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[PB79] Just one more Game

About 25k characters in the report for here. A good part should end for the correct formatting (and the links for the CF pictures, but still, I need to think how I present it here.
A big report is a bit too much, I think.

Only 52 screenshots?
I thought there were more.

Let's see if something is missing. - Yes, graphs.

Let's start with the world in 1280 AD.
Since coldrain didn't want to swap maps a long time ago, I'm missing a few spots - and one of coldrain's cities.

Otherwise you can see the whole map here - the Field of View slider is something great.

And here is the smaller view on Miro.
When I think back to my estimates 38 rounds ago, a lot of things have come true.
Miro is currently the favorite - mainly thanks to winning the coin toss on Liberalism and the resulting Taj Mahal.

It's a little harder to get a baseline for Miro, as Miro has started 3 [Image: 5gap.png] in the 38 rounds - 2 with [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] and the Taj Mahal [Image: 5gap.png].
I think some of the research comes from the Apo/Sankore/Minaret combination.

Miro borders all players, but the sea border with Gira is not really suitable for invasion due to the mountain range.
The southern coast is also relatively well protected due to its location.

Gira continues to bring up the rear. It is now in 3rd place in terms of points, but is still a long way behind in terms of technology.
16 cities are now too few.

Gira's position on the map is a bit strange.
I'm the east and west neighbor. I usually have more important things to worry about, but Gira is actually my expansion area.
Possibly with infantry from transporters ?

And then we come to the last point.
coldrain is still in the lead in terms of technology (military), but the war with me has left its mark.
coldrain has invested more than me and lost a city in the end.

Also, coldrian has now used up almost all his powder. I think coldrain can still start the 4th [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] :5GAP. but this time probably without the mausoleum.
Otherwise PHI/CHA is just not a good trait combo. A backstab from Miro might have been an option instead of starting a naval war with me.

There is a small land border with Gira, otherwise coldrain has the big borders with me and Miro.

And then I arrive, once again with the worst strategic position on the map.
I have the long sea borders with Gira and coldrain, small land borders in the west and the land border with Miro in the southeast.
I am the only player who has good invasion routes to all players - the opposite is also true, of course.
I think I can also be perceived as a leader with the founding of CreCon.
And for me it's even more true than for others that I can't afford a two front war.

I think I will divide this into post similar to how I have divided the report into sections - one post per section.

Let's start with my northwest.

Sarim Batim is one of the 5 cities I have on a land border.
Sraim Batin is in the direct neighborhood of Gira and coldrain.

I won the rice from Gira and currently have no plans to let the city grow any further.
You could think about farms on the plain fields, but that's not really worth it.
With 24 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], most of the buildings aren't worth it either. I build troops here.

Contrary to the display, I start with a few scouts.

Iol is the northern neighbor of Sarim Batin.
It's on the Dutch border, but a bit further away.
One of 2 cities without its own food resources, Iol makes do with the lake.
This is a pure [Image: Wirtschaft.png] city. Production comes from the whip.

The city will really benefit from CreCon.

Oea is the 2nd border city to coldrain.
The water protection wall may still be a bit critical, but is actually worth it.
Since there wasn't always a forge here in [Image: 5gap.png], a spy was used as a free specialist for a few rounds.

The 4th city in the northwest is Kerkounne.
Founded long before the other cities, Kerkounne with 16 [Image: 5pop.png] is now also a frequent destination for trade routes.

In the medium term, I'm thinking about swapping one of the tundra fields for another specialist.
Then it would be back to +/- 0 [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png].

Let's go further into the core of my empire - well, Kerkounne is actually already part of the core.

A filler city east of Kerkounne, Sexi has already reached its maximum size.
Work Boat ~ 50 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] I'm actually starting to build my bonus buildings.
I think Sexi could take over one of the tundra fields.

The next filler city would be Russadir.
Here I would probably take over Sexi's elephants. Then I would also be at +/- 0 here [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png].
After the forge, there's the court, Kothon and probably a water wall, but after that ?
At ~ 30 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] the bonus buildings are not worth it, so Barracks->Troops.

