After I lost the stone city by 1,5 turns, I'm 1,5 turns faster on those two cities.
I lost 10 GpT from the 2 cities, but this should still be a good deal.
On the other border to Gira I will found city 21 next turn.
After compass and code of law I have only civil productions.
I still have 3-6 city to found, but I have 2 settlers on the field for the critical cities and the other places are relative safe.
You know the settler for the land border city.
The second settler should found a city on the island in the north.
In the end remain 4 cities.
2 are clearly safe. This is the island in the east of Utica. The other city would next to Carthage. This city would only work a few tiles, but for me, all coast cities should be profitable.
Relative save is the foodless city in the east of Kerkounne. This city will get 3 freshwater lakes, but no food ressource.
Gira could place a city, but I don't really expect it. 2 lake tiles are (in the moment) in my culture.
the lowest priority has the island next to Ricks border.
It's a coast city with its own food and coast tiles, so why not ? But coldrain could be faster. Rick is still missing sailing.
I plan my GA in the next turns. A trade mission gives about 1100 gold. A GA should be better in a few turns, especially if you add the potential anarchy.
I will convert to Buddhism and adopt org reli. And in the end, I plan to adopt a legal civic.
First idea is Bureaucracy, but you could make an argument for Vassalage.
And when I'm in a GA, I can adopt Hereditary Rule.
I need 3-4 turns of research and my research rate is ~ 30%. I could start in T123 ?
I don't really like to spread of my religion this game.
I have Buddhism for 53t and only a spread in 4 cities ? Okay, coldrain got at least 2 times a spread, but still.
Moai stands since last turn.
And here is a diplomatic reason to adopt a religion.
I don't want to create more pressure on coldrain's city.
I don't think I could flip the city - I need the next KE tp create pressure on the city tile, so I don't really want to steal more tiles.
This city can be founded next turn.
Fort Yokun had the first KE, so I chopped a Monument for Sarim Batim. This should allow me to get the rice.
And I need macemen (or knights) to attack this hill cities.
Civil Service is possible in about 8 turns. I expect feudalism to be similar costly and so I should be able to start the GA in the next turns.
I researched Mornachy this turn.