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(online) boardgaming?

There's power grid on Brettspielsomething... Along with carcassone, Dominion, Thurn and Taxis, settlers of Catan, and Puerto Rico smile

Edit: Game passed to Sunrise.

I didn't miss a turn did I? What's the order?

Edit: Nevermind, saw your post in the chat. Seems like it's you->sunrise->sooooo->me

Game has indeed started and it's sunrise's turn.

[Image: sa1n.jpg]

Amelia has used her first two (yellow) cavepeople to occupy the "Love Shack" this turn. This means that she'll have 6 workers to play with next turn while the rest of us have 5, but on the downside she has to pay 6 instead of 5 food at the end of the turn (we all start with 12 food). I'll go over the other places on the board as people take them.

Selrahc Wrote:Oh. Alright. Guess I shouldn't have nudged before going to sleep. lol

Oh, oops, sorry Selrahc. Still, we can always start another game. The same site offers lots of good games. I've played Egizia twice IRL and I wouldn't mind playing it on yucata.

@Arathorn: I'd love a game of power grid. It's on BSW, so we'd have to play in one sitting and coordinate time zones etc.

Oh you only get one extra worker even if you put two people there?

Also this is confusing, because on my board I'm the red color, Amelia is blue, sunrise yellow and you're green.

Quote:Oh, oops, sorry Selrahc. Still, we can always start another game. The same site offers lots of good games. I've played Egizia twice IRL and I wouldn't mind playing it on yucata.

Hey, no worries. Hopefully I'll get in on whatever the next game is.

You have to put two people in the love hut - it takes two to tango! And yes, you only get one baby per visit.

The other places to go are as follows:

The tool shop (1 space). This gets you a tool (more on that later).

Plow a field (1 space). You plow a field which is tracked on the 1-10 counter on the left and it gets you 1 food a turn. So if you have 5 people and 1 plowed field, you only have to pay 4 food. If you had 5 people and 5 fields you don't have to pay any food.

Collect resources (wood, clay, stone, gold: 7 spaces each). Here, you get resources to buy the buldings in the bottom left or the cilivization cards in the bottom right. You roll dice equal to the number of people you sent to collect that resource, then divide by the cost of the resource. You can use tools here to add to the score. So for example, lets say you sent 3 people to collect wood. You roll a 4, a 6 and a 1. So 11 total, divided by the cost of wood (wood is 3, clay 4, stone 5 and gold 6) and you'd get 3 wood. But if you used a tool here you'd make the total of the dice 12 and hence get 4 wood.

Collect food. Exactly the same as collecting resources but anyone can put any number of people here. Food costs 2 and you can use tools here too.

Buy a building (aka hut). You put a worker on a hut and then when you resolve your actions you take the hut, pay the cost on it and get the points on the top.

Buy a civlization card. Put a guy on a card. When you resolve an action, you pay 1-4 of any resource to get the card. The amount you pay depends on the position of the card, and any unbought cards at the end of the turn are shuffled down and the cards are added to the expensive end. The cards get you an immediate benefit (on the top) and a end-of-game points benefit (on the bottom).

could one player but one person at the hut, and another player put his own person and the other? Or does it have to be two from the same player?

Also what do the different levels on the tools mean? If you have a level two you add 2 to the total? How are these different levels obtained?

Sciz Wrote:Oh you only get one extra worker even if you put two people there?

Also this is confusing, because on my board I'm the red color, Amelia is blue, sunrise yellow and you're green.

No! I'm Red. wink

@sooooo - Good instructions, bad timing as I just played.

I put 1 person in the field FYI (so now it's full).

just my luck to go last smile

I put a guy in the toolmaker's workshop. Sciz's turn now.

Quote:@sooooo - Good instructions, bad timing as I just played.

I put 1 person in the field FYI (so now it's full).

That was the best place to put a person smile. The plow-field space and the love shack space are probably the most contested in the early game. Plowing a field stops you having to "waste" worker actions later to collect food.

Quote:could one player but one person at the hut, and another player put his own person and the other? Or does it have to be two from the same player?

For the love-hut you have to put two of your own people in there. No intercolour nookie.

Quote:Also what do the different levels on the tools mean? If you have a level two you add 2 to the total? How are these different levels obtained?

When you first visit the toolmaker you get a level 1 tool. You can only have 3 tools so once you get your 4th tool, instead one of your level 1s becomes a level 2, so you'd have a 2, a 1 and a 1. And so on. And yes, a level 2 tool, when used, adds 2 to the score. Same for level 3 and 4. You can use as many of your 3 tools as you like per roll, but you can only use each tool once per turn.

One other thing to note is that we put our guys out until we run out of workers. Note we can't revisit somewhere we've been earlier in a turn. So if I sent 1 guy to get wood and then it is my turn again, I can't send any more to get wood.

Once all the workers are placed, we resove the actions in turn order and you can do it in whatever order you like. So you'd want to collect a tool before you roll for resources, and you want to collect resources before you pay for buildings or cards.

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