South of Russadir is Thaenae.
One of the older island cities, the city is primarily bordered by its neighbors.
There are simply no more free fields.
At 50 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] I actually want to build the bonus buildings.

Utica is almost fully grown. The 2nd priest will be occupied in 4 turns.
The bank is built quickly and should actually still be worth building - the limit for banks is more like 40 [Image: Wirtschaft.png].
After that, probably Leevee and then a training center here too.

We continue with the capital.
The next [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] will be here in 2 turns, hopefully a trader.

The city is still growing a bit, I will then hire more specialists. The next [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] from this city will probably be a surprise.

At 110 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], all the bonus buildings are actually worthwhile.
Otherwise I'll finally need a court for the KG costs and the Leevee will also bring a few [Image: Civ4Produktion.png].
RoI of 10 turns ?

Tingis should actually be the youngest city in the empire.
Already relatively well developed thanks to 4 occupied resources, I'm looking forward to the KE in 4 turns and am now building the first buildings here.
I want to benefit from the Apo here at least. Missionaries are only worthwhile to a limited extent, even if the shrine has not yet been built.
40 (missionary) + 80 (temple) for 2 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] ? RoI of ~60 rounds. With (assembly line) bonuses, this might be an acceptable 20 turns.
I'm keeping the option with the monastery open.

The last city in the northern core area would be Sicca.
The city had to give up 2 good fields to Tingis and has reached the desired size.
But over 50 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], i.e. buildings.

And that brings us to the southern core area.

First and foremost Hadrentum.
The replacement GI could come here.
I hired a scientist this turn, maybe I should also swap the mines after the [Image: 5gap.png].
This risks the “safe” GI, but a GS wouldn't be so bad.

With the scientists, the Eta for the 500 [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] is 14 rounds (and ~20% for the GW), without at 31 rounds. The Eta for the 600 [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] cannot really be calculated. 51 turns without changes, with factory I guess ~40 turns ?

This will be the city with the KG HQ, so Wall Street should come in here soon.
If I could get another priest, probably also the shrine.

Hippo lies off the coast of Hadrentum.
No more coastal spaces available, so the next citizen will probably be a specialist.
The forest falls this turn, but a plains hill mine is not so good either. I'll change that.
I'll probably take over the coast of Hadrentum after all ?

At 48 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], most of the buildings are worthwhile - but not the Levee.

South of Hippo lies Thapsus on its own island.
The Moai city always looks so beautiful in the [Image: 5gap.png].
In fact, the 500 [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] could come here.
Eta would be 21 rounds. - For the 600 [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] then probably 31 turns, but here especially depending on the food situation.

Maybe I could add a theater for the artist slot.
The most unattractive would probably be a GI, since I could (with high probability) get another GI from Hadrentum.

After some thought, a sawmill will now be built on each of the two forest spaces. It might be too late for huts.

Most of the buildings are already there. I'm not sure how the corner hexes will react to the Levee. If the Levee is active on 5 tiles, it's probably worth it.

Further on the mainland.
Sabratha lies to the east of Hadrentum.
In the medium term, I would probably take over Hadrentum's plains hut here or give the horses to Tacape.
I think I prefer the Hadrentum variants, as this also brings the [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] to 0 there.
Just makes for an unclean pool there.

There's something missing from [Image: Civ4Produktion.png], but the bonus buildings actually belong here.

Tacape is a filler city for me.
The horses are often swapped with Sabratha for production, and the copper mine is also partly taken over by Carmona.

Lately I've been favoring Sabratha a bit, which is why Tacape is slightly behind Sabartha.
The horses are (outside of the [Image: 5gap.png]) 50% of the possible production.

With 54 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] over the building limit.

The last city in this block is Leptis.
Formerly founded as a border town to Rick, it is now primarily a production town.
The Levee will have some effect, but the city (in [Image: 5gap.png]) is still over the [Image: Wirtschaft.png] border.

