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[PB79] Just one more Game

The next wonder stands in Carthage.
And I found Iron in a mine.

In the south, I settled the stone island first.
Maybe a bit of an reach, but I was in the area, I have nearly enough settlers for the other areas and why not ? His is a reach for coldrain too.

In the west, I was 1,5 turns to late for the first island.
I will land 2 settlers the next turn, so this should still favour me ?

I will settle my second inland city in 3 turns. This should be the land border to Gira.

I still don't know what coldrains makes with this much food - or how ?
Land is a bit conzerning, I have more cities than everyone else and less land ?
Okay, Coast is a good replacemen for me, but still.

Miro's power doens't seem to grow much ?
I expect, Miro researched maschinery for Chokos - and then maybe a planned attack on Rick.

I should get the circumnavigation next turns - and then I plan to built Cothons in most cities.

On a general outlook, I want to get a piece of Rick and my next expansion should be Gira.
I hope to continue a stable sea border with coldrain and the East Indian can be a threat for my eastern islands.

After I lost the stone city by 1,5 turns, I'm 1,5 turns faster on those two cities.
I lost 10 GpT from the 2 cities, but this should still be a good deal.

On the other border to Gira I will found city 21 next turn.

After compass and code of law I have only civil productions.
I still have 3-6 city to found, but I have 2 settlers on the field for the critical cities and the other places are relative safe.

You know the settler for the land border city.
The second settler should found a city on the island in the north.

In the end remain 4 cities.
2 are clearly safe. This is the island in the east of Utica. The other city would next to Carthage. This city would only work a few tiles, but for me, all coast cities should be profitable.

Relative save is the foodless city in the east of Kerkounne. This city will get 3 freshwater lakes, but no food ressource.
Gira could place a city, but I don't really expect it. 2 lake tiles are (in the moment) in my culture.

the lowest priority has the island next to Ricks border.
It's a coast city with its own food and coast tiles, so why not ? But coldrain could be faster. Rick is still missing sailing.

I plan my GA in the next turns. A trade mission gives about 1100 gold. A GA should be better in a few turns, especially if you add the potential anarchy.

I will convert to Buddhism and adopt org reli. And in the end, I plan to adopt a legal civic.
First idea is Bureaucracy, but you could make an argument for Vassalage.

And when I'm in a GA, I can adopt Hereditary Rule.

I need 3-4 turns of research and my research rate is ~ 30%. I could start in T123 ?

I don't really like to spread of my religion this game.
I have Buddhism for 53t and only a spread in 4 cities ? Okay, coldrain got at least 2 times a spread, but still.


Moai stands since last turn.
And here is a diplomatic reason to adopt a religion.
I don't want to create more pressure on coldrain's city.
I don't think I could flip the city - I need the next KE tp create pressure on the city tile, so I don't really want to steal more tiles.

This city can be founded next turn.

Fort Yokun had the first KE, so I chopped a Monument for Sarim Batim. This should allow me to get the rice.

And I need macemen (or knights) to attack this hill cities.

Civil Service is possible in about 8 turns. I expect feudalism to be similar costly and so I should be able to start the GA in the next turns.
I researched Mornachy this turn.

Here my latest update.
I will translate it sometime tomorrow, but if you can't wait...

Whats happened ?
I end my GA with feudalism, machinery and construction researched.
I'm still construction buildings and need a bit better worker micro (or more workers), but the first cities are building baracks and stalls.
I will be researching guilds in 2 turns.

Miro should be starting the attack on Rick in the near future. I hope to vulture at least 2 cities.
coldrain made a play towards Taoisms (and liberalism) ?

(September 22nd, 2024, 17:50)xist10 Wrote: Miro should be starting the attack on Rick in the near future. I hope to vulture at least 2 cities.

Any concrete plans to make this happen?
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

Like I said, the post from last night here.
First order of business ?

After the Barack more units ?
Maybe settlers or missionaries, but a courthouse is not that good. I like the 2 spy points more than the 3 gold.
And I have reached the maximum city count for costs.

Smaller then Carthage, but a similar situation.
I don't know from where Utica got the Confucianism, I think over China ?

Units after barracks and forge here too ?

coldrain got the (unmined) plains hill in his culture, I will finish the monastery before the forge.

I'm not sure if I could ignore the forge here.
8p is not that much.

Leptis got the short end of the stick with my worker (miss)management.
I'm thinking about building a farm on the river grasstile and working 2 plainshill mines after that ?

A lighthouse actually belongs here, but if I want to stop growing after the 2 mines ?

Thapsus should grow.
Needs a second or even third city guard.

Sicca is missing more tiles to grow in. Especially when I found the city on the island.
And I need a few more worker turns here too.

Units next here ?
You could make an argument for a market (~5g), but besides that ?

Tacape has mostly commerce. Nothing besides coast. Cothon next.

The neighbourcity is a bit better.
Sabratha got the horses and I plan to build a sawmill on the forest for more production.

Oea should get a wall in the near future.
One of my 3-4 land border cities.

Another island city.
A disadvantage of my FIN/Colossus coasts ? I don't really want to work the cottages.

Abdera got the clams from Malaca. 2 desert copper are a good point I think.
I think I can share the clams, but in the moment ?

And another city without a real prod tile.
Maybe sawmills in a few forest tiles ?
Still room to grow.

Another island city.
I need more workers to put cottages on the grasland, but othwerwise ?

Carmona needs a bit more culture, but I want a lighthouse next.

Onoba is the worst example for my worker management.
The worker got on a galley from Baria this turn and I really should have built a workboat.

Carthago Nova got the short end of the stick from the stonehenge culture.
I have a workboat here and should get the fishs back when the border expand.

Out here, a courthouse seems to be better than a cothon.

Maybe a wall next ?
The third clear bordercity.

I will whip the granary next turn.
After that, Lighthouse and grow, grow, grow ?

Iol has no prodsource, so I need to whip most things. But I have only 3 lakes as food resource.
Still, a coast city is nearly every time a good investment for me, so...

I finished Feudalism and Machinery in the GA and I got Construction from overflow.
I plan Guilds next, after that Optics for the 50% from circumnavigation and then Engineering.
Castles are cheap for me (50p walls, 100p Castle with PRO/Stone ? Maximum of 50p overall).
After that, Civil Service and then ?
Maybe a Run for Liberalism or for the Taj Mahal.

I need to backfill Calendar sometimes.

And with Feudalism, I change in Vassalage after the GA.

Demo is okay. Food is not ideal and Land bad - I have the most cities.
Second place on production is a bit surprising. But I think coldrain is still in a GA ?

I have a bit culture and espionage and the end of the GA is not visible, but still good.

Same here, we are still missing the end of the GA.

I think coldrain worked a few spezialist in the GA ?
Still, the distance becomes smaller.

I have no high hopes for the Roman survival.
I don't know how good Rick is at warfare, but I think Miro is a lot better. And with that military lead ?
I need to invest a bit in military too. I'm the new neighbour.

Guilds because Miro is investing in Chokos and Knights are the next counter - Besides catapults.

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