This is one of my last turns, and I have a bit of time, so as good opportunity as any to write some final thoughts
The map
Totestra was brought up as a potential script to use whenever we discussed playing on a random map. After this game, think I can confidently say, Totestra isn't it. It creates some fun maps to play in single player. For MP, it's miserable
My start
A small island of green surrounded by desert
Pindicator's start
A small belt of green, but nothing but plains and desert to the south
Thoth's start
Jut as bad, but at least he had some islands to expand to
Krill's start
Not amazing, although if you look at the minimap, you can see how much land he was able to claim uncontested NW of the start
Commodore's start
Remember almost all of this riverside grassland was forested as well. Basically, once Commodore defended the keshik rush and established the border with me, it was his game to lose, with Krill realistically the only player who could be in contention
That said, my hyperfocus of expanding south while ignoring my west was probably a mistake. If I claimed that peninsula I ended up fighting Pindicator for, I also would've been able to claim northern islands, and would've been in contention. But if I did that, Pindicator would've been boxed in, and would've had no option but to send keshiks somewhere. Which probably would've been my way. And I never managed to build up good enough force to stop that - partly because of having a hugely spread out empire with potentially dangerous border with Commodore in the south
I would say the main mistake was not doing any early sea scouting. If I knew that peninsula led to so many settlable islands, I would not have given it up as easily. I could've stopped my southern expansion around Nuremberg / Vienna area, thus having a chokepoke as the border with Commodore, and focused on figuring out how to settle the peninsula and the islands in a manner which left me safe from keshiks
The other point I complained about throughout the game is horses. Once Pindicator settled his 3rd city (now known as Caribbean Stud), there were no horses I could claim on the mainland. If we want to be able to play on random maps with absolutely no balancing, we have to figure out a solution, because being locked out of 2-movers in MP is a huge disadvantage
Start acceleration
Strong as Commodore's start was, I think it was helped even more by us playing with advanced start. In a snowball game, accelerated start allows to get the snowball rolling sooner and get ahead sooner, and the more ahead you are, the harder it makes for others to stop you. I think we have to choose between totally random maps and accelerated starts, we can't do both
Naval changes
Overall, I like them. Ocean tiles costing 2 moves makes it a lot more difficult to fork cities - but in the base game, where you can park a naval stack on an ocean tile and fork 4 cities even in the frigates era, it's just unreasonable. It does take getting used to, but I do think it's an improvement for MP. I think Nav 1 being locked behind Education is good as well; I'm not sure if MilTrad is the right place for Nav 2, but since I didn't get there, I'll let others to comment on that. I also do like having the option of using Caravels as inefficient transport if you don't want to research Astro for some reason, and think they're in a good place in RtR (I certainly hate how in base game / CtH they can be used to scout rival's territory, and them having no option to stop it without declaring war). I like privateers countering SotL as well (in fact it made so much sense, I thought it was the case in the base game as well, and was suprised to find it wasn't and there was no SotL counter there). All in all, apart from minor things, I think navy play much better in this version of RtR than in the base game / CtH
My biggest annoyance was workboats not being able to improve ocean seafood the turn borders allowed it to enter the tile - not only is ocean seafood weaker than coastal one, you also have to waste a turn before improving it. I think the simple solution giving workboats mobility would help with this and wouldn't break anything
If there's anything else you would like me to comment on, I'd be happy to
The map
Totestra was brought up as a potential script to use whenever we discussed playing on a random map. After this game, think I can confidently say, Totestra isn't it. It creates some fun maps to play in single player. For MP, it's miserable
My start
A small island of green surrounded by desert
Pindicator's start
A small belt of green, but nothing but plains and desert to the south
Thoth's start
Jut as bad, but at least he had some islands to expand to
Krill's start
Not amazing, although if you look at the minimap, you can see how much land he was able to claim uncontested NW of the start
Commodore's start
Remember almost all of this riverside grassland was forested as well. Basically, once Commodore defended the keshik rush and established the border with me, it was his game to lose, with Krill realistically the only player who could be in contention
That said, my hyperfocus of expanding south while ignoring my west was probably a mistake. If I claimed that peninsula I ended up fighting Pindicator for, I also would've been able to claim northern islands, and would've been in contention. But if I did that, Pindicator would've been boxed in, and would've had no option but to send keshiks somewhere. Which probably would've been my way. And I never managed to build up good enough force to stop that - partly because of having a hugely spread out empire with potentially dangerous border with Commodore in the south
I would say the main mistake was not doing any early sea scouting. If I knew that peninsula led to so many settlable islands, I would not have given it up as easily. I could've stopped my southern expansion around Nuremberg / Vienna area, thus having a chokepoke as the border with Commodore, and focused on figuring out how to settle the peninsula and the islands in a manner which left me safe from keshiks
The other point I complained about throughout the game is horses. Once Pindicator settled his 3rd city (now known as Caribbean Stud), there were no horses I could claim on the mainland. If we want to be able to play on random maps with absolutely no balancing, we have to figure out a solution, because being locked out of 2-movers in MP is a huge disadvantage
Start acceleration
Strong as Commodore's start was, I think it was helped even more by us playing with advanced start. In a snowball game, accelerated start allows to get the snowball rolling sooner and get ahead sooner, and the more ahead you are, the harder it makes for others to stop you. I think we have to choose between totally random maps and accelerated starts, we can't do both
Naval changes
Overall, I like them. Ocean tiles costing 2 moves makes it a lot more difficult to fork cities - but in the base game, where you can park a naval stack on an ocean tile and fork 4 cities even in the frigates era, it's just unreasonable. It does take getting used to, but I do think it's an improvement for MP. I think Nav 1 being locked behind Education is good as well; I'm not sure if MilTrad is the right place for Nav 2, but since I didn't get there, I'll let others to comment on that. I also do like having the option of using Caravels as inefficient transport if you don't want to research Astro for some reason, and think they're in a good place in RtR (I certainly hate how in base game / CtH they can be used to scout rival's territory, and them having no option to stop it without declaring war). I like privateers countering SotL as well (in fact it made so much sense, I thought it was the case in the base game as well, and was suprised to find it wasn't and there was no SotL counter there). All in all, apart from minor things, I think navy play much better in this version of RtR than in the base game / CtH
My biggest annoyance was workboats not being able to improve ocean seafood the turn borders allowed it to enter the tile - not only is ocean seafood weaker than coastal one, you also have to waste a turn before improving it. I think the simple solution giving workboats mobility would help with this and wouldn't break anything
If there's anything else you would like me to comment on, I'd be happy to