Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Racial units

Racial units is the term I use for all units that are restricted to a single race (with pikemen being the sole exception, which bothers me). The racial stat bonuses and penalties applied to basic units do not apply to racial units.

I'm planning on raising the cost of most units to make it a little harder to create a killer stack.

name         fig  off  def  rng  amm  hrt  res  cst  mov  acc  special[/i]
Berserkers    4    7    2    6    t    6    5  180    2    -    cold immunity
Centaurs      2    9    5    4    4    8    6  120    5    -    first strike    
Minotaur      1   16    6    .    .   20    6  200    2   +1    cloak of fear, large shield
Magicians     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
[b]Dark Elves[/b]
Nightblades   2    6    4    2  DmG    4    9  120    3    -    magic immunity, missile immunity
Nightmare     1   10    6    8    4   12    9  200    3f  +1    planar travel, magic immunity
Warlocks      2    5    6    6    4    -    9  240    2   +1    magic immunity, missile immunity, illusionary attack
Doom Drakes   2    8    3    7    f   12    7  120    4f   -    -    
Air Ship      1    -    -    -    -   10    6  160    3f   -    -    
Magicians     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
Hammerhands   3    9    4    .    .   15    7  200    2    -    mountaineer, poison immunity
Steam Cannon  1    -    -    -    -    -    7    -    -    -    -
Golem         1   15   16    .    .   30    9  300    3    -    lucky, all immunities except missile and magic
Wolf Riders   3   11    4    .    .    8    4  160    5    -    -    
Slingers      6    1    3    1    8    1    5   80    2    -    luck, large shield, armour piercing
Half Giants   6    5    4    .    .    3    6  100    2    -    luck, first strike[i]
name         fig  off  def  rng  amm  hrt  res  cst  mov  acc  special[/i]
[b]High Elves[/b]
Longbowmen    4    1    3    4    8    2    6  100    2   +2    long range, illusion immunity, forester
Elf Lords     2    9    5    .    .    8    8  160    4   +3    first strike, armour piercing, forester
Pegassus      1   12    7    6    4   12    9  180    3f  +2    large shield, armour piercing
Magicians     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
[b]High Men[/b]
Pikemen       4    7    4    .    .    4    4  120    2    -    first strike, negate first strike, armour piercing
Paladins      2   13    8    .    .   12    9  240    3    -    first, armour piercing, holy bonus 1, large shield
Magicians     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
Stag Beetle   1   18    9    .    .   20    5  160    2    -    merging, armour piercing
Javelineers   5    4    3    4    2    5    3  100    2s   -    
Dragon Turtle 1   10    7    8    f   16    5  160    3s   -    -    
[u]note[/u]: I'm turning nomad pikemen into normal halberdiers
Horsebowmen   4    6    2    3    4    5    4   80    4    -    -
Rangers       3    5    4    5    6    4    5  160    3    -    pathfinding
Griphon       1    -    -    -    -    -    6  200    4f   -    -
Wyvern Riders 2    -    -    -    -    -    5  160    5f   -    -
Magicians     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
War Trolls    2    -    -    -    -    -    5  200    2    -    -
War Mammoths  1    -    -    -    -    -    5    -    ?    -    -
[u]note[/u]: I really dislike war mammoths, are they ever used? Want to remake them completely.

Added movement speeds to all units.

Typo where you listed Elven Lord movement under accuracy.

War Mammoths - The problem with this unit is it's pretty much just War Trolls except worse in every conceivable way. However, if you make them a cavalry type unit while war trolls remain 2 speed ground pounders then you can make something out of them. They don't have to be fast cav, 3 speed like paladins and stat them as heavy cav. Give em first strike for their tusks and you have a unit that stands out from other troll options.

I agree, War Mammoths are weaker and more expensive than War Trolls - they might as well be swapped.
You want to change it? Go at it!

Fixed typo, added suggested figure count to all units. Note that most of them have been lowered, some of them significantly so.

Catwalk Wrote:Fixed typo, added suggested figure count to all units. Note that most of them have been lowered, some of them significantly so.

I like the idea of lowering the number of figures.
That gives the game a different look-and-feel in yet another way!

I'm glad you're changing the nightblades. I never built those before- it always seemed to me like they were too weak for actual fighting, so their only use was in garrisoning cities and exploiting the 50-turn retreat.

What about giving them a low level death gaze/doom gaze? Then they'd be really good at killing low level units, but not overpowered later on.

and yeah, definitely improve the poor war mammoth. Of course, they'd be better anyway if city walls were better.

A bit off-topic, but War Mammoth is great with either Black Channels or Berserk. Oh and they're wall crushers. I rarely build ranged armies.

luddite Wrote:What about giving them a low level death gaze/doom gaze? Then they'd be really good at killing low level units, but not overpowered later on.
Makes sense, and would make them quite unique.
Quote:and yeah, definitely improve the poor war mammoth. Of course, they'd be better anyway if city walls were better.
Improving city walls is definitely one of the main ways to improve war mammoths, agreed.
b0rsuk Wrote:A bit off-topic, but War Mammoth is great with either Black Channels or Berserk. Oh and they're wall crushers. I rarely build ranged armies.
Can't agree with you there, I think War Trolls are a far superior option with both of those spells (and without any spells).

b0rsuk Wrote:A bit off-topic, but War Mammoth is great with either Black Channels or Berserk. Oh and they're wall crushers. I rarely build ranged armies.

And that would make them unexpectedly more useful if we increase the defense of City Walls.
It's the kind of unexpected new strategy that I like to discover!

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