So now that we've got a filler first post out of the way. Let's move onto the pre-game analysis behind the civ and leader picks.
Not that there really was much, but I can edit this if I win and pretend it was all because of some expert planning and skill.
The game setup is that we know basically nothing about the map, except huts and events are on, I have 4 opponents, and spying is limited to point-allocation and passive-graph-looking-at only.
First: my pick. Suryavarman (which I think I can spell from memory now!) of Babylon.
I was first (and last) in our snake pick. Which meant with the first choice I could do almost anything I wanted, I just couldn't count on having what I wanted to pair the first pick with after 8 other selections. Any leader that was Financial or Philosophical was forbidden in our game, which narrowed the choices significantly.
With this in mind I thought about what other traits are good to have. You guys have all heard the analysis before.... I decided that the boost to early growth and cheap libraries/free border pops of Expansive/Creative Sury was just the ticket for a noob like me.
![[Image: Khmer_Suryavarman_II.jpg]](
He's kind of jaundiced looking... but he'll do.
I also loved this totally unsubstantiated claim about him on wikipedia "During his decades in power, the king reunited the empire, reversing many of the benign policies of his predecessor." Remind me to severely reverse some benign policies!
Since I rarely have played MP Civ (although I was well-versed in CIV II hot-seat action!) I'm not sure I've ever played a game with Sury. I rarely use unrestricted leaders and the usual UU and UB he's paired up really didn't do anything for me. I'll be learning as I go how to leverage his traits best.
When the pick got back to me I noticed a few aggressive choices on the board! (we'll get to that more later) I never had a good idea who I wanted to pair with sury. (I think) The only unique granary replacement, the terrace, was pointless being creative and all. So, for the tiniest bit of synergy, I figured a colosseum replacement (that I get half off) would be alright since I should probably get to that tech and catapults quickly seeing as I might have super Praets and Berserkers on my doorstep at some point. Thus, Babylon it was!
![[Image: babylonianflag.jpg]](
Also, I didn't see that CIV/Leader combo in any of the other games I follow and it's always nice to do something a little different.
My UB:
![[Image: garden.jpg]](
The Garden
Basically a colosseum with a couple extra health. Which, in addition to being expansive, will hopefully mean I never want for health in my cities. colosseums are often not worth building but half off with creative and with two health they might be a staple across my empire.
My UU:
![[Image: bowman.jpg]](
The Bowman
An archer who gets an extra 50% against melee units. I'm hoping even against praets these hold up ok with creative culture bonus + inherent city bonus. Nothing great but useful.
Next (maybe) the other teams...