Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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(online) boardgaming?

I finished my turn, put all 5 people on wood, so it's amelia's turn now

Placed all my people left on hunt, game passed to sunrise. smile I know we have food, but doesn't hurt to stockpile!

OK, so we've placed all of our workers on turn 1:

[Image: sa2xc.jpg]

Amelia is making a baby and sending 3 workers to hunt food.
Sunrise is ploughing a field, sent 3 workers to the clay pit and is buying the 2nd cheapest card.
I am making a tool, sending 2 to collect wood, buying the cheapest card and sending 1 person hunting.
Sciz has sent all 5 people to collect wood, presumably going to buy some cards next turn.

A word about the cards. The card I am on costs 1 of any resource (obviously wood is the most efficient resource to use) and at the end of the game gets 2 x the number of tools I have (shown on the bottom of the card). The one sunrise is on gets him a green civlization card. These get more valuable for each different one you have at the end of the game. If you have 4 different ones, you get 4^2 = 16 points. If you get all 8 cards, that's 8^2 = 64 points at the end. We also get an immediate benefit at the top of the card. The 3rd cheapest card would get us 2 x stone, but the one sunrise and I will buy gets us a roll at the "shop". This means that we roll 4 dice (equal to the number of players) and we distribute resources between all 4 players as shown on the card. So if I rolled a 1, a 2, a 4 and a 6, I'd give 1 each of a wood, a clay, a gold and a ploughed field (of which I'd give myself the field because it's the most valuable).

Passed to Sunrise. I managed 5 food from 3 people, not too shabby.

Played. The game yelled at me when I tried to end my turn without using my card, so I used it and took the field.

Sent it to Amelia. Got 6 wood from my choppers and then I got to choose two other resources, which I guess was from someone using a card?

Weird i can't play it. It's stuck on after sunrise placed his people in the hut, and say that it's sooo's turn.

Sciz Wrote:Sent it to Amelia. Got 6 wood from my choppers and then I got to choose two other resources, which I guess was from someone using a card?

Yep, Sunrise and I bought cards that give everyone resources.

Amelia Wrote:Weird i can't play it. It's stuck on after sunrise placed his people in the hut, and say that it's sooo's turn.

It's OK, it wasn't your turn. The start player rotates every turn, so this turn it's Sunrise, me, Sciz and then you. It would be slightly unfair for you to play first every turn smile

Oh. Well, now it's Amelia's turn anyways, just put a guy at the tool hut smile

I should explain what the current cards do for this turn.

The cheapest one gets you 2 x stone immediately and is a culture card for end-of-game scoring.
The 2-cost one gets you 3 victory points now and 3 x number of huts you have at the end of the game.
The 3-cost one gets you an additional card now and is a culture card for the end of the game.
The 4-cost one gets you a shop (everyone gets a resource) and is worth 2 x number of huts at the end of the game.

Of course, those that aren't bought this turn will slide down and become cheaper on the next turn.

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