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[Spoilers]TheArchduke hitches a ride as the Khmer

Turn 129

Finally some before and after pictures of action. Preslav needs to fall.
Maybe I am overly cautious, but I also put a galley in place, just because.



My science is rather high, thanks to a GS project. I am leaning towards running some of those out of Don´t Panic and Mostly Harmless.

Turn 131

Two turns of not too much happening. Preparing to take Preslav and getting two harbors.


Looking good! Everything is starting to come together. You might want to consider promoting Moksha to Divine Architect with some of your next titles. It would be a significant effort but you could faith buy districts in your newer cities. Timing might be off since I think you will need at least 3 titles (it is tier 3 promotion) but with Theocracy and the low conversion rate of faith to production, might be worth a consideration. Then again, faith buying units and going on the war path might also be a better investment with faith. You may also want to consider a few more encampments to increase your stock pile limits on resources. That becomes your limiting factor once the chapel is built and your faith income is high. Then again, you may be able to manipulate the half resource card for upgrades and faith buy older units and squeeze out more modern units out of the same resource. Looks like you have options.

Congress results.

Krill boycotts himself and attacks Burmese. I have no income stream from trade that way. I very much doubt he will prolong the alliance.

Not a smart move longterm. He should eat Korea not antagonize me after Rome. I need a fleet in the west.

Congress results.

Krill boycotts himself and attacks Burmese. I have no income stream from trade that way. I very much doubt he will prolong the alliance. There is no reason for Krill to embargo himself. I need caravels, probably before I can trade again.

Not a smart move longterm. He should eat Korea not antagonize me after Rome. I need a fleet in the west and east.

I hope I misread him, but why the heck should he embargo himself.

Turn 132

I setup to conquer Preslav next turn. And faithbuy a Domrey. Next turn new civics, 2-3 more galleys west. And upgrade.

Apart from that I run projects to get more GPs.

Turn 133

Krill made an enemy of me. His self-embargo can only target me, and my income is toast. I know where this is going. Worst case I loose 3 rather unproductive cities on my east coast. But I will kill his east coast with fleet and army.

Best case, he does not attack me. Why keep Burmese if he wants to antagonize me. crazyeye


Thankfully to a timely switch of policies and 3 pillages of mines this turn, I got a bit of a bank. We can pillage if we conquer. And I do so this turn as well.


And boost science, because yes I want to be this efficient.


I also switch to commercial hubs + and +2 on trade routes. I really need cartography to trade with Japan. Who this turn signed a research alliance.

Give me about 3-5 turns and I have a navy. I should be safer then. Let´s hope Rome decides to retake Burmese.


No time for a report today as under stress. Building more ships and projects.

So. What is going on.

First of all, I do not want to loose this game like I did my Russia one thanks to not having a navy. That is why I delay my harbor build down south and finish the prasat, whilst my cities churn out 1-2 more galleys.

Turns out the alliance prolongs the DoF, so by my count I have 20 more turns to get something of a navy.

In the east, I will have 2 galleys and 3 quadriremes which I will position defensively.

In the west thanks to geography divided, I will have 3 galleys. Then I will eureka Cartography and get 2 more trade routes in the harbor cities down south.


This is what I call a defensive harbor. Not plunderable.


You might also notice that I have run projects for the last 3-4 turns in DP and MH. That is because I want to have the GE, the GM and the GS on display.


Rome denounced me and Krill boycotted me, so there will be war in the future. I also need to scout west so I need Cartography to have new trade routes. The GM should also repair my income a bit.

Next turn I will need to buy 2 tiles to get my holy district down for Thanks for all the fish.


Also I have 5 more turns in monumentality so I need to buy 5-6 more builders in the next turns with faith. I already bought 2 more domreys who I will position defensively. I want to blow up my milscore to deter attacks. 
Krills yields continue to explode so I might have to take him down when the alliance stops.
This means attacking over the isthmus and for this I need a fleet as well.

Other tidbits. Don´t Panic might need an entertainment district to stay happy. Population is 17 and keeps growing. I might want to build some privateers as well.
I also screwed up governor placement and MH would need 5 more turns, but it seems when you immeaditly return a governor he is reestablished immeaditly.

Turn 137

Yeah, I am going to build a spy. I can faith buy any units I want to, got no district I desperately need and I know no other

Anyway, enough galleys, next turn caravels and then onto frigates. And Industrialization.



Krill is at 168 science showing Yongle off. And really worrying me. Perhaps I need Rome´s help or are we doomed?

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