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[Spoilers] Pericles of the Graeco-Mayans

Bronze Working came in this turn.

[Image: pericles85.jpg]

There is copper at Sparte's future site! This is, naturally, good news. Of course, it would have been better had it been on the tile Athenai sits on, raising its base tile yield to a whopping 2/3/1.

I swapped to Slavery this turn, naturally. This delays my decision by 1 turn and gives me a little more breathing space, but I nevertheless find myself at a dilemma: To tech to Sailing, or the Wheel?

Sailing gets me an instant connection to my capital, unlocks lighthouses, and is one of the prerequisites to build the Great Lighthouse. On the other hand, the Wheel allows me to hook up copper and horses (Though this is hardly urgent given the shape of the map and the Noble difficulty), while also serving as a prerequisite to Pottery and Granaries.

And then, of course, there is the fact that I might lose the Great Lighthouse to Ruff anyway thanks to his fast workers; of course, I might lose it to other players too.

I'll have to crank up my C&D division again.


On a separate note, I've gotten some diplo back.

Pegasus Wrote:[COLOR="PaleGreen"]Sylon,

Thankyou for your knowledge of the map, and being quite open on first communication.
We the Thundereans believe to have the same idea about the map positioning except that Kodii is of SE and we are of NE.
Unfortunately Cheetarah missed Mackoti up in that corner. In fact it was where we met Ruff and he advised of your Warrior heading West so Cheetarah backtracked SE to meet. I would be greatfull if you could pass on a message to mackoti for a rendesvous. Cheetarah will head onto the Plain Hill Silver tile next turn.

Kind regards,


Kodii also replied saying the same thing about starting positions. I sent the revised map off to Ruff and Mackoti.

The revised map:


(It looks better in the Gmail browser, I swear)

This is, naturally, very good news. jive With Kodii and Ruff next to each other, they will be able to keep each other in check. Of course, they could always ally with each other and expand outwards... But as I expect them to be tied for the lead, they'll probably- well, hopefully- be locked in a battle for dominance.

P.S. That reminds me, what is the minimum EP requirement for visibility on graphs?
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

Sylon Wrote:P.S. That reminds me, what is the minimum EP requirement for visibility on graphs?

The formula is (TheirEP against you + 100) x 0.3. So 30 if they have not spent any EP on you. The lowest number where both parties have visibility on the other is 43. The game shows you at any time on the EP screen how much you need for each opponent.

Alright, thanks. smile
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

[Image: pericles89.jpg]

Sparte/Sparta is founded this turn. Athenai was whipped last turn, with the workboat out this turn. It'll get to the fish in Sparte's BFC in 5 turns with one movement left, just in time for the border pop.

A quick check of the diplomacy screen suggests I am the first to found a second city. Of course, for all I know, Ruff could be founding his once the turn comes around.

C&D attempts have failed, despite my best efforts, due to the sheer number of similarly-priced techs in the Ancient Era. I do however have the data from every single turn, so I should be able to revisit this if I feel like it.

Sparte has been set to work the forested copper hill, with a warrior due in 4 turns. It'll work on a barracks once that is done. Athenai will be building a second workboat in order to explore the coast to the North.
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

[Image: pericles93.jpg]

Mackoti's city's borders popped up this turn. Initially, I had thought it was his capital, but a closer look at the borders show that it has yet to get its first border pop. Sure enough, a glance at the diplo screen reveals that he has just founded his second city of Cuzco.

With his second Quecha heading South, I have a sneaking suspicion that Cuzco may be empty. If that's the case... devil

I wonder, though- would declaring war on him and possibly taking Cuzco be unsporting? After all, it is hardly fun to have your second city poached just like that. Decisions, decisions... What do you guys think?
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

If his city is empty, tough luck. Be prepared for the diplo-hit though. Especially if you don't manage to raze the city. wink

Sylon Wrote:I wonder, though- would declaring war on him and possibly taking Cuzco be unsporting?

Of course not. Would it be worthwhile though?
I have to run.

I agree with novice. If he left it undefended it would be his fault, not yours for taking the chance. Though he is also right with questioning if it is worthwhile - your call.

Well shucks. cry

[Image: pericles94.jpg]

Then again, considering how much he grew his capital, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that he has a spare warrior or three.

Still, the fact that he has a road connection (He starts with the Wheel, if I remember correctly) to his capital is worrying. Just how close is his capital, anyway? The proximity to Wonderland is extremely, extremely worrying. Especially if he gets hold of those floodplains.

(For reference, the floodplains Wheat Incense Silver Gold Heaven starts just underneath the interface- you should see a 3-food tile at the bottom of the screen)

Also, Kodii founded his second city this turn. He seems to be basing his naming scheme on the Trans-Canadian Highway route.
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

[Image: pericles95.jpg]

What's this? An empty city? Is he inviting me to try my luck?

Still, I figure that with his road network, he probably has a Quecha nearby. If I declare war, he'll just move back in, and all the worse for me, who is made to look like a fool and an untrustworthy scumbag.

...You know, that sounds like a brilliant strategy. Maybe I should try it one day. Alas, Ruff has enough of a reputation that it won't work on him.

As it happens, it was for the best that I refrained from attacking.

[Image: pericles96.jpg]

Well, that certainly explains where he went! Still, this is not good play by any means. If not for that Combat 1 (And mysteriously at 10% fortification despite not being fortified for a single full turn), I would have risked my warrior on a coinflip. If I won, I would get a free worker AND get to raze his second city.

If only that Combat 1 promotion wasn't there...!

Oh well. There's no point wasting my scout on coinflips and gambling my reputation on winning. That's what chariots are for. devil
Playing as the Mayans in PBEM9
Dedicated Lurker to the Byzantines in PBEM12

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