Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[spoilers]The Courts of Chaos: Thoth disrupts the Pattern

, n
(September 9th, 2024, 02:07)Tarkeel Wrote: That's two pretty good quest rewards in short order, nice!

How goes the Mongol invasion? Khan you see if the reign is gone?


Yeah, neither is game altering but both are quite nice to have.   As is knowing that I've got more Triremes and Forges than anyone else (or at least I got to 5 first wink  )

Offered peace for 15 gpt in reparations from Mongolia, which was rejected with no counter offer.   So I'm blockading two (and soon to be 3) of Pindicator's island cities while I get some transports, catapults, wellies ect built.

Finally signed a white peace with Pindicator after he built a whole bunch of Triremes (and sank two of mine at the cost of one of his, slightly better than average combat luck here for him). 

Demos say we are a photofinish 1 and 2 on the powergraph and Commodore's score has been exploding lately.  Pin and I are both best served by some extended peace but we'll see if he agrees.

Current tech plan is Calendar (4t left to go), Compass, Machinery,  (bulb Optics, guaranteed GS due in 30t).  At present tech rate it's going to take close to 30t to get to Machinery.  But that will shorten by a lot as Spices (~6-7 turns), Incence (~10-11 turns), and Furs (~11 turns) come online and allow Kolvir and Avalon to grow and work another 4 tiles each.  Assuming coast (they both have Lighthouses) that's another 24 base commerce, 30 net (they both have Markets and are the homes of my two Libraries) so I will have time to grab one of CoL, Aesthetics, or Monarchy before the Optics bulb.

For DaveV:


Did you name the axeman Jopin?

I had to look up the name, I remembered it started with J...

t84 opened up to an offer from Krill:

I had sent him Fish for fish and a map trade a few turns ago. He sent back Fish-Fish but no offer of maps.

Not sure what he's offering here. either Marble as a loan for peace or he's letting me know he's not competing for MoM. or a bit of both.

Either way, I declined the offer. I've got 17t left on my NAP with Pindicator and I'd like to leave my options open on my continent in case I need to adjust the borders slightly.

I'll try for a more complete update tomorrow but here's a quick update:

Pin and Krill are making 57 and 24 gpt when cashing. GNP graph suggests that those are 100% cash numbers. I'll need to check what my current GNP numbers are but it should be a bit more than 100 gpt at max tax given the number of dirt cheap Markets that I've built and the fact that I'm generating 125 BPT at -14 GPT at 40%. I'm finishing Aesthetics next turn with an eye to building SoZ (which in this mod gives +3 xp to units built in this city) and making a run at the Music great Artist before heading to Machinery/Monarchy/Fuedalism/Guilds ect.

I'm lagging a bit in hammers but I'm only about 10 food per turn behind Commodore. Hammers are my biggest problem on this map but with Guilds and Caste (later Emancipation) I can get some good hammers out of most of my cities. Commerce is easy when you have Financial coast, cheap Harbours that grant +2 raw commerce (from the Trireme quest), and discounted multiplier buildings (!35% from traits towards Markets, +35% from Financial for Libraries).

Pindicator and I signed Open borders plus Fish for Fish for 25 turns (extending our NAP by 20t). Years of peace modifier is only 66% but will rise over time and I'm picking up an extra commerce per trade route in some cities with harbours.

PBspy shows Krill with a mid-turn points increase of 18 last turn. I guessed he'd bulbed something but his gold on hand jumped by around 150 more than his gpt of 43 last turn. Logged in to see no change in techs reserched by opponents on F6. So I'm guessing he captured a size 5 barb city and got a nice chunk of capture gold.

Someone built Parthenon last turn.  So it's going to be tight to get to Music 1st.....

I'll need a bit of wealth building but I can get there in 4t if it doesn't fall next turn.

Now this is interesting:

PBspy shows that Krill just 4 whipped 2 cities, 3 whipped another 3 cities, and then 2 whipped another pair of cities after ending turn.   

21 pop whipped.  eek

Wonder if that's Courthouses or if he's getting invaded from the West?

Music GA fell last turn, so it's off to Civil Service (7t) and Monarchy (1-2t).

Finally found Commodore and in a location that makes me happy. It's always good when Commodore and Pindicator share a border.

As you can see from the scoreboard, Krill has grown like weed over the last 20 turns or so. Might need to do some border adjusting soon.

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