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[PB79] Just one more Game

Quick overview

The West
Oea is a bit vulnerable, but I have Resi/Reis with coldrain.

Kerkounne is just too good to whip. The settler should possibly stake the claim towards Gira and settle on wheat.

I can also guess that I spent the 2 research rounds on monotheism and Kerkounne is Hindu.

The east

2 newly founded cities, here I need city guards and BT. The double copper almost looks like a map error.

The settler should colonise the wheat/copper island in the south.

The south
My fleet is to pick up the settler from Thapsus and then colonise the 1st Roman island. Rick has no sailing yet, so he can't complain - instead Rick has researched alphabet.

Hanging gardens should be ready in 3 turns.
Next turn the forest SE gets chopped with a mine and I move 3 BT to the last forest, which falls in T108, so the gardens should be ready in T109 T110. - I have to do the maths again, I'm probably 84p short in T108. With a 50% bonus that makes 52 base prod. SO the forest isn't enough.
Is a Pop3 whip possible there? Then I could aim for T19.

Unfortunately, the two island cities to be founded will not benefit from the +1, but since both cities are founded in T110...

Or should I take the risk with T111? Only Gira has built stone - and pyramids and SH.


The double copper is intentional.

Curious to your reasoning for building the cottage at Thanae.


Cottage at Thanae ? Why not ? I really need to think more about sawmills, but flat grassland -> cottage is nearly an automatic reaction.

double post, I had a tap open

okay, I can't easily convert a CF post to a RB post. The programm i wrote today don't work.
And I can't trust DeepL 100% for a quick translation either.
Still, I think I was able to find all problems and can post this.
And new with CF Icons.

Carthage is currently the largest city in the world.
I dared to increase the [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] pool with GI points.

Colossus should also work.

After that, settlers would be possible every 4 rounds. Whereby I've almost run out of space ?

Utica completes a cheap city guard.
After that probably infrastructure ? As I said, I only have 4 safe places left.

I do have a few more in mind, but let's see.

I have the gardens.
Another city guard here first.
Then possibly a monastery ?
Unfortunately, the religion(s) don't spread on their own.

Hippo completes the settler.
Then IWentually a monastery ? Here too [Image: Civ4KuLHur.png], I only like the fact that coldrain has the mountains in KuLHur to a certain extent.
I probably won't be able to take them over peacefully, but you can give it a try.

But even so, there are 2 fields in the 2nd ring of both cities.

A settler is also completed here. The settler is to found the fur city in the east.
Then finally the LH - even if the lake is only a [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] field to a limited extent.

The city has effectively reached the desired size, so I would probably just grow into the FIN+Colossian coasts with the LH. [Image: Wirtschaft.png] is not bad.

With Leptis come the first, unmodernised cities.
Long seen as a border city to Rick - this is unlikely to change - and therefore with [Image: Civ4Kultur.png] buildings and a city wall.

The workboat should head south.

Thapsus, on the other hand, is relatively well modernised.
I sent 2 workers there early so that I can leave the later logistics for now.

Thapsus completed a settler the turn before last and is now building Moai. Since there is no failgold for self-built cities, I see no reason to delay Moai.
Thapsus should also grow quickly to size 15+ for 4 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] HW.

Sicca has now whipped a Worker. The 4 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] hut is occupied by Hadrumentum.

Like most islands, Thanae is relatively well modernised.
A worker has been trained this round and is building a mine on the EH.

Tacape should probably finish a LH and then grow into the coasts.
In the medium term, I would also need culture here.

Sabratha has it a bit better, there are more land fields.
Nevertheless, it is otherwise in a similar position to Tacape.

Oea is relatively young and the (land) border town to coldrain.
The Granary is whipped at the first opportunity, then probably Wall + [Image: Civ4Kultur.png].

Malaca is young, just like Oea.
The workers are just being shipped, otherwise giLH here as so often Granary + LH, after that we'll see.

Abdera is a bit more inhospitable than Malaca.
Here, too, workers are being shipped and here, too, giLH: Granary + LH.

Sexi was founded last round and was thus able to take the [Image: 5pop.png] from the HG.
Primarily a filler city, the city is worth it for the 3 HW alone.

Baria was founded this turn on an island presumably intended for Rome.
The workboat comes from Leptis, as does a BT.

The first (newly founded) city where the HW does not bear the maintenance costs.
Granary->Courthouse->LH ? City walls are probably also included.

Surprisingly in direct neighbourhood to an Indian city.

Carmona is the last city for the time being.
Currently no worker planned, giLH also here Granary->LH.

Demo at 100% research with 2x pre-tech bonus and 1x shadow research.

