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[EitB LVIII] Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind - Xist Fairy Tales

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute. - And if they didn't die, then they live still today.

The classical German end of a fairy tale. A bit longer than "And they all lived happily everafter".

I'm lacking creativity, so I'm going to reuse my theme from the last PBEM. Let's hope that this game goes longer.

Similar setting to the last game.

To the map:
Minimum distance between starts: 15 tiles
Land tiles per player: 200-300
Map-script: Map-maker choice
Continent + start distribution: All players on same land mass
Amount of ocean/water: Map-maker choice
Islands (amount and size): Map-maker choice
Lushness: Not totally barren plains or desert hell, otherwise Map-maker choice.
Blessing of Amatheon: Map-maker choice
Unique features: Yes, but balanced
Strategic resources: ensure copper, horses, iron, mithril, reagents, incence, and blasting powder in all starting areas (not necessarily in capital BFC)
Nominal map-size: standard (affects tech costs, amount of Kuriotates mega cities, etc.)

So expected empires sizes of about 20 cities at last ?
RefSteel is nice enough to make a map again, but not as modified as the last two maps.

Other settings:
Boosted thaw start - additional worker, all starting techs and an additional tech (based on starting techs of the civ).
Random block for leader + civ selection (3 combis, unrestricted leaders is off) (3 rounds, change all or nothing)

Game settings

AI diplo
Quick speed
Emperor difficulty
No tech trading
No vassal states
No espionage
No Acheron
No Orthus
Living world
Tribal huts: no
Lairs, barrows, graveyards, etc: yes
Mana nodes: two guaranteed sources in starting area
Normal settler at start (no bonus vision or movement)
Samhain banned (if Illians in game)

Relative classical MP settings, I think. With 2 Mana nodes you are relative independent of Palace mana - and you can start thinking about one of the mana wonders.

Brian Shanahan

Still six, but 2 changes.
Ginger disappeared during this year - and never played on turn in the last game. Mjmd was nice enough to play.
And mackoti would be a bit difficult after the end of the last game.
Instead we got DaveV - my dedlruker last game - and Brian Shanahan, so I think even better players.

Like the last game, I will have my min report in german on and mirror this report here.
I still need to create my thread there, but I will link it, when I did it. - At last when I got my first leaders.

Here's your starting screenshot, taken in Bare Map Mode.  The barbarian sign is just a randomized identifier for which start is which, but the tile it's on is the one where your units will start.  Note the fog may or may not be reliable, depending on whether I make any further changes for balance or aesthetics nearby.

And your first set of choices:

Alexis (Philosophical, Aggressive) of the Calabim, with Cartography OR Fishing OR Hunting
Tebryn Arbandi (Arcane, Summoner) of the Sheaim, with Mysticism
Sheelba (Aggressive, Organized) of the Clan of Embers, with no additional tech
...or ask to roll three different leaders and civs (up to twice).

So I got my start positon (thanks) and my civs.
So time to create the civforum thread.

First thought is Alexis.

Okay, I don't want to play Sheaim.

I don't think the civ really works for me and the traits are not good either.
So this would be a retry of my strategy of my last game with a inferior civ ?

In the last game, I rated the Calabim as one of the strongest civs in FFH2 and I think Alexis could be the better leader.

On the other hand, Clan of Embers has the Warren, a 180p building with doubles most produced units. Including settlers, so you could make an argument to rush masory (only 1 tech here) and build the warren before the first settler.
And thanks to BAR (Embertrait), I don't need that much military to expand in the startphase.
I will be missing a bit research, but mass > class, even more in FFH where the difference in units is relative small.

I'm still a bit unsure, but if I would be the last one, I would lock Sheelba right now.

I think you are the last one, but Ref likely needs a bit longer on the map.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(January 9th, 2025, 01:44)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I think you are the last one, but Ref likely needs a bit longer on the map.

Oh, I'm the kind of artist/mapmaker who keeps fiddling/"improving" what I'm working on until someone takes it away, but you're not technically last yet, and in any case please don't rush into a decision that might have a big impact on how you enjoy such a (hopefully) long-running game!

Okay, I will take my time a bit. I hope I can add a small testing session in the evening

(I still say don't rush yourself, but in case you're at the stage of your civ choice that I've reached with the map, be aware we're now indeed ready to progress to round 2 of civ choices or starting the game (depending on whether anyone rerolled) whenever you confirm your pick!)

Not enough time to test this probably, but I think Sheeba is too slow - or Warren vefore settler is too slow.

Alexis instead

Which tech? (Fishing/Cartography/Hunting)

(I suppose it's probably obvious, but I do want to make sure....)

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