After the [Image: 5gap.png] I would probably move some mines to the coast first, I can grow into the 3 fields.
Now I'll probably change the one mine to the plains hut.

And that brings us to the southern border towns.

Carmona only belongs here to a limited extent. This is primarily a sea border like Thaenae, Hippo or Thapsus.
Right next to Tacape, Carmona is actually also at the [Image: 5pop.png] limit.
I will hire another specialist and probably take over a few fields from Arretium.

Some farm buildings are still missing here.

The “loot” from the Roman war.
Arretium is currently under pressure from Chinese culture.
I should get the sugar back next turn, but the farm has to fight against the Taj Mahal culture from Cumae.
Hence the focus on [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] and [Image: Civ4Kultur.png] at the moment.

In fact, the first city where I would spread CreCon because of the culture.

Siga is in a similar situation to Arretium. No fields have been lost yet, but the wheat will be lost
be lost in a few turns.

Siga is just as old as Tingis, but in a somewhat more difficult situation. That's why its development is stalling.

The next city block would be the southern islands.

Baria is doing relatively well.
The 3 huts are new - and actually much too late.
There is still some production potential to build the economic buildings. I just need to grow into the quarry and the mine. Which may take a while with 3 more coastal hexes.

Library in front of the bank, because coldrain is exerting some [Image: Civ4Kultur.png] pressure.

Royal Valley is the “conquest” from the war with coldrain.
Typical coastal town ?
I'd have some interest in spreading CreCon here again for culture, then founding another filler city on the horses.

Onoba has been an enclave for a long time.
This is also a typical coastal town.

Sawmills instead of coast is definitely worth discussing, I wanted to take the production with me to finish the library faster - the western sawmill was temporarily lost.

The last group of cities would be the eastern islands.
2 cities were already in other groups, but 5 more remain.

We start with Malaca.
Malaca has taken over some coastal fields from Sicca.
Thanks to the horses, the production is not too bad, I only want to grow into the 2 specialists here.
Most of the bonus buildings are still missing here.

Abdera is right next to Malaca.
Similar city, but with a bit more production thanks to the 2 copper mines - and less [Image: Wirtschaft.png].
I can't do much with the watermill at the moment, as I'll end up with an odd food surplus again.

Nevertheless, I'm actually over the [Image: Wirtschaft.png] limit, so I'm pulling up the buildings.

Tipasa lies to the north.
Even more than the other cities, a city that I can effectively forget about before KG.
I've already put in a lot of infrastructure here, so you can forget about the city after Konrspeicher and Gericht.

With CreCOn, on the other hand, I will build up the infrastructure.
Then I can also think about building another city at the other end of the island.

Finally, the sea border cities come to Gira.
The northern city of the pair is Ibrossin.
Little [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] surplus, as there are 2 [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] resources, but they are very poor.
I plan to slowly grow into the coasts here.
Thanks to the horses, the [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] is acceptable, I will probably build most of the economic buildings.

The southern twin city is Carthago Nova.
Somewhat limited in culture and with a better food resource, I will soon occupy the marble here again and then build something on the plain. Probably a watermill.

I also want to build all the bonus buildings here.

So I'm done with the cities.

How is the economic situation? Surprisingly good - probably due to [Image: 5gap.png].

I currently produce 1533 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] per round, which means I produce 2071 [Image: Forschung.png] with 100% research.
Cost point of 533 [Image: Gold.png].

In an economy round this would be ‘only’ 1702 [Image: Gold.png] - the specialists continue to generate 162 [Image: Forschung.png].
This results in a surplus of 1169 [Image: Gold.png].

One saving round is therefore currently enough for 2.2 research rounds.

This means that my effective research rate is currently 69% and 1429 [Image: Forschung.png] per round.

Calculation seems correct.

Research rate before the [Image: 5gap.png] was only 50%, by the way.

The savings rate can also be used to roughly calculate the RoI for the bonus buildings.
The conversion is always a bit subjective, but as a rule of thumb I use the base [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] cost.

