The big turn 50 update. Here we go...
Open the save on this momentous turn and am greeted with this:
![[Image: 2000bctechsplash.jpg]](
Pottery! (writing next)
I'm currently making a paltry 22 beakers per turn at 100% science and -2 gold. (I have 37 in the bank)
For comparison purposes, my tech path so far has been:
Hunting, Archery, Animal Husbandry, Fishing, Sailing, Mining, Bronze Working, Pottery
Next up a picture of The Reverend Suryavarman's Glorious Territory:
Two workers (one was whipped from VII in the last few turns) are busy mining/cutting down some trees.
Immediate priorities are to get that galley finished and get some troops on the bigger landmass to the East to explore, hopefully with a settler soon after. I also just sent a workboat out of Humility (the former barb city) to explore the islands to its SW. Humility has enough food for now without netting that second clams, I think exploration is more important right now.
Speaking of the cities, let's take a closer look at them:
![[Image: 2000bccapital.jpg]](
VII - the capital.
Looking pretty good with that copper mine (which I'd love to leave unconnected for some cheap happiness warriors when Monarch is here, but alas I think my opponents and raging barbarians will force me to connect it.)
VII will probably remain a bit of a hybrid city. Good production but also pretty good commerce from the sea/fur/oasis.
![[Image: 2000bchumility.jpg]](
Humility - the former barb city.
Building a bowman now but will be changed next turn so that the chopped forest goes into a cheap granary. Humility will probably get cottages on the 3 flatland tiles left to make it a semi-commerce city that can build small things with that mine between whippings.
![[Image: 2000bcexploredlands.jpg]](
Everything I know about the world! (Flipped on its axis to see better.)
Just found Jowy's borders, and he mentioned to me he may still open a lurker thread when things get more interesting! Until then you'll have to rely on the rest of us to find out what he's up to.
I assume I have a neighbor in the other direction somehow, but until that's confirmed, let's rejoice in not having Aggressive/Charismatic Rome next to us! (Possibly he's toroidal-ly connected, that'd be unfortunate.) I can only hope that Jowy attacks someone with a later advantage like Nakor's cataphracts. And I have to assume Jowy will be attacking someone, his picks make that pretty transparent.
Still to come in the next post.... what I think the map might look like!
Don't hold your breath though, it's a busy weekend so that probably means you won't see what surely is a laughable guess at what the map looks like until Sunday.