And at 0% research.
As you can see, the research rate is currently ~ 25%.
Could be better, but the court buildings help.

This round I finally unlocked all the graphs.

As you can see, no-one has 44/44 [Image: Civ4Spionage.png].
I don't blame Rick for that, but the others ?


Points only say something to a limited extent.
coldrain leads, probably due to the country's relatively early culture due to the cheap CHA monuments and apparently a lot of [Image: 5pop.png].

Thanks to HG, I've put myself ahead of coldrain for now, but let's see.

Rick is behind.

Somewhat surprisingly, coldrain is unable to convert [Image: 5pop.png] into [Image: Wirtschaft.png]. - Rick is clearly beaten.
I'm in the lead here, albeit without much of a gap.

I think it's a bit of a shame that I'm not leading more clearly here. PRO/FIN with GLH should actually be ahead of PRO/ORG and FIN/EXP.

Somehow I have the feeling that I have built too many mines.

Surprisingly, coldrain is already slightly behind here too - not to mention Rick.

This was already implied by me, but coldrain leads [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] by far.

IWell, is coldrain building too many farms coming from FFH2 ?

No idea why Rome is losing [Image: Civ4Power.png].

The rest is still in the normal range, but I should keep watching Miro.

For the sake of completeness.
3 Holy Cities and (now) 3 Wonders ensure that I'm clearly in the lead here.
I guess coldrain didn't have any early monuments after all?

In Rick's case, these are most likely Libraries for Culture.

[Image: Civ4Spionage.png] is boring. Gira took a round of anarchy for representation - relatively late.

Carthage before Rome, as it should be.
coldrain surprisingly already with 10 [Image: 5pop.png].
Otherwise I only mentioned it in passing, Gira built Stonehenge and the pyramids.
Stonehenge was IWentually also an ‘I'll give it a go’ ? I wouldn't have managed 475 BC, but in Utica I would have finished 2 turns later if I had tried ?

Definitely too many mines.
Only 8 cottages built. I think that's too few.

In terms of buildings, I spent the most [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] on granaries.
660 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] over 11 granaries, followed by 650 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] over 3 wonders.

I have currently built the most settlers.
After that Worker.

Research with current times.
The order after Legislation is unclear, surplus probably goes back to Construction.

Briefly about the advantages:
Monarchy: 3 wine fields, 2 rather unimportant forms of government.
Hereditary right does not cost to accept, serfdom would be an alternative to caste system in [Image: Civ4Religion.png]. Currently I can use the 50% worker speed.
Calendar: 4-6 fields over 3 resources

Construction: CatapuLHe and better movement through bridges.
IW->Compass: The Kothons for ~ 7 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] per city (for 100 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png]). This cannot currently be beaten by any buildable building.
Public administration: Bureaucracy (SKT with machines)
Engineering: Castles for ~ 3 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] per city (for ~ 50 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] thanks to PRO + stone)

Spontaneously I'm probably in favour of building->IW->Compass.

Currently I don't know of 5 techs that have already been researched by someone else.
Possibly more where I don't know that I'm behind.

Calendar was researched by coldrain - he has the corresponding resources in the trade screen.
IW from Rick, Miro and Gira - iron in the trade screen
Alphabet was Rick's - a medium sized mistake on his part. Rick misses sailing, maths, currency, metal casting ...
Legislation and machinery I can't assign yet. Maybe someone will give themselves away through the [Image: Civ4Kultur.png] of the Holy City.

Further prospects:

In the west is almost a 4 country corner.
Gira has made my 2 planned distant cities impossible by founding them.
I could possibly place a border city 2 hexes north of the rice, but it would have to fight over the rice.

Here are 2-3 settlement sites.

In the east, 1 place is safe, I also currently see 4 uninhabited islands.

Problem: I don't know how fast Gira will get there - or how close.

In the south, coldrain was 2 turns faster with Flat Lagoon.
I'll now see if I can brazenly take possession of the island, which presumably lies off Rome.

The circumnavigation will still take a while. I think I'll explore the last fields in the north faster.

Diplomatically, I have an Open borders with coldrain and Miro, plus rice/rice with coldrain.

Gira and Rick have explicitly rejected Open Borders.

thanks for the detailed report.

That future-moai-city... will it also get the fish? Can't see how it will quickly grow to 15, otherwise smile

Yes, that is the plan.

Should I settle to roman island or the other, southern island ?

And which island first here ?


I and Gira have both a settler on the island east of Carmona.
If MS didn't moved a unit this turn - possible - MS is faster. Otherwise, I ask for a coin flip for next turn.

No coinflip needed.

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