I'm interested in starting a new EitB PBEM game. Something like 4-6 players would be good for turn pace?
I understood RefSteel was available to make a map (thanks a lot, previous ones have been great!).
If enough players sign up, I was thinking of just copying the settings from EitB PBEM LVII. This can of course be discussed further.
EDIT: Added game information below.
Confirmed players and play windows:
BING_XI_LAO: 01:00 to 15:00 GMT
xist10: 9:00 to 23:00 GMT
Aurorarcher: 16:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT but can often play earlier
coldrain: 16:00 to 21:00 GMT preferred
Brian Shanahan: 18:30 to 23:00 GMT
DaveV: 23:00 to 2:00 (and/or 11:00 to 13:00)
Map-making guidelines
Boosted thaw start
All players start with a free worker in addition to normal starting units. First level technologies are researched (agriculture, ancient chants, crafting, exploration) and players can choose one additional technology based on their civilization pick (for example Hippus can choose either animal husbandry or calendar).
Random block for leader + civ selection
Players receive three leader/civ choices (unrestricted leaders is OFF). Player can choose to keep one choice or to have a new random selection if available options are not satisfactory, but next round starts only after all players have made a decision on the ongoing round. New selection can be chosen twice. Final pick has to be made on third round, if not done on earlier rounds.
Game settings
Bans applied in this game
EitB version 12.1:
I understood RefSteel was available to make a map (thanks a lot, previous ones have been great!).
If enough players sign up, I was thinking of just copying the settings from EitB PBEM LVII. This can of course be discussed further.
EDIT: Added game information below.
Confirmed players and play windows:
BING_XI_LAO: 01:00 to 15:00 GMT
xist10: 9:00 to 23:00 GMT
Aurorarcher: 16:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT but can often play earlier
coldrain: 16:00 to 21:00 GMT preferred
Brian Shanahan: 18:30 to 23:00 GMT
DaveV: 23:00 to 2:00 (and/or 11:00 to 13:00)
Map-making guidelines
- Minimum distance between starts: 15 tiles
- Land tiles per player: 200-300
- Map-script: Map-maker choice
- Continent + start distribution: All players on same land mass
- Amount of ocean/water: Map-maker choice
- Islands (amount and size): Map-maker choice
- Lushness: Not totally barren plains or desert hell, otherwise Map-maker choice.
- Blessing of Amatheon: Map-maker choice
- Unique features: Yes, but balanced
- Strategic resources: ensure copper, horses, iron, mithril, reagents, incence, and blasting powder in all starting areas (not necessarily in capital BFC)
- Nominal map-size: standard (affects tech costs, amount of Kuriotates mega cities, etc.)
Boosted thaw start
All players start with a free worker in addition to normal starting units. First level technologies are researched (agriculture, ancient chants, crafting, exploration) and players can choose one additional technology based on their civilization pick (for example Hippus can choose either animal husbandry or calendar).
Random block for leader + civ selection
Players receive three leader/civ choices (unrestricted leaders is OFF). Player can choose to keep one choice or to have a new random selection if available options are not satisfactory, but next round starts only after all players have made a decision on the ongoing round. New selection can be chosen twice. Final pick has to be made on third round, if not done on earlier rounds.
Game settings
- AI diplo
- Quick speed
- Emperor difficulty
- No tech trading
- No vassal states
- No espionage
- No Acheron
- No Orthus
- Wildlands
- Living world
- Tribal huts: no
- Lairs, barrows, graveyards, etc: yes
- Mana nodes: two guaranteed sources in starting area (previous game had one)
- Normal settler at start (no bonus vision or movement)
Bans applied in this game
- Samhain banned (if Illians in game)
EitB version 12.1: