benefit from my Great General, as well. I'm going to need to trim some fat from my build plans, so here's some quick thoughts, city by city.
Bombay: I have like 5 billion things I want to build here, and I think I need to keep the capital on infrastructure. After Settler, will build Holy Site (6-ish turns), I think I'll just buy the shrine, and then I need an amphitheatre here. I may even need to run Commercial Hub investments depending on how things look with great people.
Bengal: Finish Armory, pop out a quick Archer to reinforce the area, then with the right policy, can produce 4 turn m-a-a. I can move my great general here so the new troops can march east a little faster. Once the city hits size 13, though, will put down an Industrial Zone and Workshop (if the current Congressional policy is still active by then). Will try to slot in Market (4-5 turns) if time allows.
Burmese: Will finish builder (6 charges, since it will finish after I swap back to Serfdom), then do IZ and Workshop, then just builders for days.
Persian: Will finish Workshop in a couple turns. It's then Trader, then Builders until I don't need anymore. Will produce any additional Traders when I get more trade route slots. Only then will it complete its Theatre Square.
Chartreux: Finishing Stable. I was going to go ahead with the Armory, but if I am trying to attack Japan this era, not worth the time. This city needs some MAJOR investment in tile improvements and will be a major focus for new Builders. Stable, then Trebuchets. I want to max production here, but they will still probably be 10 turn builds until industry is improved.
Aegean: Has a lot of districts and infrastructure to build, but has decent production potential in 2nd ring. Will need to buy a lot of tiles. Comm Hub > Ind Zone > Workshop > Market > Units. Probably won't finish infrastructure in time to help with the war, though. But with enough builder attention, might.
Minskin: Eh. Won't be very useful.
I'm going to rely heavily on existing units, reinforcing with a few new builds, and I will upgrade a handful of units into Musketmen as shock troops, since they are still a bit stronger than boosted Man-at-arms. Archers need to be upgraded to Crossbowmen. I'm going to need to be able to hit hard at the start of the war, because this listing makes it clear I will only have a couple of cities making actual combat units, and supply lines are long from Bengal. Will need to think about if I can make Aegean a more effective unit pump earlier.
(Also, I realized what's up with Korea's sci/culture drop. Obviously, Pingala has been moved. I even noticed that greenline had gotten a 3rd governor a couple turns ago.)
September 7th, 2024, 15:59
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CMF has taken custody of Hong Kong. Makes sense. I think I should at least be able to bring it to Neutral when I declare war.
I've hacked a plan together and I think that I will be able to mobilize on Turn 125, and reach Japanese borders on Turn 130. That is 21 turns away, and I am going to prepare for a slog. Learning from my brief foray into Korea territory, I need to be prepared for human players to take every possible measure to defend themselves.
And the clock is really ticking. My best timing to attack Japan was when I attacked Korea. CMF is making great use of his Heroic Age and is doing his best to play catchup. Although I don't think he could ever get into a winning position from where he is, he CAN make himself much harder to attack. He will likely have Machinery to make Crossbowmen, for example. I have to hope that I can hit before he unlocks, say, Mercenaries for cheaper unit upgrades.
I believe that I will end up attacking with 9 melee units (man-at-arms and a few musketmen), 4-5 crossbowmen, a trebuchet, and 1 or 2 light cavalry, depending on how much gold I feel like spending on purchasing units. A 2nd trebuchet will complete on Turn 130, and will hopefully be able to participate in the 2nd wave of the attack.
Chev has put down a bunch of Feudalism boosted Farm Triangles and is no doubt trying to grow his cities beyond sizes 4 and 5. But growth takes a while in Civ 6. Even with 21 more turns to prepare, I expect that I won't see many (or hopefully any) new units produced by Japan. That means, in the short-term, CMF will only be able to upgrade existing units. I'm hoping that means that as long as I can hit with overwhelming force, I'll be able to smash through defenses and grind him down.
Guess we will see in 20 or so turns.
City state has been captured, and like four of my units earned promotions, so that will be pretty nice to have going into the next war.
The city itself is pretty garbage. It needs a lot of work to be useful, and I don't intend to put that work in right now. I conquered it for the Marble (and to make sure Fet couldn't Suzerain it literally behind my back). Keeping it small right now as fine since that means it will take up fewer amenities.
Glad I sent an Archer out instead of risking the Settler alone. That scout could have caused me some trouble, otherwise.
I believe that I calculated I will probably accumulate just enough Niter to upgrade two units to Musketmen if I use the card to halve the resource cost. They will be slower, since they will not benefit from the great general, but they will be overall stronger, so they will still spearhead my invasion.
Aegean will only be developed enough to start training troops by the time I march off for war, so it will only be able to slowly produce reinforcements, but that's better than nothing. Chartreux will build additional units after the 2 trebs as needed.