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[SPOILERS] The Reverend Suryavarman II of Babylon

Some barbarian warriors scrambling away from my mighty bowman:

[Image: 1840bc.jpg]

In foreign news, Seven built the Great Lighthouse last turn. Well, I don't *know* it was him but I assume all our capitals are still the top 5 cities and his is the one not named on that screen.

Wow. 1840bc and the great lighthouse is gone but not a single religion has been founded. I expect them to drop soon as we've all gotten the necessary early worker/expansion techs out of the way.

Getting in the habit of actually checking the turn log all the time...

[Image: 1720bceventlog.jpg]

And hey look! Buddhism founded, I have one more turn of mysticism and was thinking maybe I could score a religion... Polytheism it is.

The hut:
[Image: 1720bcmysticismpop.jpg]

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth (ok, I totally am), but of course I pop the tech I have less than one turn left until I discovered myself! So I'm already researching Poly at end of turn.

Capital whipped a settler who will be coming over to establish my first center island colony.

Humility completed a granary and will whip a (creative) library next turn. With two clams and a sheep I definitely will want to knock out a GSci over here....

Next turn I'll need to decide where to put the settler... I'll show you what I've seen on the center island then.

Quick and dirty little update.

Hinduism founded in a distant land.... oh well, I'll finish polytheism anyway it's on the way to things I want anyway.

Athelete has a city on the center island... but only one city that isn't his capital. I guess he's waiting to capture the barb city, or has had trouble taking it.

My own center island city will be founded next turn.

GSci due in 17 turns!

Just settled my third city (ahead of only Athete, and Seven I believe) Chastity. Yes I know my theme is pretty lame with no religion!

Here's a preliminary dotmap of the area. Athlete's hard to see borders have been highlighted.

[Image: 1600bcdotmap.JPG]
Props for the people who've recommended drop box around here, I'm digging it.

So the purple on is Chastity I've just settled.

Blue over to the West may be next to grab horses. The only way to fit 2 cities on that island is to settle one on the horses, maybe worth it if you were Financial and had Colossus, but not for me.

White gets another fish and stone.
Black would pick up rice, spices, and gems.
Green doesn't have a ton going for it but is coastal with a couple floodplains and grassland.

If those were my front cities for a while I think I'd have a good chance of defending. My biggest threats for the immediate future will probably be melee units, but even so it'd be nice to have cities that aren't too easy to fork with 2 movers yet have short supply lines from the power house center island city (Chastity).

I have absolutely no problem leaving that barb city right where it is for now. Hopefully it acts as a bit of a buffer between Athlete and myself. And by the time its captured (if not by me), my culture will have enveloped it anyway.

Should be popping a couple huts in the area in soon, wish me luck!

The Reverend Doctor Wrote:Props for the people who've recommended drop box around here, I'm digging it.

Another convert jive

Thanks for the dotmap!

Echoing Scooter's thanks for the dotmap. smile
The Reverend Doctor Wrote:Should be popping a couple huts in the area in soon, wish me luck!

Good news greeted me this turn!

Had a random spread of Buddhism into the new city on the center island... this combined with the fact that Athelete (who isn't creative) has had a border pop on his new city in the center pretty much pegs him as having discovered Buddhism.

Athlete asked for open borders this turn and I granted the request. Need to defog the route to his cap soon I suppose.

The not so good news of the turn:

[Image: 1520bchut.JPG]

My bowman was 1N of where is he now last turn, guess where he was supposed to move? alright

Luckily Athlete's scout can't sneak over get that hut before me. I'm going to go ahead a blame the fact that I play the save as soon as I awake.

Since I haven't thrown them up in a while, here's the current demographics:

[Image: 1520bcdemogs.JPG]
At least I can blame running 0% science. Always a good idea to have money in the bank as often as possible when events are on... so binary science makes sense even when it doesn't grant any extra beakers.

The soldier count surprised me. I thought I was running a bit of a farmer's gambit, but apparently the others are even more so! Maybe I can concoct a plan to take advantage of this....

Note to self: Bowman are 1000 more power than a regular archer.

Although I seriously doubt anyone else has built any archers.

Didn't grow, or build, or research anything this turn.

But I did pop two huts:

[Image: 1480bceventlog.JPG]

Nothing game changing, but pretty good results. The scout is at the very top of the map, and will head through Athlete's territory along the eastern coast of the center island.

A worker has been ferried over to the new world and is improving the pigs at Chastity. Masonry is due in 2 at 100% science and the worker can quarry the marble south of the city next.

No pictures this time but a colorless post is better than nothing right?

My newly popped scout moved SE and gained visibility on Athlete's city, which is confirmed as having founded Buddhism. Unfortunately there's a barb warrior right next to where I landed. Come on forested hill defensive bonus!

Masonry is due in 1t with a good amount of overflow going into what I choose next.

Thanks to a chop at the capital, it'll produce axemen on each of the next 2 consecutive turns, and I'm starting to formulate a bit of a plan with my early military might.......

More to come soon.

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