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Pbem 9 Peter of Inca

Hi, my name is Mack,and this is my first PBEM.I am from Romania so please excuse my bad english.
Why i joined and started playing this Pbem : because i liked other games wich i read so i said to my self why don't play one.
I will try to update the thread every 2 turns,hope some one will read, and teach me how to upload screenshots.

So why Inca, because i love teraces . Why Peter: because Pacal was allready
picked. And because i didn't know the dificulty i didn't picked Mehmet(from monarch and above..).
The only thing i hope from the map its this : not so much coast and food: fish crabs in the start and to many coastal cities because if its like that even wank
KOng was better.This one of the reasen people pick financial becaus eyou get a start with ,fish ,clam and you get the bonus not building one single cottage.I like alot how pbem 4 is made.

[Image: civ4screenshot0406.jpg]

Here is your start.
Good luck!

Hey mackoti,

would be cool if you could post some shots or just an update of how your game is going?


Yee,a lurker in my thread. I am happy too see that, and he''s request is a order for me.First why i didn't update until now? Because i was realy mad abot the map, and i said to myself , i Will just play my turns to be nice with the others guys.
Why mad or unhapy? Because i said I prefer a map wich is not so hard in water, and what i see with my eyes? WATER EVERYWHERE. I knew my chances to win are very low(you see no financial).
Enough mumbling lets pass to the update now.Nohing interesting happened until turn 38 when i settled my second city.Here a pick with my second city and after a pick of my capitol

And If you are interested in more details may tech path was Fishing, hunting, Wheel,mining, broze working and Potery. I have contact with every one and a reply to everyone who wrote me.For me is a real efort to write in english so bear with me , my dear lurker.If you can teach how to do small size print screens , i will be gratefull and you will get some of my plans on diplamcy and atacking other civilization.
Of course now i will show the curent status.My capitol just whiped a worker(ye i am a big fan of whiping offen),And my second city jus grow to size 2.In my Capitol i plan from overflow which is exctly 29 an working the fur will be 30 to build 1 turn granary(yay expansive).I will post a shot with second city(beetwen us way better than capitol).Whats the plan here you may ask .. well i want to whip the terace at size 2 and after that grow the city to size 4 working corn, cooper,horses and clam).As for the capitol with just 2 fine tiles will be whiped every 10 turns even offten. In other day i will post demografics. from what i know ther are still 2 civs with just one city i plan in 15 turns to plant 2 more. i have 3 quecheas from wich 1 is woodsman 2 another 1 almost finished in capital so actualy 4 quechea. If someone is messing with me in the begginin will be my enemy forever in this game i will upgrade my queche to an axe and hunting him no mater what.Lets hope this will never happen.
I think is enough for an update,

mackoti Wrote:For me is a real efort to write in english so bear with me , my dear lurker.

Thanks for making the effort!

mackoti Wrote:I was realy mad abot the map, and i said to myself , i Will just play my turns to be nice with the others guys.
Why mad or unhapy? Because i said I prefer a map wich is not so hard in water, and what i see with my eyes? WATER EVERYWHERE. I knew my chances to win are very low(you see no financial).

Actually I would think a Phi leader is well suited for a water heavy map with fewer tiles for cottages. Anyway, Peter of Inca is a solid combination on any map.

Best of luck!
I have to run.

Who would have thought a few lines would get so much info. ^^

@Mackoti, thanks for the update. smile
Try using this site:
Select "Upload Options / Resizing >>" and choose 15 or 17 inch.

nice update! thumbsup

Youe english isn't that bad so don't worry - this is probably a really good environment to practice! lol

like novice says - phi can work very well on a water map with plenty of food.

turn 46 is in .Some screenshots and some things wich i have in my mind.First i didnt manage to use that link i am a newbie.So i have again large screenshots,Both my capitol and timisoara have terace already , i know in long run not agreat move, but long term will pay off,as you can see in my second screenshot second city is just great : corn,horses cooper.Where the 3 city will go , i let you gues i will say just look careful first screenshot. ye i let buble on to be an easy question.Option for now one, to many : traing mids,go just for expanding, shooting for great lighouse.But with the great land wich i see i think a city is worthing more tham mids and oracol toghether so for now one just units, workers setlers.Just dont tell anyone.

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