I want a RoI of about 20 turns.

Let's start with the banks. 200 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png], 50% bonus through FIN, so actually 75% bonus (forge).
Effective cost of 115 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png], so 6 [Image: Gold.png] from the 50% bonus.
So I need a [Image: Gold.png] production of at least 12 (unbonified). This would actually be 40 :wirt: at the current research rate. - 24 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] at the research rate before the [Image: 5gap.png]

Market (+25% [Image: Gold.png])also has a bonus, i.e. an effective cost of 86 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png].
4 [Image: Gold.png] per round, so this requires 16 [Image: Gold.png].
This means 54 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] (or 32 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] with the old rate).

The Grocer (+25% [Image: Gold.png]) has no bonus, so 120 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] and +6 [Image: Gold.png] from the bonus, so 24 [Image: Gold.png] per turn.
This means that grocers are rarely worthwhile, as I need 80 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] at the current research rate and at least 48 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] with a 50% effective research rate.
However, grocers have a [Image: Civ4Gesundheit.png] bonus. I'm close to the limit in some cities, so the grocers are a sensible investment in view of the coming industrialisation. Grocers provide 3 [Image: Civ4Gesundheit.png], so they are just as effective as aqueducts (which don't provide [Image: Gold.png]).

The [Image: Forschung.png] buildings have no building bonus from traits (in my case).
Libraries (+25% [Image: Forschung.png]) cost 72 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png], so only 4 [Image: Forschung.png] per turn. THis means 16 [Image: Forschung.png], this would currently be 23 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], with 50% again 32 [Image: Wirtschaft.png].

Universities (+25% [Image: Forschung.png]) cost 200 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png], so 160 raw [Image: Civ4Produktion.png]. This means I would need 8 [Image: Forschung.png] from the university, i.e. 32 [Image: Forschung.png] before bonuses. This currently requires 46 [Image: Wirtschaft.png], but a whole 62 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] before the [Image: 5gap.png].

I did reached the image limit thanks to the Icons, so part 2 here.

Observatories (+25% [Image: Forschung.png]), on the other hand, are at 120 [Image: Civ4Produktion.png] and thus at 6 [Image: Forschung.png] bonus. I reach 24 [Image: Forschung.png] with 32 [Image: Wirtschaft.png] - or 48 [Image: Wirtschaft.png].

All in all, the [Image: Gold.png] buildings are worthwhile relatively often, whereas the [Image: Forschung.png] buildings are less worthwhile - the universities not at all.
Of course, you have to bear in mind that the effectiveness of the [Image: Gold.png] buildings decreases when I build them, as my research rate increases.

I'm still ahead in terms of research.
I lack steel and Rfiling, but I am steam engine, constitution and economy ahead of Miro- and from next turn I'll also have corporations.
Coldrain is still there militarily, but Gira seems to be in a better economic position. Both are somewhat negligible in terms of further research, I think.

Technologically, Miro is currently researching the steam engine in 3 turns. That would be ~ 1.4k [Image: Forschung.png] peak power outside of a [Image: 5gap.png].

In fact, the food corporation wouldn't be that far off.
Cereal is within reach with biology. Biology is a diversion, but I think it's justifiable. Just give up [Image: Civ4GroPers.png] for physics and/or communism.

Sushi with refrigeration, on the other hand ?

Demo is quite good at the moment. Of course, this is also dangerous if a dogpile against me is now in the offing.
I was able to isolate Miro diplomatically, but I no longer think a war is in the offing.

So my sprint to Dampfmaschine is already good.

[Image: Civ4Produktion.png] is still a problem. I'm only just ahead of Miro in [Image: 5gap.png].

Miro upgrades at the expense of [Image: Civ4Nahrung.png] ?
Quite dangerous.

I have to be careful here.
I mustn't spend too much on infrastructure.

In 2 turns I'll have enough banks for Wallstreet. And I haven't really built many economic buildings yet.

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