Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] yuris125 praying to RNGesus

We got another turn tonight, and unfortunately I can't reasonably do it

There's 25 cannons in Community Card. 25 cannons is not something I can kill. And of course Commodore has railroads and can easily move the army as he sees fit. If I move in on the tile 2E of HORSE, which is the most reasonable invasion tile in this part of the world, he can hit my stack immediately

I tried to find Thoth's stack and figure out where the action is, but couldn't find anything major. All I found is stack of frigates, and with Commodore closing in on Combustion, that's going to be irrelevant very soon

Also, Krill's turn this evening was 9 minutes. I don't know how active his participation in this war is

I really wish there was something I could do other than sit back and await a concession. But as it stands, me trying to attack Commodore wouldn't be far off simply gifting him all my cities

I pretty much gave up on this game, but since we're still playing, might as well try to make something happen

Commodore's southern cities are actually not that well defended

Horserace Bet has a machine gun, but rest of the defenders are outdated. Cities deeper inland are not defended at all

Now, he does have scouting units in my land, and I can't just move the stack over. But I can draft some rifles, upgrade my own outdated defenders, and invade from this direction and from somewhere along my western/his easter border (probably in the Hell-on-Earth region). If Commodore has units to spare, he can easily move them over to defend - but would this open a window for Thoth?

Well, at least I managed to scare Commodore into moving his big stack out of the northern cities and into the middle of the empire

These are still decent defences, but if this doesn't count as an opening for Thoth, I don't know how much more I can do without an actual suicide attack

Commodore cancelled the horse gift and sent this instead

He also moved the big stack to a position where he can hit my southern cities

My view on this is still the same, I need to continue forcing Commodore to consider the possibility of me invading, so the at least some of his units are tied up and he can't fully focus on deflecting whatever Thoth and Krill are doing. Even if I still see no sign of them doing anything, and the fact that Commodore felt ok to move this stack away from the front with Thoth and towards my land suggests there isn't much active fighting. Of course, Commodore can kill me at will, but maybe if he does commit to attacking me, it will encourage the others to try to make progress

I see on PBSpy that Commodore did attack me (likely took Mainz, and Ulm will almost certainly follow). Now it's up to Thoth and Krill to figure out if this opens up any opportunities for them. If I die to this attack, I'm perfectly ok with it

It was actually Ulm that fell, but Commodore can take Mainz very easily as well. He also sent a white peace offer

Nah mate. As far as I'm concerned, if I peace out, it's just a matter of me dying a bit later, when everyone concedes. I'd much rather see you commit forces to attacking me and not defending elsewhere

As I said last turn, I assume Commodore has plenty of units to defend everywhere. But sitting back and waiting for him to win is pointless

So you better believe I'm doing this


Well, unfortunately Commodore had the units to kill off my knight stack, and I can't really carry on with the aggression

I have to keep reminding myself that the point wasn't really to make any gains myself, more to draw Commodore's units towards me and give an opening to Thoth/Krill. If it gives them a chance, it was worth it. Not like these knights were doing much in the rifle era

I lost not only Mainz but also Vienna. I might lose Nurenberg as well, and that would be truly unforunate, as that is my Heroic Epic city. But oh well. I feel like I had to try something, and if it doesn't work, so what if the game ends a few turns sooner

I haven't been updating, but I'm in the process of dying to Commodore's superior forces. Which is what I expected to happen without Thoth or Krill actively attacking Commodore on the other side of his empire. Which so far doesn't seem to be happening

I won't see many more turns. Hopefully this harakiri gave Thoth and Krill at least a chance to stop Commodore's runaway, but I don't think so. I see that Thoth took a Commodore's city last turn, but one city probably won't make a difference

I don't regret the play. As I said when I went for it, sitting back and letting Thoth and Krill fight a war while quietly waiting for concession seemed pointless. Surviving to the end of the game because you're too irrelevant to bother with isn't much of an accomplishment

Down to two cities. Don't think I'm dying this turn, but it can't be much longer

I'm also paying huge maintenance on my catapult stack, which was instrumental once, but completely useless now, against machine guns. At the same time, it does at least somewhat limit Commodore's attack options, so I don't want to just disband it

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